It didn’t take long for Islamists to make the headlines in 2025 did it? Shamsud-Din Bahar Jabbar, a Muslim, drove a pickup into fellow human beings celebrating the New Year on Bourbon Street, in New Orleans’ French Quarter, centre of the city’s famous Mardi Gras and a massive tourist attraction guaranteed to be crowded on New Year, in an attempt to kill as many of them as possible. At the time of writing, fifteen are known to have died.
The FBI instinctively denied it was terrorism, but the facts soon forced them to change their mind and admit that it was, and I proceed on the basis that this is now a proven fact. And that it was a planned and co-ordinated attack by Islamists.
There is insufficient evidence to couple it with the Las Vegas explosion, but the MSM seems keen on relating the two, and I suspect that, because the two men involved were former US Army, they would love to turn this into a Right-Wing Extremist story. However, I do find the FBI ruling out a link between the two attacks so quickly suspicious.
The facts of the New Orleans attack are common knowledge and need no further comment from me. Instead, I look at why such attacks happen and the political response to them. I can imagine some of you rolling your eyes, thinking why waste time asking what causes these attacks. We know what causes them – Islam!
And that is a perfectly understandable response, and one that should be given a voice and debated extensively: Is Islam inherently and unchangeably violent? If it is, what should be done about it? If it is not, why does it produce so much violence now, and what can be done to make it peaceful and tolerant?
While I believe that Islam can live in peace with people of other faiths, it would be foolish to deny that it very often doesn’t or that its fanatics, referred to here as Islamists, frequently resort to violence to extend their power. To deny this, and mindlessly repeat the moronic mantra that ‘Islam is a religion of peace’, and to try to pass terrorism obviously carried out in its name off as acts of mentally disturbed people who just happen to be Muslim, as so many Establishment politicians do, helps nobody but the terrorists.
The Establishment’s suppression of any debate on the nature of Islam and how to treat it in western societies of Christian heritage is savage. They have passed insidious hate crime laws to stop it and appear to be looking into blasphemy laws to suppress it yet further. Every time someone raises such questions the idiotic Islamophobia cry is raised, and howling fanatics usually succeed in stopping any debate dead, with the intimidated, or complicit, MSM running a mile.
They do this because to freely debate what will soon become an existential question is certain to undermine two of the cornerstones of the Globalist Cultural Revolution, mass immigration and multiculturalism.
This is very much part of the problem. Muslims see this and think that we do not have the courage to do anything about it, that the Woke State will ensure that there are no consequences. This encourages the fanatics among them. Non-Muslims see the same and come to the same conclusion as Muslims, creating much, if suppressed, animosity which, one day, could explode and the innocent Muslim will suffer with the guilty.
Many Muslims are innocent, wanting to live their lives and let others live theirs. They do not want to kill kaffirs and would be happy to live peacefully with them. But the Establishment’s appeasement of the Islamist fanatics, who really do want to dominate, puts the fanatics in leading positions, which they do not hesitate to use in ensuring that moderate Muslims are kept under control and firmly within the Ummah. The absurd fantasy of multiculturalism, therefore, entrenches the fanatic’s control.
An example of this occurred after the New Orleans attack. It was reported that the mosque attended by Shamsud Din Jabbar urged its congregation not to respond to media inquiries and to refer to the Council on American-Islamic Relations and the Islamic Society of Greater Houston Islamic (CAIR and ISGH) any questions from the FBI. CAIR has in the past aided families of ISIS-affiliated terrorists and even the FBI (reportedly) stopped dealing with it. In 2009 a federal judge ruled that there was evidence that it had links with Hamas, and the United Arab Emirates labelled it a terrorist organisation in 2014 - a decision that the Obama administration opposed. A CAIR executive director reportedly said that he was ‘happy’ about the October 7, 2023, terror attacks on Israel.
In my view, most of the leading Muslim organisations in the West – the ones governments deal with and give taxpayer’s money to - are likely to have very similar views. And in my opinion the blame for Islamic terrorism lies as much with government, here and across the woke western world, as it does with Islamism, the belief that political Islam must dominate the world and eradicate all other belief systems.
It is reasonable to assume that such organisations readily apply sanctions against Muslims integrating into western society or informing the authorities of impending attacks – especially when those authorities work so closely with these self-appointed ‘community leaders?
In a way, this helps answer the questions asked above, based on the reasonable conclusion that yes, violent extremism is an integral part of Islam, but it need not be an active part, let alone a dominant one. It can be tamed, and the Islam practiced here made tolerant. To do this leadership must be taken away from the militants and fanatics and placed in the hands of the moderates. Unfortunately, this can only be done through government, and none of the Globalist Uniparties will even think about it. (Will Reform?)
But to start we all of us, moderate Muslims included, need to start accepting reality and to insist on the right of the British people to assert our own cultural and moral values on Muslims (and other new arrivals). If they don’t like it, they can leave.
We are at the stage now where, following an incident like the one in New Orleans, or that in Magdeburg, most people immediately assume that the perpetrator is a Muslim or Muslims. Almost always this is justified, and the frequent lies and evasions by the authorities, like those over the Southport murders, serve only to inflame passions and increase mistrust. It’s time we asserted our right to speak about this openly, regardless of what militant Muslims or mendacious politicians say. But to do this we need to replace the Establishment, or, better still, create a society without a permanent political establishment.
This short piece serves only to initiate a debate, a debate I hope you will participate in. We have to deal with a significant Islamic presence in our country, and my view is that this is best done by turning Muslims born here into good loyal British citizens. I want your views on how to do this. I take it as obvious that we need to repeal hate crime laws and end the balkanisation of Britain by ending multiculturalism and stopping mass immigration dead and consider stopping immediately all Muslim immigration. Certainly, we need to force the authorities into taking immediate action against Muslim criminals, especially the Pakistani rape gang beasts,and to stop being afraid of accusations of racism or Islamophobia.
Going further, do we close Islamic schools, license Imams, ban Islamic dress, ban Halal food and so on? Can we do this without driving moderate Muslims into the arms of the Islamist fanatics. I don’t know. But we will only make progress by talking about it.
Please let us know your views in the comments, or by submitting an article.