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Free Speech Backlash
FSB stands for free speech and personal liberty for all, the nation state and secure borders, equality before the law and the sovereignty of the British people. We also like to have a laugh.
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Hope - we need it now.
Frederica argues that not only do we need hope, but that there is hope.
Life and Nature
Sign The Pledge!
The pledge is to: Stand for freedom, equality under the law, real democracy and family; Build a peaceful, prosperous and patriotic society; Reclaim our nation’s identity, its Christian traditions, culture and values; Give courage and hope to the British people; Resist tyranny.
Liberty & Free Speech
The Enslavement of Britain
It has become apparent that the drive to destroy our Nation State has been in train for some considerable time. It is also plain to see that the recent ‘awakening’ of many more people to the ‘takeover’ of their country has caused those who wish to obliterate and lay waste, the proud, fearless and…
Liberty & Free Speech
Who Can Save Britain?
Frederica has research into sites and organisations that British patriots can rally round and support.
Liberty & Free Speech
In Praise Of The Old Folks
Frederica sets out the case for the much malign older generation.
Life and Nature
The Garden Plot (October)
October is the end of the garedening season, but there are still plenty of jobs out there.
Life and Nature
Regular poster Frederica's lament for what we have lost.
Life and Nature