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Mark Smith
Recent Articles
A letter from America with a glimmer of hope for the future.
The World We Live In
INSOMNIA - And What To Do About It
Mark Smith shares his secrets for nodding off whe insomnia strikes.
Life and Nature
Mark Smith with a selection of Margaret Thatcher's saying, speeches and interviews, many highly relevant to the socialist destruction of our country today.
The World We Live In
Starmer's 100 Days
Mark Smith has started a summary of Fat Cat Kneel Two-Tier Starmer's and his gang of champagne socialist's first 100 days of running the country into the ground for the globalist elite - he invites you to finish it for him. Over to you.
News and the MSM
Getting HMS Clyde, Falkland Islands Patrol Vessel, Ready For Service
Former Royal Navy Officer Mark Smith recounts his battles with bureaucrats, naval and civilian, to get a warship-building project through to completion.
Floods in Thailand
Contributing writer and moderator Mark Smith updates his experience of the recent heavy flooding in Thailand, where he lives - and not a mention of 'climate change' anywhere.
The World We Live In
Life In The Land Of Smiles
Mark Smith on life in Thailand
The World We Live In
Reflections of a former Royal Navy Boarding Officer
Mark Smith thinks back on what he did as a Royal Navy Boarding Officer
Life and Nature
Ride the World in 500 Days
Reader Mark Smith shares how, in his 60s, he regained the fitness levels of his 20s and 30s to cycle the world in 452 days.
Life and Nature