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Free Speech Backlash
FSB stands for free speech and personal liberty for all, the nation state and secure borders, equality before the law and the sovereignty of the British people. We also like to have a laugh.
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Duke Maskell
Recent Articles
Class and University
As Oxbridge makes entry easier for 'ethnic minorities', The Duke discusses Class and University entrance.
Life and Nature
The Labour Party keeps a promise.
The Duke tells of Labour's long standing-plot to destroy public schools and impose a State monopoly on education.
Life and Nature
Up to the Gills in Weirdness and Hypocrisy
A. A. Gill, Quality Journalist, used as an example to show who only certain groups can be criticised or laughed at.
Life and Nature
Off with his head?
Should King Charles be able to speak on whether to break up the Kingdom into parts or, whether unnamed foreign judges should be able to compel us to give a home to an Albanian criminal, here illegally, just because he has got his Lithuanian girlfriend pregnant?
The Devil's Advocate
Gripe of the Day
Duke Maskell shares his biggest gripe.
Life and Nature
Is a just war fought for the sake of justice?
Duke Maskell argues that the only just war is one fought for vital national interests.
The World We Live In
Black and White
Duke Maskell reminds us of the first stage of the African slave trade.
Fraser Nelson makes a revolution without breaking an egg
Duke Maskell on the decline if the Spectator, circa 2008
The Honkey and the -i--e-
An essay on the inanity of making some words taboo.
Art and Culture