Who Can Save Britain?

By Frederica on

Image by Alpha India

As Tom is endeavouring to build an area on the site where all the positive forces for good in the Country may be resourced, I thought (actually Tom manipulated me very adroitly!!!) I would give a run-down of the movements that I follow, some you will have heard of, like Tommy Robinson, and others that you may not be so familiar with.

The Together Declaration
The motivation for this action came from the Q & A session that I watched last night and had posted a link for, on yesterday’s gossip section. Paul Frew MLA for the DUP in NI was giving his views to the Together Movement on the latest proposals by the NI to impose a ‘Health Safety Bill’ into NI statute. The NI devolved government is ostensibly in consultation with the NI electorate on the proposals. The whole bill sounds so terrifyingly authoritarian that he wishes to make it known to a wider audience.
It is hoped that we may all be able to take action to make our distaste an disagreement of such a draconian bill known to relevant authorities to prevent this being rolled out a) in NI and b) anywhere else in the UK (though I believe Scotland already has such legislation already). 

The contents of the bill have been drawn from the emergency powers that were assumed by the NI government during the ‘COVID terror’. Apparently until fairly recently, the NI government had been simply renewing those powers every six months. Then they were allowed to lapse. The Health Minister then decided that it would be a good idea to enshrine those powers into law permanently via statute. Since the proposal was taken to draw up such a bill, a new Health Minister has taken office and it is hoped to influence him (preferably) to drop the proposal or radically alter it to be more realistic.

The UK government had a perfectly reasonable ‘preparedness’ bill on statute, that, subsequently, they completely ignored at the onset of COVID in order to implement their ‘emergency’ health regime!
The ramifications of such a bill being passed into law are shocking! The main thrust of the proposals for this bill are shown below, as is the link to the meeting with Paul Frew that is available to view on record below.

Northern Ireland's proposed new Public Health Bill sounds alarming, with talk of: “require a person to vaccinated” (sic); “be detained in a hospital or other suitable establishment”; require “that the person abstain from working”; giving government “right to enter any remises," and more...
This is the link to the Paul Frew Q & A.

This brings me to the Together Movement and how I came to know about it. I’m not sure when I first heard about the movement. However, as I recall, it started on the back of the Covid Terror with a view to restoring freedoms lost during the period when we were virtually interned in our own country by our supposed ‘leaders’! As with the Great Barrington Declaration, they began by asking for signatures to their declaration to strive for restitution of rights and restrictions on proposals to further intrude on our lives and impositions of moves to curtail our freedoms. The link to the website is shown here. Their four main tenets are:- Freedom - not - Limits; Free Speech - not Censorship; Public - not - Bureaucratic; Accountability - not Contempt

I signed up to receive their regular newsletters. You may also join the Movement from the link on the website. They regularly inform about the causes they are espousing. They often do targeted campaigns. At these times they usually send out template letters that can be ‘personalised’ and ‘adjusted’ with comments of your own that you may feel are appropriate, before sending to the designated recipient. They often ask for ‘follow up’ actions to be taken for which they also provide the necessary links to the recipient or instructions as to where to place comments on social media. Their campaigns are always apposite and very well organised. There online events are usually available for all to view although some are only available on record after the event. But they always send links to these to enable them to be found without difficulty. I have found their campaigns to be well thought out.

Tommy Robinson
There can hardly be a person in Britain who has not heard of Tommy Robinson. From his early beginnings when, as he admits himself, he put his point across far less adroitly than he does today, to the present time when he has been much more positively motivated and has been interviewed by some very well-respected people and has given addresses to many highly visible venues. 

The Establishment fears him. Thus, they demonise him and seek to destroy him and his ever increasing following! Established politicos will not entertain him or his message because they fear being ‘tarnished’ by his perceived (in their estimation) ‘faar right’ persona. However, his reputation is now something very different to his early days as a ‘bit of a lad’! His Patriots Movement rallies are hugely popular and very well attended. His watchword now for everything he is connected with is ‘Peaceful’. There is another rally being organised for 26th October. To accompany this he is asking everyone who agrees with his aims to sign ‘The Pledge’.

Whether you are able to turn up to his organised rallies or not, these signatures will give substance to his ‘peaceful’ ambitions for appropriate and necessary change to the way things are currently being done in Britain. The link to The Pledge is shown here (I have signed this pledge myself.) I have posted other links to interviews that he has given. And films that he has put out may be found with some research - possibly on other platforms because You Tube tends not to feature them visibly or takes them down after they have been released and the number of views has ‘spooked’ the ‘establishment’!

This is a short clip of the peaceful rally, organised by the Tommy Robinson team, that was held in
London on 27th July 2024 (also attended by FSB). The Jordan Peterson Podcast is a recent interview where Tommy explains why he is doing what he does and the fact that he may be facing Jail when he arrives back in the UK to answer a bail requirement (for a ‘manufactured’ misdemeanour - as is the usual modus operandi for the Establishment against Tommy). There are other channels on You Tube that support Tommy Robinson. These people also have their own messages to put out whereby they call-out the tawdriness of our political sub-class.

Jeff Taylor
In addition to his support for Tommy Robinson and the Patriots Movement, Jeff Taylor regularly puts up videos on his You Tube channel that highlight the political difficulties that Britain is facing. I post a link to his most recent, where he explains how reality is biting for the duplicitous Labour administration.

Paul Thorpe
Paul Thorpe is another commentator who is regularly seen at the peaceful rallies that are arranged through the Tommy Robinson Patriots movement. Paul also posts videos on other political matters that affect this country (such as immigration). The link I have posted here is of the recent interview conducted with Andrew Bridgen.

Mahyer Tousi
Mahyer Tousi is an Iranian who settled here with his Mother after they were obliged to flee from Iran. Mahyer Tousi is eloquent in his passionate and grateful support for Britain. He broadcasts daily on his channel Tousi TV. He is a supporter of Tommy Robinson and attends and records all the peaceful rallies that take place. He also regularly broadcasts and reports on various patriotic events such as Remembrance Day. The link below is his broadcast made covering Kier Starmer’s visit to the EU. It is suggested that the arrangements being made will betray the Brexit decision and align us much more closely with the EU and the requirements that they will make regarding ‘movement of people.

This link was his broadcast made yesterday 3/10/24 regarding the government decision to give up the Chagos Islands.

Neil Oliver 

Neil is well known in recent times (for appearances on Coast as an archaeologist) more latterly for his classic ‘monologues’ given each week on GB News. Neil also has his own channel on YouTube which is financed by his supporters on Patreon. Neil is also often to be seen at events such as the Together Movement arranges. Neil’s condemnation of the Establishment and government is targeted and very much ‘on-point’. He has a huge following of people who draw much comfort in listening to him enunciating the very thoughts that they themselves have been finding to be of such concern. 

His visibility on GB News gives him a huge and loyal audience. The Establishment might well wish to have him removed from the airwaves, but his fame and visibility coupled with his ‘draw factor’ probably affords him a modicum of protection from a State that would prefer not to have his regular and very truthful expositions of their iniquities aired in such a prominent way! The link is one of his Patreon monologues “We’re being fed a Diet of Lies”. (There is a request at the front end to sign up and pay for extra content but it does not stop you from viewing the actual monologue). This link is his latest ‘monologue’ made on GB News 6 days ago.

Big Brother
Big Brother is another organisation committed to restraining governments from encroaching upon our civil liberty. They also run targeted campaigns to address the many ways in which government seeks to restrain us through surveillance and digital methods. Their website shows the many ways in which they are endeavouring to rein in the State. Naturally they also tout for membership. But that does not exclude anyone from accessing their campaigns. You may sign up to their newsletter that does not require paid membership. The newsletter also gives information on their most recent campaigns.

Migration Watch UK
As the title suggests, this organisation is focussed upon the very concerning situation regarding our borders and the lack of will by our governments to police out borders and protect us from possible harm from ‘illegal undocumented’ and un-vetted intruders into the Country. They also monitor levels of ‘legal and documented’ migrants being accepted here either to work or to study. Both legal and illegal migration numbers have risen alarmingly in recent years. Migration Watch also send out newsletters that inform and note their actions being taken to bring government to account over the levels of migration. You may join them as a paid member, but they do not insist upon this for receipt of the newsletters.

Taxpayers Alliance

They put out a regular newsletter (that is free to sign up to) where they promote and report on the various campaigns that they pursue to highlight areas of ‘waste’ of taxpayers money. (Naturally they also ask for donations, but there is no obligation to do so to receive the newsletter). The link is to the Taxpayers Alliance Home Page. (Be warned, one of the fly-by pages is a note of the current National Debt!)

This link is one of their latest reports from around the country. They have been investigating and reporting regularly on wasteful Council spending.

I hope that the above will be helpful. Naturally it would be impossible to expect you to plough through all the links in one sitting. However, they are useful to access on a ‘when you have time’ basis and may give you leads to follow to other areas of research.

I hope that this article has been useful and will have given you some information about some of the organisations that are currently working to bring governments to account and restore this country to a better state of order and peacefulness. You may have your own favourite organisations whom you follow. If this is the case perhaps you might say a few words about them in the comments section and leave a link for the rest of us to investigate ourselves.


Editor's Note: Don't Forget to add FSB to your favourite's list - we need you!