In yet another attack on democracy and national sovereignty, the European Union’s top court has ordered Hungary to pay a fine of 200 million euros for breaking the bloc’s asylum rules, plus an additional one million euros for every day it fails to comply.
Put simply, Hungary has been fined, and is being threatened with having its voting rights suspended, because it has what is viewed as a right-wing government, has ‘illegally’ deported illegal immigrants, and stops them entering across its non-EU borders with Serbia and Ukraine. Its PM, Victor Orban, was re-elected – for the fourth time - by a large majority in 2020 promising to defend Hungary’s borders and no mass immigration, legal or illegal. He won a 53% share of the vote, ten percent more than Blair’s 43% in his 1997 election ‘landslide’. Unlike Blair, Orban has by and large kept his promises.
Orbán criticised the EU court ruling as “outrageous and unacceptable” and said that “that illegal migrants are more important to the Brussels bureaucrats than their own European citizens.” In this he is undoubtedly correct. Our very own EU-loving British bureaucrats are of exactly the same mind, and slavishly follow EU-diktats on immigration, using the ‘international law’ scam as an excuse.
The autocratic European Union however, itself having no democratic credentials and a demonstrable contempt for democracy, regards Orban keeping to his democratic mandate as an “unprecedented and extremely serious infringement of EU law” which it claims takes precedence over everything. A left-wing globalist Germany might get away with claiming that its own sovereign laws takes precedence, but a non-globalist ‘right-wing’ Hungary is another matter, especially when it goes directly against the EU’s globalist goal of eliminating national identity through mass immigration.
In effect, the highly political European Court has found Hungary guilty of illegally detaining and deporting illegal immigrants and of preventing them entering the EU, which is seeking, or assuming, the power to distribute migrants around its subject countries as it sees fit, with or without their agreement and, obviously, regardless of how the peoples of the countries feel about it.
Following earlier legal action by the EU against Hungary for rounding up illegal immigrants and holding them in transit zones, Orban responded by building a fence along Hungary’s border with Serbia and Croatia, the main route into Europe from the Middle East and Hungarian border guards began pushing illegals trying to break through the fence back into Serbia. This, of course, caused outrage in Brussels.
Hungary has since said that it will not allow entry, or process any application for asylum, unless migrants first apply to Hungarian embassies abroad, mainly in Belgrade and Kiev. It was also made a criminal offence in Hungary for anyone to assist illegal immigrants gain entry or seek asylum in Hungary. These laws are known in Hungary as the 'stop Soros laws'.

Hungary made these changes when, in a short period in 2015, over 400,000 migrants entered Hungary. Most were on their way to Western Europe, but some committed crimes and disturbances on their way. In one incident a gun battle between immigrant groups resulted in three deaths.
In 2020, the European Court found these policies ‘unlawful’ as they breached the right, (yes right) of asylum seekers to stay in Hungary while their application went through the full due process, which can take years.
Predictably, the European Commission (EC), which hates Orban and which is responsible for monitoring member states’ compliance with its diktats, took the view that Budapest had still not complied and requested the European Court of Justice to fine Hungary. Naturally, the murky legality of doing so was brushed aside and the Court obliged, fining Hungary even more than the EC had asked it to.
The EU has given anybody, from anywhere, the right to apply for asylum or other forms of international protection if they fear for their safety in their home countries or face the prospect of persecution based on their race, religion, ethnic background, gender or other discrimination. And its courts apply that right in the most liberal fashion possible, often relying on the applicants alleged and purely subjective ‘fears’.
A whole lucrative industry has grown up around asylum in Europe, with lawyers and charity bosses doing very well out of advising applicants to claim to be homosexual, or Christian and a hundred other ruses to gain the easily obtained sympathy of the system.
We can only hope that Hungary stands firm and shows other, more decadent countries already far down the road to multicultural disintegration what needs to be done to protect their identities. This video by CBN news unusually allows Hungarian politicians and leaders to make their case and express their opinions. What they say will have resonance with many around Europe, in Britain, the USA, Canada and Australia, few of whom are bad people or racist, just ordinary decent people who want to protect their own national identity, culture and heritage - all of which is under constant attack by anti-democratic globalists like the EU.