The Unite Britain Event, Trafalgar Square, 27 July 2024 Proud Patriots party.

By Tom Armstrong on

Your intrepid reporter, acting as FSB’s foreign correspondent, traveled down to London on Friday with our expert on cultural revolutions, Zhang Yingyue, to cover the Unite Britain event in Trafalgar Square yesterday, Saturday 27 July. We got back late last night, and I have not had a chance to look at how (or if) the MSM covered the event, except for a skipping through a mealy-mouthed, mendacious piece in the Daily Telegraph on arrival home.

ph fay cop
Zhang Yingyue mixing it with the police

Needless to say, it was all about Tommy Robinson. No, to be accurate, Stephen Yaxley-Lennon as the DT delights in pointing out - five times in the article I read yesterday, obviously in an effort to discredit him. Would they repeatedly point out the real name of a Thomas Tranny who had decided to ‘identify’ as a woman and renamed himself Thomasina I wonder? I doubt it.

I know that many dislike Robinson or view him with some distaste. In part, it’s a class thing. The working class is much more appreciative of him. It really doesn’t matter if you like him, it’s his message that is important, nothing else. But at least consider that, if you do dislike him, the reason why might be because of a MSM campaign of lies, propaganda to smear and induce dislike.

phto bman
A very enthusiastic supporter of Unite Britain

This is the same MSM that has systematically lied about mass immigration and its adverse effects on our society, that lied about Brexit, lockdowns, mask-wearing and the potentially lethal mRNA covid vaccines. The same MSM that is lying about the wars in Ukraine and Gaza and much else. Is it not possible that they are also lying about Tommy Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon?

Back to the event in Trafalgar Square. We traveled to London on Friday morning, got checked into a hotel in The Minories in the City, the only part of London I know well, once having worked in Fenchurch St, and then had dinner with a friend in Kensington High St. On the tube ride there I noticed several posters, put up by the Mayor of London, which seem somehow to sum the place up, urging tenants to ‘report’ rogue landlords. I saw no signs urging landlords to report rogue tenants.

Back to the event in Trafalgar Square. Arriving at Temple tube station it immediately became evident that the event was going to be a big one. From there, right up to the Royal Courts of Justice was packed with people, many with flags. The street in front of the Court was solid, with the crowd and its sea of flags stretching as far as could be seen in all direction.

Gospel singers

I have no idea how many attended the event. It was certainly several tens of thousands. Some were later saying later that it was more than 100,000. I can well believe it. And this is especially remarkable given how little attention the MSM gave it in advance. Even googling it for information revealed hundreds of results about the far-left counter marches, but few, hard to find, to the real event. And yet here they were, patriots of all shapes, sizes, ages, colours and creeds, in their thousands. We saw huge numbers of English and British flags, and many Scottish and Welsh flags as well. There were also a good number of Irish and Israeli flags, some American, Canadian, Australian and even a Cypriot flag. There were also several Iran flags of the Shah’s era.

And we saw no trouble at all. None. It was an incredibly good-natured gathering. On the march along The Strand to Trafalgar Sq. we passed a small gaggle of what appeared to be militant Muslims screaming abuse from behind a screen of police. They were met with laughter, derision and a few chants of ‘Allah is a Wanker’. That’s it. I saw nothing else that could be described is trouble before, during or after the event. I didn’t see even one of the left-wing counter-marchers all day.

t shirt
Zhang Yingyue showing off her Trump T-Shirt to a party of Americans

I was told about one who somehow had managed to get into the event carrying a Palestinian flag, but who had been led away by the police. Several who saw this commented that the police had allowed him fly the flag all the time, including when being led away, and believed that if a patriot with an English flag had got into the Socialist Worker mob, he would have had the flag taken away from him immediately.

pht boy
And a little lad showing off his

From what I saw the police were present in large numbers but were calm and polite. I saw no hint of aggression from them or anything I could complain about. Robinson thanked them at the end, as did many of those who attended. They made a bit of a demonstration at the very end, when suddenly about twenty police motorcyclists appeared with their lights flashing and sirens blaring. I couldn’t see any reason for this, and it struck me that it might have been a display put on the MSM, but I don’t know, they might have had other reasons that were not apparent to me.

And the MSM appeared to be absent. I certainly saw no sign of them. There were no BBC vans, or anybody obviously from the MSM anywhere.

The event had already started when we arrived in Trafalgar Square, which was packed. Full, with people flying flags all around. Shortly after we got there Robinson asked people to answer three questions by raising their hands and shouting out. Raise your hands and make a noise if you voted Labour he asked. Silence. Not a single hand. Voted Conservative then? Again, total silence and not one hand raised. Ok then, did you vote Reform? asked Tommy. Huge roar and a sea of hands was the response.

This, obviously, was a message to Nigel Farage. His and Reform’s absence was a recurring theme of the rally. This was Farage’s constituency, a big collection of people who agree with him and who voted Reform, all in one place. But he didn’t bother to turn up. Why? He was invited. This was a mistake, in my opinion, as it was a great opportunity to allay the doubts many have that he and Tice are just a bit too close to the Establishment.

There certainly was a wide variety of speakers. The biggest laugh of the day was when Andrew Bridgen, the brave but lonely former Tory MP who spoke out against the perils of the covid vaccine, said that it was refreshing for him to actually have an audience. (Almost all MPs, Labour, Libdem and Tory, got up and left when he rose to speak in the HoC). He quoted Nelson at Trafalgar and his ‘England Expects Every Man to do his Duty’ message, and wondered if such a message would have been approved today, pointing out that we have a PM who doesn’t know the difference between a man and a woman. He also pointed out that much of the business of government, supported by many MPs, is to prevent you from finding out what is really happening.

One of the most moving speakers was a woman, a very brave woman, Sammy Woodhouse, a victim of the Muslim rape gang outrage that the MSM attempted to cover up and which Tommy Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, did so much to make public. She is campaigning to prevent rapists having access to the children of their crime. She has to campaign for that?

sammy woodhouse
Sammy Woodhouse's please to the rally

Another moving speaker was an army veteran, who contrasted the difference in care given by the State, spending your tax money, to illegal immigrants and to former servicemen, many of whom end up on the streets.

One of the loudest cheers of the day was for an Indian speaker and his mate, who drew a Union Flag with the word ‘together’ underneath, and who told of being proud to be British. There was a very good gospel group on stage, with two very good black singers who did an excellent version of ‘Amazing Grace’. One of the most enthusiastic attendees was a black man. Robinson brought him to the stage and he was also given a rousing welcome. And the MSM portrays Robinson and the people who support him as racist.

It was a surprise to me that there was a large Christian presence. They regularly broke into chants of ‘Christ is King’. One of the most passionate speakers was a large vicar, very much in the (senior) Rev. Ian Paisly mold. The Lord’s Prayer was said, with many ‘taking the knee’.

Nigel Farage didn't turn up, but Reclaim Party leader Laurence Fox did, saying: “We are a family, a community, we are the people that stand against those who wish to suppress free speech, we stand against those that want to experiment on our children, and we stand against those who try to dismantle everything about our society, which our fathers, grandfathers and great grandfathers, fought for. This is our home, we have nowhere else left to go, so defend your home with every single ounce of your might, take back your country and Unite the Kingdom, God Bless the King.”

Equally passionate was a kilted Scot, John Watt, the Glaswegian who confronted Sunak about the serious adverse effects he suffered from the covid vaccines and about whom the MSM lied shamelessly. Mahyar Toussi, the Iranian-born YouTuber who campaigns against the woke got one of the biggest cheers of the day when he got up to speak. There were some speakers who I did not recognised and, unfortunately, were not introduced properly. One, who might have been of middle-eastern or Pakistani origin, spoke very well. He spoke of Islamists claiming that, if a thirteen year old girl’s hips are wide enough, she should be married off and used to produce more Muslims. His photo is in the article. Let me know in the comments if you know who he is.

pht - dont know
Anybody know who this is?

But I doubt is any of this is being reported in the MSM. The headlines I saw were all about Tommy Robinson, real name Stephen Yaxley-Lennon, being sent back to jail, a prospect they seem to relish. If he is jailed it will be for telling the truth, in a documentary he has produced, ‘Silenced’ about a Syrian refugee the MSM reported as being the victim of a racist attack. That refugee is now pretty rich as a result, but Robinson’s documentary, shown in full, pretty much demolishes the fabric of lies being peddled in the MSM.

In truth, the documentary should have been edited, as at two hours it was overly long. Some drifted away to escape the heat and get a drink or find a toilet. Most came back though, and the documentary provides more than enough evidence to show that the story the MSM is pushing is a fabric of lies. Teachers have lost their jobs and been hit by gagging orders. Freedom of information disclosure shows that the Muslim-dominated council has spend almost £250,000 of taxpayer’s money paying people to keep quiet, while threatening others.

The evidence Robinson produces is compelling, and in my opinion would persuade any fair-minded jury that the case brought against Robinson for making the documentary should be thrown out. But of course, there was no jury. It was all left to a judge – who ignored all the evidence of those who claimed to have been assaulted by the refugee, several of whom gave evidence in court. The Judge dismissed them as liars. He did, however, accept the evidence of the one witness who spoke in favour of the refugee – his father, who goes by the name of Jihad. No wonder millions in this country have little or no faith in the justice system or judiciary.

And that pretty much wraps up this report. I’ll now start looking at what the MSM had to say about the rally. I had a brief look at the DT’s last night, but it riled me so much I had to close it, constantly calling Robinson a liar. All I ask is to keep and open mind. Try to find the documentary, the one they don’t want you to watch.

In summary, it was a good day for patriots in this country. Tens of thousands attended and no trouble occurred. The Establishment won’t pay any attention of course. They and their allies in the MSM already identify patriots as the enemy, to be vilified at every opportunity. But eventually, our voice will be heard and based on what I saw there are grounds for optimism that it won’t be too long before real progress is made.

And what the MSM wants you to believe

Since posting the above Tommy Robinson has been arrested, reportedly under anti-terrorist law, for showing his documentary 'Silenced', the truth they do not want you to hear. The flag below, seen at the rally, says "when tyranny becomes law rebellion becomes duty", which very much sums up my assessment of our society right now.

Tyranny is now law and the Law is now tyranny