By Paul Sutton on

ai starfuirh

Our glorious leader - 1980s casualty Keir Starmer - has now spoken to the British people, on his regime’s appalling start of stabbings, riots, political imprisonments and general madness:

‘And those people throwing rocks, torching cars, making threats – they didn’t just know the system was broken. They were betting on it. They were gaming it. They saw the cracks in our society after 14 years of populism and failure – and they exploited them. That’s what we have inherited.’

‘14 years of populism’! Even at a basic sense level, his statement is nonsense. He’s claiming the rioters have both been pandered to and failed. But just look at places like Blackpool, Middlesbrough and Portsmouth; have they in any way been pandered to? I guess he means the Emmanuel Goldstein figure (to him) of Nigel Farage and Brexit. For the record, Farage gained his first elected political power in the UK in 2024.

And populism? The British establishment did everything in its power to block Brexit, collaborating with the EU, allowing a parliamentary coup and tearing up our Constitutional norms via a corrupt Speaker. Starmer himself campaigned to ignore the 2016 result, hiding behind ‘offering another referendum’ (in the 2019 election). Labour were soundly trounced.

Pesky populism I guess.

Still, he’s now addressing the rioters; labelling them as ‘rot’ and going full-blown batshit by declaring war on unspecified enemies. This statement sounds more like some former Soviet leader or genocidal African dictator, targeting enemies of the revolution:

‘When there is rot deep in the heart of a structure, you can’t just cover it up. You can’t tinker with it or rely on quick fixes. You have to overhaul the entire thing. Tackle it at the root. Even if it’s harder work and takes more time. Because otherwise what happens? The rot returns. In all the same places. And it spreads. Worse than before. You know that – and I know that. That’s why this project has always been about fixing the foundations of this country.’

The ‘rot’ he sees is anyone not backing ‘this project’. The ‘tackling’ is to imprison people for thought and speech crime. In other words, treating the symptoms. In his speech, there isn’t a single economic measure - other than vastly increased taxation (especially via fuel bills) - which will disproportionately hammer the poorest, as will all of the utterly suicidal ‘net zero’ bills coming down the line. All so that the UK can decrease global CO2 levels by about 0.1%, and PPE graduate Ed Miliband can prance around like a tit.

And what is this ‘project’? It’s one voted for by a landslide 20% of the UK electorate who weren’t even told the truth about the increased bills soon to be landed on the poorest in society, plus the loss of their winter-fuel allowance. Peanuts to millionaires like Starmer and Miliband.

This ‘enemy within’ demonising of many British people is pure projection. The actual ‘rot’ is in our failed democracy and its greedy managerial robots like Starmer. He was Director of Public Prosecutions for some of those years of ‘rot’, and not exactly powerless. He used his political power to have a specific act of parliament passed, protecting his vast pension from tax and rule changes. Rotten anyone?

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And he’s the clown who took the knee for BLM protesters who rioted and assaulted the British police - wasn’t that rioting ‘rotten’? To add a cherry on the dog-turd, he also failed to prosecute over the horrific grooming scandal in many English cities, in fact prosecuting those highlighting it under hate crime laws.

No rot in Starmer though!

He reassures us - in that familiar phrase - how: ‘Things will get worse before they get better’. One is instantly reminded of Enver Hoxha’s famous words to the lucky Albanian people:

'This year will be harder than last year. However, it will be easier than next year.'

Hoxha himself somehow escaped these hardships, living in utter splendour whilst persecuting/imprisoning/executing millions of Albanians.

How soon before British people are being jailed for 'spreading alarm and despondency'? A few weeks ago, to mass rejoicing on the BBC and ‘progressive’ papers like The Guardian.