From ‘Normie’ to ‘Awakened’

By Graham Bedford on

With the recent events and the clearly skewed reporting of only the ‘Right Wing Riots’ I thought I would share with you some of my sources for attempting to find out facts.

AI superman
We all have it in us

I will start at an odd but necessary place to convince you that we get lied to constantly and have been for decades. There are a couple of books I recommend: 180° by Feargus O’Connor Greenwood and John Hamer’s: The Falsification of History. I am currently reading John’s latest book: Welcome to the Masquerade (written in conjunction with Shannon Rowan) about the Covid scam. Here is an excerpt that has proven to be valid in regard to recent events:

“It is blatantly clear in our world today that non-conformity is viewed as such a threat to the established oligarchy that it is placed on par with terrorism; in turn, allowing for greater and more extreme measures to be taken in silencing any voices questioning authority. Ironically the information presented by non-conforming, questioning minds is labelled by the authorities as misinformation or fake news and as being a threat to democracy, with all major news media outlets exactly parroting this stance in 2020 by robotically echoing, reading from a single script, fake news is a threat to our democracy thereby declaring, in effect, and in unison, that, free speech is a threat to our democracy—this coming, ironically, from the main perpetrators of fake news who dare call information presented by independent investigators (the true investigative journalists) and also shared independently of their industry-controlled corporations—fake news.

“How can free speech ever threaten a true democracy? This is an oxymoron of the largest order, and as such a total impossibility. The true threat to democracy is the captured media, including, most especially the news incessantly peddling its corporate-driven propaganda—totally shutting out true debate on any presented topic.

“The foundation of democratic societies pertains directly to the allowance of free speech and the right of citizens to keep its leadership in check by asking questions and bringing to light lies and corruption. Any measures taken to silence dissention in any free nation itself threatens the freedom of such a nation and is itself the true threat to democracy.

“This reversal of the truth is what has come to be commonly known as ‘satanic inversion’, a truly insidious, yet wholly effective way of shifting the blame to one’s opponents and which the Elite-controlled media use all the time, to great effect. “

These authors books are available on Amazon, if you wish to check out the reviews, but both authors can be approached directly to purchase their products and are cheaper than Amazon

Feargus on:

John on:

I hope to get both these authors writing articles in FSB soon.

My first port of call nowadays is the Telegram Messenger App. A year ago, I was sent a link to ‘Awake Dorset’ on Telegram by a fellow tin foil hat wearer, and back then I had not even heard of it (I don’t do FB, X or Tic Tok) and initially thought I really do not need this. It turns out I did! and I now visit it daily. These are the channels I tend to concentrate on:

We The Media, Vigilant News, Lawyers of Light, Not On The Beeb, LauraAboli, Andrew Bridgen, David Icke Official Telegram, Robert W Malone MD, Dr John Campbell, Dr Mike Yeadon solo channel and my favourite conspiracy theorist name: John O’Looney.

Articles pop up in Telegram that I am unable to locate elsewhere. e.g. there is a 2-hour interview of Dr Aseem Malhotra by a YouTuber, who’s channel is called ‘The Diary of a CEO (Steven Bartlett) There are 20 min excerpts of this on YouTube (I guess the parts that got past the censors) but not the full interview. The two-hour interview is seemingly only available on Telegram.

I mention this as Dr Malhotra discusses cholesterol and statins in that interview and I know from the comments how well John Hamer’s article on cholesterol in FSB was well received.

I suggest to those (of a certain age) interested in statins, as their use seems to be a de facto suggestion by GPs, that this would be a good interview to watch. There is also a channel called ‘Alternative Medicine’ and plenty of articles by Barbara O’Neill, the Australian alternative Health Care promoter (check her up in Wiki, TPTB certainly want you on statins!)

There are also clips of Pierce Morgan’s recent interview of Andrew Tate on Telegram, in which Mr Tate summarises the cause of the recent riots on the streets of Britain very succinctly. Unsurprisingly, I cannot find it anywhere on YouTube.

But hurry, as one of the clips on Telegram is from the Covid period with Starmer suggesting it is peddling misinformation and that it should be closed down. As this guy is in medal contention with Justin Trudeau to become the biggest WEF brown noser it will not surprise me if it gets closed down in the UK, just like they did in Brazil. Although I understand it has now been reinstated there.

Despite its limitations on free speech, I still regularly visit YouTube, even knowing the anchors have to be guarded with what they say and some of my go to presenters are:

Neil Oliver, George Galloway (MOATS) Paul Joseph Watson, Judge Napolitano, Gerald Celente, Godfrey Bloom, Konstantin Kisin (Triggernometry) Dr Aseem Malhotra, Matt Goodwin, Sonia Poulton and Don Bongino. These channels often have great guests on, including Colonel Douglas Macgregor, Scott Ritter, Jackson Hinkle, Abby Martin, Victor Davis Hanson, Ed Dowd, Mike Benz, Glen Greenwald, Max Blumenthal, Matt Taibi, Prof. Jeffrey Sachs, Prof. John J. Mearsheimer, Chris Hedges, Larry Johnson, Whitney Webb, Garland Nixon. The list is impressive (and yes, I have them all listed!) and it grows, for now ……

It can all be a bit miserable and overwhelming, so if you want some light relief of the clown world we inhabit: Greg Gutfeld and Jimmy Dore from the US can give you a laugh. By taking the piss out of the lefties. Another US guy I used to watch whose channel was called ‘Doug in Exile’ recently had his channel closed down by YouTube.

Unfortunately, my fall to comedy relief of the madness in the UK: Russel Brand seems to have lost his GSOH of late, probably from all the madness about to engulf us. Mr Brands’s experience of his YT channel being demonetised (I am not certain this was ever reversed) and the attempts by the British Government (via Dame Caroline Dinenage, chair of the House of Commons media committee) to do the same on his Rumble channel should sent shock waves to all those who support free speech.

Geoff Buys Cars and EV Carnage also use humour with a nod towards the motoring madness.

Addition: Following a statement from Neil Oliver, where he said his interview of Whitney Webb on YouTube has been taken down, but is up on his Rumble account:

Alternatives to YouTube are:,,, and

Before stepping away from the BBC News, I asked work colleagues if they had suggestions for news sites. The first alternative recommended was Al Jazeera. After not being overly impressed with that, I became obsessive about discovering others and thus have a huge list of websites, Podcasters, YouTubers and books. Obviously, they are predominantly conservative leaning, or as the current nomenclature states: ‘far-right’ After all, we all want to live in a bubble.

When coming across a newbie I tend to enter it into Wikipedia as a sense check. For example, I entered ‘Breitbart’ Wiki says: “Its content has been described as misogynistic, xenophobic, and racist by academics and journalists. The site has published a number of conspiracy theories and intentionally misleading stories” That will do for me, Breitbart is on the list!

The list below is my current list of websites, it gets added to an most days, but there are sites on there, that I have simply visited once to ensure that they are active. As alternative media seems to have been a growth industry of late, some of these sites may well not be active, as they compete for the same market. They certainly won’t be active if Starmer gets his way!

Anyways, I created this list, so you do not have to, and it is only fitting that Andrew Bridgen is at the top.

Welcome to the warren folks

abridgen.ukAndrew Bridgen
adamcarolla.comUS Comedian Carlo
bongino.comDan Bongino, ex Secret Service, fired by Fox
breitbart.comUS News
cis.orgCentre for Immigration Studies
candace.locals.comCandace Owens
cuttingthroughthematrixAlan Watt
dailysceptic.orgToby Young
dailywire.comBen Shapiro, Candace Owens (now left)
davidicke.comDavid Icke
docmalik.comDr Ahmad Malik
douglasmacgregor.comColonel Douglas Macgregor John Campbell Hamer
freespeechbacklash.comTom Armstrong's new website
foundationforfreedomonline.comMike Benz
freespeechunion.orgToby Young
gaia.comDisclosure by Stephen Greer Jason Miller Hitchen's column in The Sunday Mail
icic.lawReiner Fuellmich
jimmydore.comKurt Mezler also has his own website:
johnredwoodsdiary.comJohn Redwood
judgenap.comJudge Napolitana
katiesarms.comKatie Hopkins up by Norman Brennan Rose
maloneinstitute.orgDr Robert Malone
medium.comHuman stories & ideas
modernity.newsAs suggested by Paul Joseph Watson Whittle police officer and active campaigner
nttl.blogNot The Telegraph Letters
okeefemediagroup.comJames O'Keefe venture after Project Veritas
order-order.comGuido Fawkes
ourworldindataProfessor David Paton
peterbleksley.comEx Met Police Detective

Plandemics 1, 2 (Indoctornation) 3 (The Great Awakeing) & 4 (The Musical) Plus Mikki Willis's book
pressfortruth.caDiscovered whilst searching for 9/11 conspiracy
www.prisonplanet.tvGoes to
projectveritas.comJames O’Keefe now left (after sting of Pfeizer employee)
rebelnews.comEzra Levant's outfit
redpilledamerica.comPatrick Courrielche & Adryana Cortez
richardvobes.comAlso on YT
rusi.orgRoyal United Services Institute
smilefree.orgAgainst mask wearing Murray, Rod Liddle, Julie Burchill, Patrick O'Flynn, Ross Clark
spiked-online.comTom Slater, Brendan O'Neill, Fraser Myers, Julie Burchill Jenkins
stevenbartlett.comDiary of a CEO on YT
steynonline.comMark Steyn
theamericanconservative.comSatish Kumar?
thecrowhouse.comMax Igan
thegrayzone.comMax Blumenthal, Aaron Matte
thehighwire.comDel Bigtree
theintercept.comRyan Grim, Jon Schwartz PDFs, but also distributed as a newspaper
tntradionewsPresenters include Sonia Foulton Kisin/Francis Foster
tuckercarlson.comTucker Carlson Network
unlimitedhangout.comWhitney Webb
warroom.orgSteve Bannon Rothschilds and Rockefellers, Reuters and TNI
yellow.forumCreated by Richard Jeffries