With our abysmal. dishonest prime minister fully engaged in a damage litigation exercise over the Southport murders, Cover-Up Kier now pretends to want a national inquiry in which ‘cultural sensitivities’ will not be allowed to get in the way of the truth. However, as this comes just a few days after denying the country the national inquiry it wants into the Islamic rape gangs because of the cultural and electoral sensitivities involved, few believe that any inquiry will get anywhere near to telling us the truth.
Squirming Starmer’s speech raised more questions than answers and in all probability the no doubt much delayed, years-long highly expensive inquiry into the Southport murders will be another cover up, as the questions we want answered are being asked because millions of us believe that whole Southport affair is the result of ‘cultural sensitivities’ being put well before the safety of young girls.
It is evident that the Southport murders were the result of the same evil that allowed Muslim rape gangs and rampant crime by immigrants to occur: the Establishment’s twin policies of mass immigration and multiculturalism and the obscene enforcement of this agenda at the expense of free speech and public safety.
Who can doubt that Starmer covered up the truth of the Southport murders in the same way he and the Establishment are covering up the truth about the rape gangs and immigrant crime statistics? They have to, for telling the truth forces them to allow the truth that mass immigration and, especially, multiculturalism, have had catastrophic consequences for this once low crime, high trust county.
Trust has gone. I do not trust Starmer, the Labour government, senior Tories from the last government, the Establishment, the MSM, the civil service, the police, the justice system or judiciary. And a large section of the population shares my mistrust.
That is why it was imperative for them to tell the truth immediately after these murders. The government’s own reviewer of terrorism laws said at the time that “if there is information you can give, put it in the public domain, and be really careful you don’t fall into the trap of saying ‘we can only say zilch because there are criminal proceedings”. But Starmer ignored him and said zilch, under the cover of criminal proceedings.
They knew that the country is on edge, fearful of mass immigration and resentful of the arrogant, imbecilic placement of young, single men in the comfort of hotels in places like Southport, anecdotally – the Establishment will not release figures – resulting in significantly increased local crime and assaults on women.
They know that if, after a serious incident like that Southport terrorist attack, no description or details of the suspect is released, the majority automatically assumes that the suspect is an immigrant or one of the protected ethnic minorities and that Islamists are involved. They must, therefore, have known that the murder of three little girls at a dance school would heighten tension and that many would assume that the perpetrator was a Muslim terrorist, quite possibly a recent immigrant.
A responsible, honest government would therefore have kept the public fully informed and told the truth. Instead, they stayed silent. And now we know that Starmer and his gang of despicable cowards were kept fully informed. By the time they had their photo-opportunity in Southport they would have known that the killer was the son of an African immigrant (possibly allowed to stay in UK because of human rights lawyer Starmer?) and had been expelled from school for carrying a knife, and also known that the killer had been referred to the counter-extremism Prevent programme three times, and that on each occasion was judged not to meet the threshold for intervention. Starmer would have known that the killer was in fact a terrorist, with deadly ricin and an Al Qaeda jihadist manual and other terrorist material like beheading videos in his bedroom.
But he said nothing, hiding like the low-life coward he is behind the ‘it’s sub judice’ cover. Now sub judice is a good thing. Everybody is innocent until proven guilty and should have a fair trial. But discussing a suspect’s immigration status or religion, or the authorities’ reaction to the crime in no way precludes a fair trial. But so determined was the Starmer government to stop debate they went as far as withdrawing parliamentary privilege – possibly unconstitutionally – to prevent Farage and Reform MPs from asking questions.
The rioting that followed was caused by the feeling that once again we were being lied to protect the multicultural faith, and that Labour was stopping the public knowing the truth to protect its large Muslim vote. If Starmer had made the speech then that he did yesterday it is likely that no rioting would have occurred. But he chose not to. He chose to mislead the British people instead and, as far as I am concerned, he’s guilty of inciting violence and of stoking the very Islamophobia he is so concerned about.
We were deliberately fed a diet of woke bullshit and warned not to discuss any aspect of the case to avoid jeopardising the trial, and that no aspect of the case should be discussed -or else. Say that the killer was an Islamic terrorist, and you’ll feel the full force of the law. The law? What law? There was no such law in June 2016, when all the details of Labour MP Joe Cox’s killer were disclosed within hours. There was no such law then that prevented the Establishment saying that her, white, killer was “far-Right terrorist”. And there was no such law when the government directed the judicial system to impose heavy jail sentences on ‘far-right thugs’, allegedly led by the long defunct EDL, caught shouting at police dogs and writing what turned out to be the truth on Facebook.
The police obviously knew all this, but the senior officers involved happily trotted out the government line and went out of their way to say that it was not a terrorist attack. It turns out that Merseyside detectives were gagged from releasing vital information and had wanted to provide details about the killer’s background, is religion and his crimes, but were warned not to do so by the Crown Prosecution Service. It is impossible not to conclude that this was due to government pressure. The detectives wanted to inform us of the terrorist manual and the ricin but were ordered not to. And even after the killer’s trial on Monday prosecutors tried to block details of a pre-trial briefing held by Merseyside Police being made public.
All this was no doubt ‘to ensure community harmony’, the excuse made for hiding the truth of the Muslim rape gangs, thus ensuring that the mass rape, and in some cases murder, of vulnerable young women continued for decades and continues to this day.
Compare the mental gymnastics, lies and evasions in avoiding the truth that the Southport murders were acts of terrorism with the comments made by the Director of Public Prosecutions during the protests that those rioting over the Southport attack could face terror charges, and journalist Tommy Robinson’s forthcoming trial on terrorist charges.
The government has clearly obstructed the course of justice in all aspects of this case. The killer’s trial was delayed to coincide with Trump’s inauguration; those arrested for protesting and making comments were fast-tracked into jail in no time at all. The killer first pled not guilty, changed it to a refusal to plead and then, at the last minute, pleaded guilty to ensure that there would, effectively, be no trial at all, just sentencing. So sudden was this that the families of the victim were unable to attend. Does anyone believe that this is not more cover up?
And now they want to placate us with an inquiry. And we all know what that means don’t we. Establishment placemen or women will be appointed, no doubt to be well-remunerated, there will be strict control of what can be asked and what evidence can be presented, it will take for ever and in the end some lowly scapegoat at Prevent will be blamed.
No real lesson will be learned because they do not want to learn any lessons. They are happy with the way thing are and intend to carry on just the same, no matter how many little girls are murdered or raped.
But there is one lesson they will learn: that free speech and a free press are the enemy of the woke globalist agenda they cleave to. Listen to cover-up Kier’s speech yesterday carefully and it is clear that they are intent on yet more censorship and that the government’s main response to the Southport murders and subsequent protest will be to press ahead with and deepen the internet censorship it was already planning. This mut not be allowed to happen.
Starmer again refused to call the Stockport attack terrorism, saying that he needs a new definition of terrorism. In the past, he said, “the predominant threat was highly organised groups with clear political intent.” But now we “face acts of extreme violence perpetrated by loners, misfits, young men in their bedroom accessing all manner of material online, desperate for notoriety. Sometimes inspired by traditional terrorist groups but fixated on that extreme violence, seemingly for its own sake”.
So there you have it. Organised Islamist terror will largely disappear, to be replaced by acts carried out of their own sake, not matter if they are carried out while screaming ‘Allahu Akbar’. And the Establishment’s Islamic terror problem will all go way.