To the ReformUK party leadership.
The British people are in despair at the absurd antics of this malevolent government. Nobody voted for this, they are ruining the country, and something must be done to stop them we say. But what? What can be done?
It happens there is plenty we can do. We can demonstrate, start and sign petitions, write angry posts in online journals and vote Reform every chance we get - if we get the chance that is. But the Establishment Uniparty is running scared and knows how hated it is. And it does not intend to give us the chance if it can help it.
That icon of integrity, intelligence and public-spiritedness, Angela Raynor, has cancelled local elections this year for 5.5 million people, amid growing outrage over inflation-busting council tax rises and support for Reform. That ardent protector of the public purse did this, she says, to save money and make local government more accountable. Pull the other one pet.
They are cancelling elections when most of the country is livid about unjustifiably high council tax rises from councils that offer appallingly poor value for money, much of it going to the over-paid commissariat that run councils like little Lenins. Rayner, with no popular mandate, is arrogantly pushing through a wholly unnecessary and expensive reorganisation, with district councils scrapped and merged to produce huge councils that further remove local government from the people - but closer to Big Central Government, further weakening our already sickly democracy.
Labour is not doing away with a two-tier system but is creating a new tier of remote and largely unaccountable authorities that will be much easier for Whitehall to control and be used to implement the Uniparty’s sinister leftwing Globalist agenda.
Another goal they have, of course, is to stop the rise of Reform, now with over 200,000 members and topping opinion polls, and to give the Uniparty’s shock troops in the MSM more time to run smear and misinformation campaigns against your insurrectionist party.
Nigel Farage criticised the “cowardice of the political class” and said: “I thought only dictators cancelled elections” while pointing out the collusion of “a now terrified Labour Party… and Conservative-led councils”. Mr Farage added that that: “The reorganisation of local government is going to take up to three years to complete, and given that the term for a county councillor is four years, there is absolutely no justification for cancelling the elections for five and a half million people other than the cowardice of the existing political class.”
Spot on Nigel, it is only dictators that cancel elections, but this is not only an act of political cowardice but is also an attack on democracy and an attempt to impose a dictatorship by stealth. I respectfully put it to you, therefore, that something more than making speeches and posting tweets needs to be done to stop it. We now need to take action and get the message across that we will not submit to dictatorship or be burdened with punitive taxation.
And for that we need the leadership ReformUK is so well placed to provide. We call on you therefore to form a mass movement, a bringing together of the anti-globalist and patriotic majority of the British people, from all parties and organisations. It is, surely, time for a peaceful campaign of mass civil disobedience. It is time to show them our strength. This is an ideal time for Reform to cement itself as the nation’s great hope.
And action needs to be nationwide, not restricted to the areas in which elections have been cancelled. An attack on democracy Sussex is an attack on democracy in Sunderland and Southport. God knows there is enough anger in the nation. People have had enough and are desperate for leadership. We need to take action to stop the attack on democracy and to stop the increases in council tax.
People are rightly outraged that, as well as the billions spent housing illegal aliens, councils have spent millions more giving them PlayStations, DJ lessons, and yoga classes, and paying for driving lessons, tickets to football matches and instruction in “circus skills”.
Since 2022 Local authorities have spent at least £141 million on these extras while British pensioners cannot afford to heat their houses and are now being forced to pay more to councils that are cutting back on already abysmal front line services.
As Rupert Lowe says, this is a disgrace and gives a strong incentive to the millions more who want to come here. As he says, “the waste is simply staggering. How can the drain on the public purse be justified at a time when we’re all being asked to pay so much more?”
It cannot be justified
Croydon council, for example, spent £317,224 on such extras – followed by its third Section 114 notice, effectively declaring bankruptcy. It gave thousand to Care4Calais, a dodgy ‘charity’ that played a leading role in legal action against the Rwanda deportation flights and helped Croydon Council to provide illegal immigrants with housing guidance, GP registration, sim cards and Oyster cards.
Very many councils up and down the land are equally adept at wasting taxpayer’s money. One County Council paid £18,000 for driving lessons and ‘food hygiene’ courses for illegals, who no doubt find work delivering parcels for Amazon. Councils have also been handing out bus passes, laptops and bicycles to illegals, while paying for Ramadan dinners and Koran reading session for illegal Muslim immigrants, while infecting them with the woke virus in the form of funding a “race equality centre” that offers training on “tackling extremism” and “hate crime awareness”. And all of this on top of the £5.4 billion of our money spent housing illegals in 2023-24.
Some of the councils involved have huge budget deficits and are among councils given special permission by Angela Rayner on Monday to raise council tax to 10 per cent, four times the rate of inflation. And Angela Raynor, a member of a government itself indecently wasteful of taxpayer’s money, cannot be relied upon to impose sense on spendthrift councils.
Useful though they are, petitions and demonstrations are shrugged off by the Establishment. It is now time to take more positive action. We propose, therefore, that a nationwide program of civil disobedience be organised, initially in the form of a Council Tax strike with a set of specific demands, such as councils stopping all discretionary spending, especially on illegal immigrants and ‘charities’ such as Stonewall, but also reducing the payroll and pension liabilities. We can draw up a proposed list should Reform be prepared to take the lead.
We know that the Establishment will regard this as illegal, but they have driven us too far. They have broken the social contract and have no democratic or moral legitimacy. We do not propose this lightly. We believe in law and order, but it is apparent that the British State itself is now abusing the law and turning it against the British people. And we hope that just the threat of such a strike, organised by Reform with a mass movement behind it, would be enough to cause them to back down. It worked with the much fairer Poll Tax under the much tougher Thatcher.
We do not propose that people stop paying council tax, but instead to withhold it until our legitimate grievances are met. Is ReformUK prepared to step up and take the lead. If not, what do you propose that the British people do to resist the intolerable burden the government is placing upon us?
The time for peaceful, proportionate action is now, before it is too late. Please take the lead in a very British revolution – peaceful, calm, organised and pragmatic, but also determined to succeed.
Please circulate this far and wide. I intend to send it to TCW, Daily Sceptic, Guido Fawkes and and every other likely organisation I can think of. Please help.
If you have any suggestions on this, the content of the letter or anything else, please let me know.