The days of empire are back: but it has nothing to do with Britain Unity for Britain!

By Xandra H on

ai unite

For people who supposedly hate the British empire and colonialism, the Left in this country as well as the world elites, seem to have taken to its rules for success like a duck to water; with divide and rule being the most loved expression in the halls of power.

In fact, so much so that I believe Putin is offering beleaguered British citizens a fast track for emigrating to Russia if they want one. Apart from the cheek of it, it just shows what the rest of the world now thinks of this country and the things that have been going on here, since 1979. Two-tier is now busy working at an accelerated pace so that he can firmly stitch the country up beyond salvation whilst he still has the chance, and at the same time shutting up any dissenters.

Before all this happened, the British story was a bit like an epic poem. A small island off the northern European coast ended up with a huge empire and more influence in world affairs than almost any other country for some time. The odds were that it should not have happened, but it did. This island produced more than its fair share of brain power as well, exporting inventions and discoveries all over the world to the benefit of all nations. Up until recently this story was cognoscente with the world view of Britain, otherwise stories like James Bond etc would have just seemed ridiculous. Even post empire, the British view was the gold standard by which to judge events and plan for quite some time. A lot eh, for such a small country, but that was our contribution. You did not have to be a continent to do well in the world. You just had to be the right people in the right place at the right time.

History is full of such examples and the British are not unique in this, but listening to today’s history rewriters you would think that we were, and not only unique, but uniquely evil.

So, how did it come to this sad end, for a people who although getting many things wrong, on balance added more to the world than they took from it and why?

Well, there is always someone who looks on and says “it should have been me” for a start. Then of course, you have people who are ideologically opposed to what the current set up stands for and want to replace it with something else. This too has been going on for centuries.

These challenges are usually dressed up in rhetoric that describes them as “a better deal” for humanity, or the poor, or the underclass etc. ect.

One of the greatest problems the world elites had with Britain is that we had such a strong sense of self and community identity, which needed to be destroyed before we could be integrated into the new world order. It took several years of the long march through the institutions to train a couple of generations how not to be British, as it was then understood. Anyone who currently cleaves to this past identity or even remembers it is now automatically deemed far right and in some cases fascist.

Unfortunately, as a nation, we helped this along because so strong was our identity we dismissed any warning signs as conspiracy theories and the messengers as tin foil hat wearers. This could never happen to our country; we are British for god’s sake and proud of it!

In 1997 when Blair was first elected to power, he immediately saw an opportunity to get things moving properly, by technically splitting the United Kingdom up with devolution. Moreover, devolution was put forward as a way of shaking off the oppression of the English who supposedly ruled Britain at the expense of other aligned countries. This acceptable form of jingoism as a counterpoint to oppression immediately brought out the worst in the other countries that formed the United Kingdom and lead to the English and England being seen as the source of all wickedness. When the English decided to ask for their own parliament, Jack Straw opined that “the English were a race it was not worth saving”.

By choosing which bits of history to focus on, nationalism was encouraged in the “oppressed” parts of Britain, but not in England, as it was felt that England should be put in its place for historical harms. These historical harms were then focussed on in education and ideas that would never have got out of the social sciences common room started to become mainstream.

Having achieved some success, the narrative then went on to espouse other causes against the English and racism and past colonialism was brought up to strengthen the cause. It must be noted here that when Britain was a United Kingdom, many of the colonialists and the aristocracy were Welsh, Scottish, and Irish, but that was discounted as they portrayed themselves as being under English rule at the time and apparently not responsible for their actions.

Having identified a goodly clutch of historical harms that the English had perpetrated against the world, it was now time to decide how they were going to be made to pay for it.

First, it was necessary to divide the English against themselves. Being the largest part of the United Kingdom, if the English stuck together in adversity, it would be more difficult to move things on. There had always been traditional historical divisions between rich and poor, aristocrats and peasants, bosses, and workers, but even so, each side knew the boundaries on how far to push their cause before endangering the country.

However, since we joined what was then the common market under Heath, those that watched saw that they could take things much further than they thought being safe under the banner of the EU and its institutions. With hindsight, I can completely understand why the continent was so upset when the public were allowed to vote to leave and did. They thought we were in the bag. So did our politicians, who quickly realised that they had to move things up a notch, or they might lose the narrative for good.

By the time Blair came to power, the United Kingdom was no longer thought of as a separate country by the powers that be, but a regional outpost of the EU in which our politicians were the area managers. It always amazes me as to how quick our post Thatcher politicians were to give up on nationhood and join the global cabal. Thatcher at least tried to retain some semblance of fighting for British national interests when she was in power, but I think that most of our politicians sold out to the new world order years ago, behind the population’s back off course; which is why said population did not realise until it was too late and we were already signed up to Maastricht etc.

Sadly, even though the population voted for Brexit, it made not a shred of difference which brings us to today. The English have currently been divided up on so many fronts, it’s difficult to talk to your neighbour in case you say the wrong thing either online or off. These micro wrongs are now being written into law to add even more fuel to the fire and make sure people cooperate less with each other and hide their true feelings. To sell it to the non-white population, we have imported paradigms created on the back of American history and social research and made them our own, lauding special groups as being freedom fighters when nothing that happened to their ancestors in this country would lead to that being appropriate.

It does not matter though because the narrative that you can get the public to swallow is everything, hence co-opting the media to send out the right messages and tell people the right way to think. I wonder how the people of this country would have responded to the covid debacle, micro-aggression’s, sex change and other weird and wonderful things that are now classed as mainstream sixty years ago? If I think of my grandparents, they would have said “don’t be so daft”!

We now have a situation whereby many of the first wave of immigrants think more of the culture we are busy shredding than most of the young white population do. They too want less immigration and more focus on the needs of the country in the form of the nation state than those of the world at large.

If we want to get any of what we have lost back we need to fight for it in an intelligent way; not by street riots. The way to fight in my opinion is to encourage like-minded people who consider themselves British in the way we used too, and will argue for what we are currently having removed from us. This would include all the genuine people who have come to this country in good faith, no matter what their ethnicity or personal beliefs and who want to help the original white population preserve its best traditions and culture so that they can benefit too.

We should refuse to engage with intra country splits along the lines of sexuality, race, religion, class, ethnicity, and anything else that can be used to start a conversation that ends in local conflict and start seeing people as individuals again, rather than part of a homogenous group. The Conservative Party was supposed to do all this, but for several years now it has ceased to do anything for this country not approved of by its masters, whomever they are; certainly not the public who voted for them that’s for sure.

We should protest against any new laws being brought in to shore up individual groups and support politicians who will genuinely remove some of the dafter things on the law books. The Left wants you to argue with them, so they can either talk you round or label you a bigot and not to be listened too. Sometimes it’s just best to say “don’t be daft” and leave it at that. This naming and shaming also goes for ethnic minorities who don’t tow the party line and is not just limited to white people, even though it sometimes feels like it. It will take time, but if we only stop it going any further, we will have left future generations less mess to clear up and that has got to be worthwhile.