Comment Policy

We recommend you visit our article on staying withing the law when posting or writing articles:


  1. Any visitor to Free Speech Backlash (FSB) may leave comments on a page, by going to the bottom of that page and enabling Disqus with the button "Open comments". Once enabled, the Disqus script may perform user or IP tracking, which is not under the control of FSB.
  2. FSB requires no registration or authentication from visitors to comment. It is possible that Disqus asks for e-mail verification.
  3. It is possible that first-time commenters need to be manually approved of.
  4. Commenters should be aware that FSB will be defended against trolls and other offenders. Users may be banned at the sole discretion of the FSB webmaster.


  1. Zero tolerance for Spam. Spam is deleted and offenders are banned without notice.
  2. Zero tolerance for defamation and trolling. Offenders are banned at the discretion of the webmaster.
  3. Porn or graphic violence is not allowed and will be deleted.
  4. Robust language and moderate swearing is acceptable, but keep it sensible.
  5. Respect other people. Criticising their views is fine, ad-hominem abuse is not.
  6. Please stay on topic if involved in a debate. You may want to move to another page if the focus of a discussion shifts.

Your Rights

  1. If you believe your personal data may have been processed unfairly or unlawfully because you have been the subject of derogatory, threatening or abusive online postings by third parties please contact us immediately. Our policy is to investigate any such claims straightaway and deal with them as appropriate.
  2. If you enter into a dispute with another poster about the factual accuracy of a post, contact us immediately.
  3. You have a right to privacy and data protection. We do not sell data and have taken all reasonable steps to protect yours, but if you believe that FSB or any person involved in running the site has wrongly processed any personal data (such as contact details) contact us immediately by using the contact link on site and also by emailing us at It will be dealt with as soon as practicably possible.