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Free Speech Backlash
FSB stands for free speech and personal liberty for all, the nation state and secure borders, equality before the law and the sovereignty of the British people. We also like to have a laugh.
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Xandra H
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Do you want to live forever?
As the belief in heaven fades, some want to live forever.
Life and Nature
Have a Moral Compass? Just make Sure it Really is Yours
Beware, the Woke State is Trying to Control Your Moral Compass.
Life and Nature
Control of the Mind Through Control of Language
Part 3 of psychologist Xandra H's explanation of how the State is controlling our minds - this time through use of approroved 'woke' language.
Life and Nature
The State Consolidates Its Grip
How the transactional bond between parents and children was switched to the State and the consequences of that switch.
Life and Nature
State Designed Immaturity
This is the first of three articles explaining the psychological drivers that have resulted in the population ending up accepting the very worst and most unsuitable people in society as the ones fit to decide our fate.
Life and Nature
They are not us
Psychologist Xandra H looks at the mindset of Labour's Gang of Four and finds it totally alien to normal humans.
Liberty & Free Speech
Hollow Man Starmer Psychoanalysed
Psychologist Xandra H has a go at looking into what makes Hollow Man Starmer the unfeeling autocratic zealot he appears to many to be.
Life and Nature
Psychologist Xandra H shows the tricks used by government to get people to believe the unbelievable and frankly absurd.
Conspiracy Corner
Oh brave new world; that has such creatures in it!
The UN recently voted through a package described as "a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reimagine the multilateral system and steer humanity on a new course to meet existing commitments and solve long-term challenges" - a course down the road to serfdom.
Conspiracy Corner
Pattern Recognition
Practising phychiatrist Xandra H explains what we don't know about reality, and how reality is distorted.
Life and Nature
We Seem To Have Forgotten The Purpose Of Childhood
Xandra H, a senior psychiatrist, discusses the State's take over of parental responsibilities for children and the problems it causes.
Life and Nature
Anglo-Saxons Cancelled
Xandra H on Woke Universities and their distaste for Anglo-Saxon studies.
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