Congratulations Mr Trump and God be with you. You will need him. You take office with the hopes not only of the USA but also the world on your shoulders. After decades of rule by corrupt, vindictive but thankfully incompetent woke globalist zealots in the West, the World is a bloody mess. But a mess than can be cleaned up, and we need you to roll up your sleeves and get mopping.
Almost everywhere arrogant, authoritarian governments oppress their peoples in collusion with rich and powerful Oligarchs. All around the world, people are looking to you to reverse the globalist tide and restore sanity.
We have all suffered under woke globalist rule for decades, including your last administration. We don’t blame you for failing to drain the swamp. You were inexperienced in government and took too many establishment figures on trust. You know better now. You were betrayed and confounded at every step. You were, and are, hounded by malevolent, politically motivated lawfare, vilified and slandered, insulted and treated as a political untouchable. You have even been shot. You know what you are up against. You have no excuse, this time, for not dealing with them.
You know how deeply entrenched the Globalist enemy of humanity really is. You know they cannot be trusted or reasoned with and that they will not compromise. And neither should you. We hope, therefore, that your policy will be the total eradication of the woke globalist virus. Four years is a short time for this, and you might not achieve total victory, but if you set the pendulum swinging back to sanity you will go down in history as a true hero, a world hero up there with Churchill.
First of all, we hope you make peace. You will meet with ferocious opposition from your own military-industrial-intelligence complex on this, as they are guilty of fomenting war across the globe. Make peace with Russia, China and Iran. It can be done. The bulk of the people in those countries do not want war, and in China and Iran there is palpable hatred of the ruling regime. Tap on this and let them see that you are not hostile. You might be surprised at the results.
You will be well advised to break up the CIA, reasonably regarded as an out-of-control maverick organisation, wholly controlled by the Globalist enemy. Split it into at least two, separating the intelligence gathering function from the operational one.
As important as ending the current wars the world needs you to put an end to the fake man-made climate crisis swindle. We hope you pull the US out of all the globalist organisation that perpetrate this fraud, making it clear that it is all based on a lie. Please end all subsidies to the predatory Green lobby that has squeezed us for billions and, importantly, shine a light on all those in power who have colluded in it.
And please also look into the activities of Big Corporations like Blackrock, Vanguard and State Street, accused by Texas and ten other states of breaking antitrust laws and boosting electricity prices by, for example, using their shares in coal producers to cut output thereby leading to higher bills for consumers.
As you will know, these allegations are the culmination of a years-long investigation by Republican officials into Wall Street’s efforts push the climate change scam, even after state attorneys general warned them that pension funds should not be used to “push political goals”.
And we pray that you look into collusion between Big Pharma and governments around the world to peddle what many believe to be a fake pandemic. The world needs to know the truth about this affair, from start to finish. Was the US working with a Chinese lab to produce a biological weapon? Why was it allowed to spread around the world? Why did governments like the UK’s block the use of Ivermectin, shown to be effective in studies, trials and practice? Why did they not recommend Vitamin D, exercise and fresh air?
And what was the real reasons for lockdowns? Why did governments ignore long-held plans for dealing with respiratory virus pandemics? Why was debate stifled and opponents smeared and vilified. And, most important of all, what is the real story behind the rush to use experimental mRNA vaccines that have since proven to be harmful and potentially lethal? And quite probably deliberately engineered to be harmful and potentially lethal at that.
Please expose the truth behind the mass immigration and multicultural agenda and its threat to the nation state and its ultimate goal of Global government.
Mr President, if you make the truth on all this public you will deal the woke globalist enemy an almost certainly fatal blow. If the truth is known it is likely that the whole corrupt, rotten edifice will collapse – and then you can get on with making America great again with little or no opposition from the dark forces that opposed you so effectively the last time you were in the White House.
You may well be able stop the invasion across your southern border without a massive outcry, accompanied by lies distortions and pictures of dead babies, you can put the critical race theory back in the lunatic asylum where it belongs and restore the right to free speech, making it the inalienable right it should be once again.
And you can expose the likes of the tinpot dictator Starmer for the anti-nation state, anti-British puppet that he is. And if you do all this, you will go down in history as one of the greatest men ever.
Don’t let us down - and please do all you can to ensure that JD Vance is your succesor in office and that we have a genuine conservative in office for the next eight years.
The Trumpiad
In a world adrift on seas of change,
Where voices clash and values range,
A figure rises, bold and grand,
To steer the ship, to take a stand.
With promises of hope and might,
He steps into the glaring light,
To challenge norms, to break the mold,
A story new, a vision bold.
Against the tide of woke decree,
He speaks of truth and liberty,
To free the minds, to clear the haze,
And guide us through these complex days.
Globalism's web, so finely spun,
He seeks to cut, to see undone,
To bring back jobs, to build anew,
A future bright, a sky of blue.
Net zero dreams, though noble seem,
He questions with a knowing gleam,
For balance must be wisely found,
To keep our feet upon the ground.
In halls of power, voices loud,
He stands apart, unbowed, unbowed,
With every word, with every deed,
He plants the seeds of hope and creed.
For us, a beacon shining bright,
For the Woke, the cause of endless fright,
Yet in the storm, he charts his course,
A force of will, a driving force.
So let the world watch and decide,
As history's pages open wide,
For in this tale of rise and fall,
He seeks to answer freedom's call.
In Trump, we see the dawn's first light,
A hope to end the endless night,
To restore sanity, to make us whole,
A leader with a steadfast soul.