Unacceptable Opinions Or, What’s The Overton Window Got to Do with Me?

By Iain Hunter on

Image by Alpha India

A few weeks ago, I was out walking around the village where I live when I came across a near-neighbour I hadn’t seen for some while. We chatted. After general enquiries about family, health and so on, talk turned to current affairs and the subject of the war in Ukraine came up. We had a difference of opinion. So much so that he ended the conversation by telling me that I had been brainwashed by Russian propaganda. I left it there because he’s a pleasant enough chap otherwise, I’ve known him for 35 years, and he wasn’t in the pink of health at the time. Mark Twain’s reputed dictum that it’s easier to fool someone than convince them afterwards that they have been fooled was uppermost in my mind anyway and I didn’t really wish to have a verbal spat that sunny summer’s morning.

On another occasion recently, a lady of my acquaintance recounted some of her recent experiences to me which would have resulted in a scene had I offered my true feelings on the matters she mentioned. I bit my lip and kept my own counsel. Reader, I bottled it. Self-censored. Just as I am now by not revealing the details in case she happens to pop on here and read what I write. There are some things you’re just not supposed to say in polite society. 

We all know about the famous Overton Window or Window of Discourse. It really refers to politics, and politicians generally have to stay within it if they wish to retain their seats and the backing of their parties. However, it also extends to personal affairs, I find. Which is a shame. There once was a time when people could discuss anything, have a difference of opinion, and still part the best of friends. That’s how I, a conservative sort of a chiel, had friends and even girlfriends who were socialists. We may have had different ideas and views, but we never let them interfere with the more important shared interests and activities. You can’t do that now. People’s political and social beliefs are a part of their perceived identities, a part of themselves.


It used to be that in polite society you didn’t talk about sex, religion and politics. I always found that a bit of a bummer because they’re really the only things worth talking about when men, or even men and women, get together socially.

Anyway, the point of writing this is to stretch that Overton Window here with a few Unacceptable Opinions that would likely get me into hot water if spoken in public discourse. But, hey, what’s the point of free speech if you don’t say what you think.

Let’s get going. In no particular order:

Climate Change (Neo-Marxism)

Anthropogenic climate change is an unproven claim of the left. It is a lie, a fraud and a scam for the benefit of the super-wealthy. Born in the Rockefeller tax-exempt foundations and the Club of Rome, it is one of the levers by which a One World Government will be created out of the United Nations and the World Economic Forum. To imagine mankind can control the forces of the heavens and nature is hubris of colossal proportions. Climate changes, it always has and always will. It is entirely natural. Therefore, ALL climate policy is a monumental blunder.


There was no pandemic of a novel virus. Viruses may not even exist. The hospitals were not overwhelmed, there were no bodies in the streets, the survival rate was 99.7%, the average age of the deceased was getting on for 83. It was a rebadged ‘flu with the ‘death toll’ created through the use of dodgy testing procedures to justify lockdowns, isolation, masks, the almost certain death inherent in the use of ventilators, ‘vaccination’ with toxic substances and the deliberate culling of the frail elderly. Government reactions were an economic disaster for small and medium-sized businesses, particularly in the hospitality sector and the national debt ballooned. There was an upwards transfer of wealth to the billionaire class such as has not been seen before. It was the crime of the millennium, and the perpetrators have yet to be brought to book.

Race and Sex Politics (Neo-Marxism)

Critical Race Theory, Extremist Feminism, Homosexuality, Lesbianism, Queerness and Trans ideology are all branches of Marxism. They are the means by which the individual and the traditional family, and therefore by extension, the nation, are attacked. Regarding trans ideology, no one is ‘born in the wrong body’, sex is not ‘assigned at birth’, rather it happens at the moment of fertilisation. To use the term ‘assigned’ means that someone or something did the assigning and that can only be an Almighty Creator. The aim of all this bilge is to disrupt, splinter then tear asunder normal family relationships so that all people can be adopted by, and be servile to, the Marxist state.

Sex (NOT gender)

There are two sexes and an unfortunate tiny minority who have irregular genitalia or are intersex. Gender is a socio-political construct of the left. Chromosomes do not lie. To quote a well-known evolutionary biologist, humans are a dimorphic species i.e. the two sexes are generally different sizes and shapes. If you have motile gametes, you’re a man, if you have sessile gametes, you’re a woman. End of.

Equality or Equity

People are not equal. Some are bigger than others, some are better looking than others, some are more intelligent than others, some can sing while others cannot, some are born into affluence while others are not. And so on. Equity means everyone has the same outcome regardless of how much ingenuity and effort they put into their work and lives. It will remove incentive, and the result will be economic stagnation and collapse. Equity is a seriously bad idea. Human beings are born with widely differing abilities. If people are made equal, they will not be free. If they are free, they cannot be equal because, some are bigger than others, etc (thanks for that one, Aleksandr). The important thing is that all are equal in the eyes of God and before the law.


A family is a married man and woman and their children some or all of whom may be adopted. An extended family is the couple’s parents, grand-parents, siblings, uncles, aunts and cousins. Some families may be the product of more than one marriage. It is not made of ‘partners’ who come together for perverted sexual reasons and short-lived gratification.


A thorny one this, but here goes. Abortion is murder. It is understandable in cases of rape but not otherwise, not for career reasons, not for economic reasons, not for convenience or cosmetic reasons. The description and images of the procedures involved are horrific. And the trade in foetal body parts is vile and unethical. If you don’t want a child, don’t do the unprotected sex. All this ‘my body, my choice’ stuff is selfish, delusional narcissism. What about the unborn child’s choice. It’s his or her body. And what of the father-to-be? He has a say too. To women who say men have nothing to say in this matter I say we do, because we are human beings. No man is an island, and we are involved in mankind; each death diminishes us (thank you for that one, John). 

Mass Migration

Mass migration is a crime. A crime against the British people (delete British and insert your nationality of choice). It is an invasion. We were never asked, and we do not want it. The country is visibly and rapidly changing beyond recognition and soon, if we do not stop it, no, REVERSE it, our ancient homeland will be Balkanised and split between mutually hostile inhabitants. The overwhelming majority of migrants are young men of military age. They are not genuine asylum-seekers. They are here for nefarious purposes at the behest of supra-national organisations and NGOs. Beirut used to be known as the Paris of the Orient, a wonderful place. What happened in Lebanon is a dreadful warning. We must heed it.


Britain (insert country of choice) is a multi-cultural country. No, it isn’t. Multi-culturalism is a disaster. It doesn’t mean curry shops and Thai restaurants. It means people settling here and breeding with no intention of fitting in, accepting our ways, or that their families should become identifiably British. In the worst case, and I mean YOU, you Friday worshippers, it means people settling here with the intention of stealing the towns and cities from the native population. We have seen that happen. We can be multi-racial, up to a point, so long as that point leaves the native population in the majority, and in overall control, everywhere, within a national, dominant Anglo-Celtic monoculture. Beliefs, attitudes and behaviours matter. Race doesn’t.

The War in Ukraine

This is an American proxy war which has its roots in the meddling of the US State Department and CIA in the affairs of Ukraine almost from the moment of its birth as an independent nation. American (and some British) plutocrats and bankers wanted the industry and resources of both Russia and Ukraine. They failed in Russia because Vladimir Putin realised their game and kicked out the Oligarchs and international NGOs they had sponsored to do their work. They didn’t fail in Ukraine. They conducted the Maidan Revolution which deposed a democratically elected but Russia-leaning leader and started a civil war in 2014. Eastward expansion of NATO contributed to the provocation of Russia despite the many warnings given. They used Boris Johnson to scupper the peace deal in April 2022 and they are determined to keep Ukraine fighting (despite its losing) until the last Ukrainian dies if need be. They have Ukraine in deep debt and their price for post-war reconstruction will be control of the industries and resources in that corrupt, unfortunate land. The losers will be the Ukrainian and Russian peoples and their hundreds of thousands of war dead who seem to matter not at all to the international powerbrokers. This war is none of our business and we should have nothing to do with it.

The War in Gaza

I cannot take sides in this. Hamas are vile, murderous terrorists who care nothing for the sad Palestinian people they dominate. The Israeli government is monstrous and let the events of October 7th last year take place. I am convinced by events that they knew in advance that it was going to happen. The IDF and Mossad may even have deliberately killed their own people to make matters worse. The subsequent events in Gaza bear all the hallmarks of ethnic cleansing and genocide. October 7th may have been allowed to happen to provide the excuse the Israeli government sought to carry it out. They want a greater Israel. That idea even may extend to the emptier spaces being created in Ukraine too. After all, that’s where many of the Ashkenazim originally came from, including the forebears of the American ‘diplomat’, Victoria Nuland, chief instigator of the conflict in Ukraine.

This list is not exhaustive. It’s just a start. Feel free to add to it, agree with it, or take issue with it in the comments.


I’m all for being inclusive. Let’s include the unthinkable. To the blue end, of course.