Our Current Political Mess .... and what we might do about it Part One – The Fix We Are In

By Iain Hunter on


We in Britain have now experienced just over one hundred days of what must be the worst Prime Minister, leading the worst collection of Ministers in the worst government in living memory. It certainly ticks the DIE boxes with more women than men in the Cabinet, eleven versus seven, ethnic minorities to the fore, and no doubt less heteronormativity - to use a favourite liberal-left expression - than would normally be expected. Pink hair is there too in the person of our brainless Secretary of State for Transport who already has the distinction of costing the nation £1Bn of cancelled investment. 

This is an accidental government, one elected by default, one elected not because the nation had given up on conservatism as an idea but rather because it had given up on the Conservative Party as the means of achieving it.  Only one vote in five of those enfranchised gave Kier Starmer’s party its huge Parliamentary majority which enables it to govern as it sees fit but, arguably, with no mandate to do so. 

Reading and commentating on blogsites like this one brings one into contact with others of like mind who oppose the direction in which the country is being taken by the government.  The sort of people one reads range from those who think matters can be fixed at the next election if only people would wake up and not vote for any of the ‘uni-party’, as the main political parties have become known, to those who have had enough of governments altogether. While I can sympathise with the latter, I think it has to be accepted that human beings do need some form of government to hold in check their more outlandish traits such as a propensity to steal from and murder each other.

Now, you may have taken the view, as I did, that we live not in a democracy but an elective dictatorship, a sham democracy, in which voting, pending a new political power arising, is almost a complete waste of time. Following our few months exposure to the Starmer Regime, it is obvious that the situation is much worse than we thought: Having now had the chance to examine closely those who govern us we can see that  we live in a kakistocracy which, given Rachel Reeves proclivities, we will find at the end of October will be more accurately described as a kleptocratic kakistocracy. 

Wherever one stands on our current government arrangements, it is undeniable that once elected, the politicians who are invited to form the government will do whatever pleases them regardless of the views of those who elected them. What pleases them is what pleases their masters in the network of quangos and supra-national organisations where the policies of Western ‘democratic’ states are decided these days. We have seen that clearly in the UK over the previous four years of the last so-called Conservative government. Despite its initial 80-seat majority in the House of Commons, it did nothing, absolutely nothing, to reverse any of the damage done to Britain and its constitution over the Blair/Brown Labour government of 1997-2010. 

On the contrary, the so-called Conservatives who ran the show between 2010 and 2024 embraced ‘Blairism’ which is really ‘Brownism’, for it is Gordon Brown who was (is?) the malign intellect behind all that has happened in Britain since 1997. The fake conservative government even failed to get “Brexit Done”, its main election proposition. Of course, we understand now that it never really intended to. That was all a con. 

In fact, governance by quango and external supra-national organisations has been going on for a lot longer than four years. Internally we have the Office for Budget Responsibility, the Climate Change Committee, Ofwat, Ofcom, Ofthis and Ofthat but worst of all is the Supreme Court which dared to tell an elected Prime Minister what he can and can’t do. The Prime Minister in question could have responded by abolishing the Supreme Court but he didn’t.  Externally the United Nations, its subsidiaries and the World Economic Forum develop and hand down to national governments policies which are designed ultimately to benefit a tiny minority of ultra-rich globalist oligarchs. But they have overplayed their hand; a steadily increasing number of us have noticed what is going on. 

The fake pandemic of 2020 -2022 taught many people to be suspicious of government and its motives. The scales have fallen from eyes and people are learning that we should mistrust all governments at all times if we are not directly involved in them. Big government at the national level is remote and those who are supposed to represent us in Parliament have difficulty enough in influencing it. If the globalists have their way, we will have the One World Government which is taking shape between the United Nations, its subordinate agencies and the World Economic Forum. That can only be a dictatorship. Anything on a global scale will be incapable of being influenced by the voting of a minority, or even a majority, of the electorate in any given country. Given that the countries which can even be loosely described as democracies are very much in the global minority one can easily see what the nature of a One World Government will be. 

As a general rule, governments can only make things worse. President Ronald Regan famously said that the scariest words in the English language are “I’m from the government and I’m here to help”.  A smart man was Ronnie. The less government we have the better until such time as we can have small administrative units of a more human size.  These must be responsible to people at a local level who can then exercise proper oversight of those public servants paid to run them. Many public servants have come to see themselves as our masters, but they are not, they are our servants, and they need to be reminded of this truth frequently.

It shouldn’t need to be stated but you cannot morally improve people or give them artistic appreciation by creating legislation. Interference in peoples’ private affairs whether it be in their business, employment, or social, recreational and sporting life, never has the result that it is intended to have. You cannot make people good, or give them good taste, by passing laws. And yet our hopelessly misguided politicians just will not stop trying.

Those who are cunning or venal find ways to get around the legislation and to take advantage of it while the rest of us poor saps just have to pay for it through our taxes. It takes the Germans, creators of that wonderful word schadenfreude, to provide another expression for our political lexicon - verschlimmbesserung - meaning an improvement or progress which makes matters worse. It’s what governments do. If you doubt me, you need only take a long, hard look at Britain’s wonderful National Health Service, the so-called ‘envy of the world’. The world envies it so much that no other country has copied it. It is a perfect example of why one single organisation should never be permitted to have a monopoly of any one good or service. 

How have we got here? Well, dear reader, if you are British, it’s your own fault (I include myself in that). You keep voting for the ‘uni-party’ which presents you with a choice between the high road to socialism or the low road to socialism with a dash of lunatic fringe policies in the mix. It has been going on for so long (about 150 years) that what we once had in Britain, before the creation of the political parties and their seizing of power in Parliament, is no longer a part of living memory.

The party system is the problem. Political parties are privately-owned organisations in which the members work for the good of the party, which is not necessarily the good of the country, or the good of the people whom their candidates have the honour to represent after an election. Politicians will only progress and have a career if they toe the party line and political parties have many nefarious ways of ensuring that they do, from promises of preferment to vicious blackmail. Political parties are venal organisations. It takes money to mount election campaigns, and they are always in need of it. Therefore, they accept donations from wealthy individuals or organisations who will expect something in return. Their policy demands then take precedence over the opinions of the party members and activists, never mind the opinions of the wider electorate.

In recent years it has become so blatant that it is clear to all except those with their heads well and truly stuck in the sand that the central banks, major multi-national corporations and billionaires’ ‘philanthropic’ foundations control our government through debt financing, the financial control of the political parties and the prominent people in them. How else could Liz Truss have been defenestrated so quickly when her plans ran counter to the wishes of the globalist cartel?

It is said that George Soros met Tony Blair in New York before he became Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and bought many of the policies of the Labour government of 1997-2010 including the Climate Change Act. Blair’s organisation, the Tony Blair Institute for Global Change, works with the Soros Open Society Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. And we wonder how Blair has become extremely wealthy since he left political office. Blair’s ‘Global Change’, which is really Soros’ and Gates’ bidding, becomes Starmer’s ‘Change’ without the slightest hint of what this change will be.  I suspect it will be more of what we have already seen, the getting rid of Chairman Mao’s “Four Olds” – Old Ideas, Old Culture, Old Habits and Old Customs. Welcome to the Cultural Revolution 2.0.  Welcome to New Britain - again. 

Anyone who has read history, particularly the history of revolutions, will know that revolutions are organised and led top-down, not bottom-up. Discontent within a population will be exploited but successful revolutions will not occur unless powerful members of the elite classes decide to lead or facilitate them. That elite class may not even be within the country undergoing the revolution as was the case with the Bolshevik revolution in Russia. It was led by Lenin and Trotsky, but their finance came from New York bankers and industrialists who very much saw something in it for themselves. Revolutions are political phenomena which are designed to facilitate the removal of one ruling class and replace it with another. The true reason for them is usually covert and the winners are never the people who do the necessary fighting and dying. In the case of the Russian Revolution, the New York bankers and industrialists who financed it did so because they thought that an authoritarian government in Russia which removed the Tsar could be persuaded to accept international debt finance, provide them with captive markets for their products, and enable them to exploit the Russian Empire’s rich natural resources.

What relevance does this have to us today? Well, since the inception of the fake pandemic in 2020 we have seen the huge increase in migration into Western countries. We have seen the wokery rise with the pushing of Critical Race Theory, Black Live Matter, Critical Gender Theory and the ‘trans’ phenomenon, the toppling of statues, the renaming of buildings, streets and institutions, the re-writing of our histories and the race-baiting and gas-lighting on our television screens. We are being subjected to tightening environmental policies based on The Great Climate Lie designed to reduce our freedom to travel, reduce our energy usage and confine us in 15-minute neighbourhoods in the ridiculous pursuit of net zero carbon emissions which will ruin Western economies.

We in the West are undergoing a revolution on a global scale. Neither is it a bloodless revolution as the friends and families of the victims of the mRNA Covid therapies will testify. It is all designed to lead us towards digital ID, subcutaneous digital chips, social credit scores and central bank digital currencies which will return us to serfdom under the yoke of a global technocratic government with a Malthusian bent which is being quietly formed in plain sight.  At the same time our numbers are being deliberately reduced through anti-marriage and anti-family social and financial policies, assaults on fertility and contrived illnesses. None of this was in any party election manifesto but it is happening with the connivance of some of our political class while others are either asleep at the wheel or in denial. The Westminster party system which is in collusion with the globalists is the facilitator of revolution. The party system itself is the revolution.


In the next part I’ll explore our true constitution and how we might get out of this appalling situation and back to a constitutional arrangement which could help us to avoid the catastrophe of collective authoritarian global government. 


Iain Hunter