From Telly to Telegram From darkness to light.

By Graham Bedford on

Having cancelled my TV licence and thus no longer watching live TV, I felt I was missing out on brain-washing (sorry, I meant News). In truth, I had stepped well away ages before. Everything that I once held dear, and found entertaining, such as HIGNFY had now become unbearable. Being aware that as one gets older, one gets grumpier, I thought it may be me. As I had also fallen out of love with football, mainly because watching players diving and rolling around in feigned agony or arguing with referees all seemed pointless. I had yet to see a referee change his mind based on a half dozen players screaming in his face. Then again, perhaps I did.

AI zombies
The result of watching too much BBC

So, there was no live TV at all for us, unless we were away and came back to our AirBnB from the pub. Sometimes I would just turn the TV on for the news (yes, the BBC still!) During those periods, I do not remember having tolerated it for more than ten minutes. Once again, I was unsure as to whether that was more about me, than the hand wringing woke newsreader or reporter on the scene. When was it that news organisations decided to pad out an article by asking a few people on the streets, what their view of that story was? I believe they are called ‘Vox Pox’ Well a pox on all of you for subjecting us to that experience.

I still had the BBC News App on my mobile, as its presentation could not beaten in my opinion. I tried a few others but kept returning to the BBC App. I would frequently check it to see what was happening in the world, but it increasingly wound me up. I chose to look at it by the ‘10 most viewed’ items. I suspect that numbering is also a fabrication. But one did not have to scroll down very far to discover wokery in its full glory:

In at No 6: an article on the first black player to play professional football in the 70s, and how he had to overcome racism in the changing room.

Slowly climbing to No 8: how the sleepy hollow village in Yorkshire has embraced the trans couple in their community.

Down at No 10: how students at a university are made to feel unsafe when passing statues of Leslie Crowther, as he once dressed up as a Black and White Minstrel.

Really, are these the top ten items? I hear Amsterdam has been brought to a standstill by farmers protests, demonstrating about their government’s restrictions that will ruin farming and put them out of business, yet there is nothing about this on any MSM news channels or Apps.

The BBC News App presentation is impressively good, but with unimpressively bad content. Screaming “just shut the fuck up” at the TV or your phone does scare the dogs and annoy the wife! I would not be surprised to read on the BBC App: “Smart speaker made to feel anxious, after receiving hurty words”

This verbal abuse of my devices started some time before these recent events, it was ramped up to 11 during ‘the madness’ When I was listening to the ‘Home of Common Sense’: Mike Graham on TalkRADIO. Listeners were calling in to say their elderly relative in a care home had just passed away during the lockdowns when they had not been allowed to visit them (I refuse to use the modern vocabulary of’ ‘Loved Ones’) Those relatives had witnessed their decline over the preceding months, so their deaths were not unexpected. But they were shocked to find ‘Covid’ on the death certificate! Numerous stories like that came up on that station, always spaced in between those stories were the usual adverts: like “can you look an A&E nurse in the eye…..?” type fear porn, it was constant, and deliberate. Sorry Mike, that possibly confirms why your listening figures fell. You were doing all the right things, between all the propaganda.

That’s when my journey in search of truth tellers began, and boy if I have discovered the truth, then in nearly every case the lies are more palatable.

I have plenty of go-to people to watch on YouTube or Rumble. Russel Brand is a great example, he covers his first 15 mins or so on YT, but then extends the same broadcast on Rumble to over an hour, as there is no censoring of his articles on there. Yet, I do not watch him as much as I once did. There is so much choice out there, but not for long! so enjoy it while you can.

What eats my time up and contributes to my concerns on what is going on in the world is mainly gleamed from the Telegram Messenger App. You can select channels to follow, and boy is it enlightening. I suggest you try it before it gets taken down. There is footage of Starmer during the madness in the house, talking about shutting Telegram down. They have already banned it in a few countries, usually those countries with a left leaning government, like Brazil.

One of my favourite channels on Telegram, is called ‘Not on The Beeb’ . So, I deleted the BBC News App from my phone, I hesitated at first, as I thought it was my lifeline to what was going on in the world, but it is the BBC’s version of that.

Confession: I still have BBC Sport and Weather Apps on my phone for obvious reasons: laughs. The former is there, so I can see how England are doing, in say the cricket, I scroll through and find the opponent is not who I believed they were playing? I thought we were playing India! Ah, they are talking about the Ladies team! Further searching reveals the Men’s opponents and score: sorted. Yes, the BBC feel the need to equalise the interest in both sexes results: respect

The BBC Weather App is also good for a laugh, again presentation is top notch, the content not. I volunteered to cut the insulation on a friend’s roof, after removal of the tiles. The weather forecast for the week (yes, it took that long) was occasional rain every day. Not a drop fell!

The BBC just cannot help themselves, they lie at every opportunity