Happy New Year Everyone!
Just think of that phrase. We’ve all said it a thousand times, as did previous generations, through thick and thin, war and peace, want and plenty, even when the chances were that the new year would be far from happy. We say it because there is always hope. And Hope Springs Eternal. It is always present, even in the face of adversity and is, I like to think, an especially British characteristic.
Thinking about this, I thought of my grandfathers, born around 1896, both front line WW1 veterans, and a song they used to sing, which I have adopted as FSB’s theme song for 2025, a song of hope for a better future.
And so to 2025 and what to expect. Firstly, it is certain that the forces of Globalist totalitarianism now ruling the western world will continue their woke onslaught. They will be ruthless and merciless, and they are in a hurry. But they are pushing it too quick, and pushing lunacy, which more and more can see. They are arousing opposition, and, if Trump and Farage are truly who they say they are, they now have some serious opposition.
So enough of them. We know them well enough, the few megalomaniac filthy rich paymasters, the politicians and entrenched government apparatchiks who plan for a totalitarian global superstate, and the myriad myrmidons, the expendable useful fools beavering away pushing the Agenda with all the fervour of religious zealots. That’s the enemy we face.
And many of us know what they want and how they will try to get it. The climate change scam will be used to ram through more punitive taxation in the form of ever higher energy prices; hate crime laws will be tightened to intimidate free speech, mass immigration will continue unchecked to further dilute national identity and create division, and the multiculture and its hierarchy will continue to try to erode our culture and history.
So, we know what the enemy will do, and we have to work out strategies to stop them. We should consider council tax strikes, rule and regulation avoidance, civil disobedience, refusal to be intimidated, as well as not voting for the Uniparty factions of Labour, Tory, Libdem or Green, or the Celtic factions of the SNP, Plaid, or their counterparts in Northern Ireland.
We should continue writing letters to MPs, signing petitions, boycotting woke companies and organisations, and peacefully demonstrating whenever we can. In short, we should withdraw our co-operation, cry havoc, and let slip the dogs of war so to speak, always being peaceful and dignified.
We also need to form alliances here and abroad. There are many Americans, Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders, French and Germans who feel exactly the way we do. We need to make contacts and support each other. There are many right-wing sites and so on here. We need to try to get them to work together, to complement each other and co-operate. We need to make our voices heard, as if used in unison it’s the loudest voice in the land. We need a right-wing patriotic and conservative mass movement with the determination to face adversity and stick together in the face of it.
Of course it will not be easy. The globalist foe is massively powerful, but that makes it imperative that it be opposed. It might be powerful, but it is not invincible and can be defeated. After having everything its own way for decades, it is flabby-minded and increasingly obviously pushing a demented, destructive lunacy. It will, must be, defeated. The only question is how much damage it causes before it is. And we need to ensure that it is us, the basically tolerant right-wing patriots who defeat it, and not one of the monsters it is creating to cause division which, once big enough, will be uncontainable.
And it is already suffering local defeats, chiefly in the US with Trump’s election, but also here with the growth of Reform and in Germany with that of AfD, and even with the old-fashioned socialist party of Marine Le Pen in France. The increasingly bad military situation in Ukraine is also a defeat for the Globalists, in their war on the nation state as championed by Russia.
Many of us have doubts about Trump and Farage, and worry about them being controlled opposition. They might be, and we need to try to stop them drifting leftwards, but for the moment it doesn’t matter so much. The MSM media has turned them into bogeymen, monstrous enemies of the woke State. The more that vote for such bogeymen, the more the size of the opposition to that State becomes apparent and more will be willing to join us. Symbols count.
And we need to remember who we are. We are the British people, among the most successful peoples ever, who have contributed more to the world’s progress and well-being than just about any other country, certainly on a head for head basis. We are a great nation, with bugger all to be ashamed of and much to be proud about.
So, we need to keep our traditions alive and fight our corner, and never give up. If we do, defeat is a certainty. But while we have fight left in us, victory is possible. Can we do it? I believe we can, though the way be long, let our hearts be strong, and keep right on to the end of the road, where free speech, national sovereignty and, if we get the victory right, prosperity await.