Why should we take The Pledge?
In order to be able to answer that question, it is important to know exactly what is “The Pledge”. Therefore, the following is:-
- A link to the website
- The Vision of The Pledge
- The five main aims of The Pledge
- The Declaration made by those signing The Pledge
Our vision is:
To return power to the British people in order to defend our freedom, our family, our faith and our home.
Our pledge is to:
- Stand for freedom, equality under the law, real democracy and family
- Build a peaceful, prosperous and patriotic society
- Reclaim our nation’s identity, its Christian traditions, culture and values
- Give courage and hope to the British people
- Resist tyranny
*I am making a stand for British people, our freedom, our family, our home.
I believe in the values of Freedom, Equality under the law, real Democracy and Family; the cultural inheritance with which I have been blessed.
I stand with all those who strive to build a peaceful, prosperous, and patriotic society.
I believe in the sovereignty of the individual over their own lives and bodies.
I believe in the unity and territorial integrity of the UK.
I believe the Government’s role is to protect the rights and freedoms of its own people.
I reclaim my Christian heritage, culture and values.
I stand against all extremism including racism, antisemitism and anti-British bigotry and seek to oppose those who would see our way of life and laws eradicated.
I stand against the so-called ‘progressive’ ideologies, like ‘Critical Race Theory’, that spread division and hatred, erode our freedoms and damage the fabric of society.
I claim my right to speak freely without fear and reject accusations of ‘hate’ and all legislation used to silence me or prevent the scrutiny of ideas.
I reject the intimidation and violence of divisive activist groups, the mainstream media, the Government and the misuse of corporate power.
I believe we must all be equal before the law and stand against the totalitarianism of fundamentalist Islam and the practice of Sharia law.
I reject mass and illegal immigration and want to see it stopped.
I reject outside interference from supra-national bodies like the World Economic Forum, the World Health Organisation, the European Union and unaccountable judges and quangos.
I encourage respectful dialogue and speak up for the truth, common sense and the civil rights of all citizens.
I believe in a prosperous, independent and secure UK and prioritise affordable housing for young people, farming and food and energy security; I reject the Net-Zero ideology.
I stand to protect the innocence of children; I will work to stop transgender activists and their efforts to mutilate the minds and bodies of a generation of children; I will expose ‘grooming’ and paedophilia.
I cherish every human life as sacred.
“The Pledge” was conceived by The Patriots Movement. It was officially launchedrecently (In a hotel conference suite at Windsor) and signed by the attendees of the inauguration launch with great and solemn determination. Each gave a brief explanation of the reasons why they were signing.
The document was laid out for signature on a scroll that was reminiscent of the great scrolls used in the Middle Ages when documents of great importance were so made. One might almost have imagined the scene at Runnymede in 1215 when the King was brought to sign the Great Charter and the event was witnessed by the Barons who had caused it to be created.
In 1214 at Bury St Edmunds the list of the 25 Barons who were appointed to maintain the Kings observance of the Great Charter and the declaration that they made are commemorated in stone tablets in the old abbey gardens.

So the similarity of those who signed the great scroll on the day of the launch of The Pledge to those 25 barons of 1214 is symbolic.
But, what is the point of The Pledge and why should we support it?
At present we are in a maelstrom of political upheaval, with considerable discontent and unrest. (Not unlike what the Country must have been like in 1214/15. Then, the autocratic King John was making life difficult for all and sundry. Baron and peasant alike, all felt the discontent of a tyrannical rule.)
Now, we have, not an autocratic autonomous King, but a tyrannically inclined Prime Minister leading a fanatical, but wholly inept, Marxist oriented government. This government, because of the vagaries of our electoral system (gerrymandered out of all sensible operational proportions), finds itself with a huge “majority” of seats in the House of Commons. However, they have been installed there by a very small proportion of the “entitled” vote. Only 20% of the entitled vote resulted in the vengeful government that presently presides over the “Mother of Parliaments”! Their disdain for us, The People, from whom they hold their seats is now so poorly camouflaged that we now see before us a petition (2,867,152 signatures at time of writing) to call another General Election before the present administration is six months old.
In July, when we went to the polls, Reform made huge strides due to some spirited canvassing by Nigel Farage and his team. They polled 4M votes, but because of the gerrymandering of the system only achieved 5 seats,whereas the Lib Dem’s, polled 3.5M votes and achieved a miraculous 71 seats. Thus, “democracy” has been reduced to a paltry sham.
Reform, having made such an impression, quickly strove to consolidate their advantage. A rapturous and very well attended autumn conference seemed to catch the mood of the Country (already feeling the effects of “buyers remorse” after a series of mis-steps from the new Labour administration, culminating in a lacklustre conference where the PM sank even further in the public psyche and approval).
However, Reform has since begun to show signs of strain. The removal of Ben Habib from the joint Deputy Leadership (in favour of Richard Tice) due to him not being elected in the General Election; the Chairmanship given to Zia Yusaf (a wealthy backer) and a failure to “democratise” the party, have all brought about cracks in the fabric. Nigel Farage’s failure to address the nation's concerns about immigration and the perceived two-tier preference for the Muslim population over all others, has brought about a diminution of the enthusiasm of an electorate that is looking for “leadership” in these areas. The unwise reference by Richard Tice to the Patriots Movement gathering in London in October as “that lot” (perceived to be so because of the affiliation with Tommy Robinson - popular with the peaceful tenor of the movement), has further dismissed the support and enthusiasm for Reform.
The launch of The Pledge has been been swiftly followed by the withdrawal of Ben Habib from association with Reform. It may reasonably be assumed that he may well now become part of a new party of Patriots for which he will (by vote?) assume the leadership. His regular appearances on online outlets such as Talk TV and GB News as well as his own You Tube offerings (The News at Ben) are very well received. His commitment to address without demur, the matters that are causing most anxiety to the people of this Country is making him a welcome speaker everywhere (except, it seems now, within Reform!).
Whether or not he does form his own party, or becomes affiliated to a Patriots Party, remains to be seen. The tenets of The Pledge are clear and unequivocal. I cannot see why anyone who cares about the future of Great Britain could find anything about which to cavil or to cause them not to signify their approval and agreement.
Therefore, given that the present administration is in a state of flux (whilst maintaining their defiance of public opinion) and the ambiguity of the Reform Party, I would, most assuredly, endorse the signing of The Pledge. It is clear that the organisers of The Pledge have taken this step with some absolute plans in mind for the future of the Patriots Movement. I suspect that, until they see the results of this first move and how many actually commit to signing The Pledge, they will not rashly advertise their aims and prejudice the outcome of their endeavour. The “terms of signing” state unequivocally that one may unsubscribe at any time from the movement. No money has been requested and no other action requested at this time, other than to endorse the sentiments contained in The Pledge document and to receive further communications via email.
In signing The Pledge, we in no way compromise our option to cast our vote in any way that we choose, should the opportunity to vote again come. It could be said that if another political party were to come upon the scene, it would be instrumental in “splitting” the vote still further and perhaps prolonging the disastrous Labour administration currently afflicting the Country. However, it is my belief that, sometime very soon, there must be some serious changes to the way in which Britain is governed. The Uniparty has been in the ascendancy for far too long and has done, damage that will not easily be overturned. We should keep all our options open. That includes signing The Pledge.
Please let us know if have have signed: