Monday 20 January: Cometh the hour, cometh the man?


Trump has at least to make a good start draining the swamp, and leave a good legacy for JD Vance to finish the job.

Would you support this petition?

Stop all public funding of all Muslim groups and organisations.

The State in its various forms is currently handing out millions of pounds of taxpayer's money to various forms of Islamic organisations with no popular mandate. We urge parliament to openly debate this and vote to stop it immediately.

It is clear that the majority of decent, moderate Muslims are afraid to protest against extremists and those involved in rape gangs because of intimidation by groups often in receipt of public funds from local and national government, such as mosques, schools and so-called community leaders. Removing this subsidy will weaken the hold the extremists and Islamists have over the rest of Muslim communities and encourage the decent majority to integrate into British society.

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