The recent, more revealing, disclosures of the mass rape of juvenile girls in the UK by men of predominantly Pakistani origin over some 25 years have surprised many people.
The fact that the government insists that this wasn’t really happening apart from between 2011 and 2014, and only happened in a few towns isn’t either honest or very credible. As a ‘government position’ it’s not going to be sustainable either.
The more likely truth is that this involved several thousand children in over 100 towns and cities and was perpetrated by many hundreds of men and was evident long before 2011, indeed, long before 2000. The government admits to 50 towns and cities and a few hundred cases. This as disingenuous as it cynical and callous.
Initially reported, reluctantly, by our press/TV and Radio, these were isolated cases which involved ‘Asian’ men. This description deliberately calumnised all men from the Indian sub-Continent. The truth of the matter is that the prosecutions, thus far, have quite specifically been against men of Pakistani, Bangaldeshi, and some of Somali origin who all share Islam as their common religion.
The slur on ‘Asian’ men of Indian and Sri Lankan origin has been as grotesque as it has been baseless. The official government line has always been that most rapes in the UK are carried out by white men, and, given the fact that over 40% of the population is both white, and male, there’s a statistical case to argue. As per usual, the stats are being used to obfuscate rather than inform people.
The frequency and numbers of the rapes of under-age white girls, in care or in other vulnerable circumstances by men of Pakistani, Bangladeshi, or other Muslim country origin argues a very different perspective which only a tin-eared, or prejudiced set of politicians could ignore, and hope to get away with.
At this point I should confess to knowing one of the perpetrators, or one of the defenders of a perpetrator.
A man from Sylhet in Bangladesh, AM, owned the restaurant near our house. We got along very well, not least because I was an unusual customer, having worked in Bangladesh and knew something of an aquaculture project which had worked quite well in his hometown.
We got along very well, and I make no excuses for this. From 2004, when we started to become regulars in his restaurant. Remarkably, after I’d shared my concerns about hosting Christmas Day lunch for all of my family, he had his staff deliver three tables, 20 chairs, table-cloths, napkins, and full sets of plates, cutlery, and glasses on Christmas Eve….our hall has never looked quite so useful.
It should also be noted that AM did ask me if our younger daughter might consider marrying him….Naturally, I conveyed the request to our daughter and, unsurprisingly, her response was as unequivocal as it was terse.
Some years later, after the restaurant had changed hands, I learned that AM had been sent to prison for threatening a woman who was giving evidence against his friend in a court case. At that time I had no idea what might underly this case and I didn’t bother to research this, to my shame. I had no idea.
It’s only very recently that I’ve understood that he was part of a gang of Bangladeshis which was grooming and raping young girls. I cannot begin to understand how I misjudged this and missed what should have been staring me in the face.
The last time I saw AM was four years ago in our local hospital. He introduced me to his first cousin, new wife. He’s about 45 and proudly told me that she was 22 years old.
She’s six-foot-four with bent legs like pipe-cleaners and ever-so exophthalmic with a peculiarly long face. Their children are unlikely to be very fit and healthy.
Too much consanguinity over too many generations has inevitable results. I suppose that part of the deal was because AM is an unusually tall Bangladeshi at five foot ten.
His new wife towered over both of us, and I’m just shy of six foot. I’d suppose that quite a few acres of land in Sylhet changed hands and that AM’s father now owns more land than he used to, and that his son owns another three or four restaurants in England.
My thoughts are with the girls who were raped and degraded by him, possibly, and his friends, certainly. A little thought for the likely damaged children which he and his wife will have would be kind….but I’m not sure that I can stretch that far today.
I still can’t work out how I missed the obvious connection between AM’s conviction for threatening a witness and the gang of child rapists in our town. I’d suppose that we don’t usually go looking for things which are so abhorrent and we never consider that they’ll happen anywhere near where we live with our children.
It’s a pretty useless defence for my blinkered history, but it’s a better one than those which I imagine we’ll hear from the people who did know what was really going on in some 100 towns and cities in this country over the last 25 years or more.
The local councils and their various departments in charge of child welfare, the Police, and the ‘third sector’ government-funded NGOs and charities who reckon that they’re at the ‘sharp-edge’ and looking after disadvantaged people where government doesn’t reach? They tell us, regularly, that we should give them more money because they’re doing the work which our taxes don’t pay enough for through national and local government. How did they do in Rotherham, Telford, Oxford, and the other 90 or so towns and cities across the country? They’re all culpable for casting a blind-eye over the lives of poor, white, under-age girls who were supposed to be under their care.
These are some of the questions which must be addressed and answered: Why did all of these well-funded local government Councils and taxpayer-funded NGOs and charities, all ignore the cries for help from the victims and their families for so many years?
Why did the Police dismiss the claims of children and their families so readily and frequently?
How on earth did we get Police officers dismissing the claims of rape by 14-year-old girls and take them into custody whilst ignoring the men in the room?
Why did guardians of hostels charged with the welfare of under-age girls hand those girls over to taxi drivers at all hours of the day?
These are just a few of the questions which weren’t addressed in any government report which I’m aware of, although I’m told that some sort of report was produced for HMG covering the broad scope about Child Sexual Exploitation – 2011 to 2014.
May I suggest that the next report should, more usefully, cover ‘Child Rapes by Organised Muslim Gangs in the United Kingdom – 1995 -2024’, just to keep this in the right perspective.
It’ll go down like a rat sandwich with about 90% of our MPs and the Civil Service, and local councils and their Social Services staff will go nuts, but it will be very well received by about 85% of the electorate, which rather illustrates the massive disconnect which is now entrenched between the voters and those people who run the shop.