Chemtrails, Aural Beams & Mind Control Chemtrails or Contrials. Part Four

By John Hamer on

Image by Alpha India

Human bodies are electrical in nature, as are all our individual living cells.  In addition to our complex electrical makeup, we have an energetic side as well.  Our meridians and chakras are only the most basic component of this hidden side.  This energetic element is very sensitive to electromagnetic and scalar magnetic signals reaching into the terahertz band.  Saturating human cells with metallic compounds makes them more sensitive to man-made signals in these ranges.  Much research has been conducted, and many patents have been awarded relating to remote influence, electromagnetic telepathy and mind control.  I do not believe that anyone would go the trouble and considerable expense of applying for patents for processes and devices that are not intended to be used actively. 

Introducing the High frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP).  Very briefly; HAARP is a semi-secret American government project located in Alaska.  It is widely believed that the reasons stated by the government for its existence are a major cover-up. “HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an ‘ionospheric heater.’ (The ionosphere is the electrically charged sphere surrounding Earth's upper atmosphere. It ranges between 40 to 60 miles above the surface of the Earth.) 

Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope; antennas send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radio wave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. Electromagnetic waves then bounce back onto earth and penetrate everything -- living and dead. HAARP publicity gives the impression that the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is mainly an academic project with the goal of changing the ionosphere to improve communications for our own good. However, other U.S. military documents put it more clearly -- HAARP aims to learn how to "exploit the ionosphere for Department of Defense purposes."  

Communicating with submarines is only one of those purposes. Press releases and other information from the military on HAARP continually downplay what it could do. Publicity documents insist that the HAARP project is no different than other ionospheric heaters operating safely throughout the world in places such as Arecibo, Puerto Rico, Tromso, Norway, and the former Soviet Union. However, a 1990 government document indicates that the radiofrequency (RF) power zap will drive the ionosphere to unnatural activities. 

At the highest HF powers available in the West, the instabilities commonly studied are approaching their maximum RF energy dissipative capability, beyond which the plasma processes will 'runaway' until the next limiting factor is reached.  If the military, in cooperation with the University of Alaska Fairbanks, can show that this new ground-based "Star Wars" technology is sound, they both win. 

The military has a relatively inexpensive defence shield, and the University can brag about the most dramatic geophysical manipulation since atmospheric explosions of nuclear bombs. After successful testing, they would have the military megaprojects of the future and huge markets for Alaska's North Slope natural gas. Looking at the other patents which built on the work of a Texas' physicist named Bernard Eastlund, it becomes clearer how the military intends to use the HAARP transmitter. It also makes governmental denials less believable. The military knows how it intends to use this technology and has made it clear in their documents. 

The military has deliberately misled the public, through sophisticated word games, deceit and outright disinformation. The military says the HAARP system could: *give the military a tool to replace the electromagnetic pulse effect of atmospheric thermonuclear devices (still considered a viable option by the military through at least 1986); * replace the huge Extremely Low Frequency (ELF) submarine communication system operating in Michigan and Wisconsin with a new and more compact technology; * be used to replace the over-the-horizon radar system that was once planned for the current location of HAARP, with a more flexible and accurate system; *provide a way to wipe out communications over an extremely large area, while keeping the military's own communications systems working; * provide a wide-area Earth-penetrating tomography which, if combined with the computing abilities of EMASS and Cray computers, would make it possible to verify many parts of nuclear non-proliferation and peace agreements; * be a tool for geophysical probing to find oil, gas and mineral deposits over a large area;

*Be used to detect incoming low-level planes and cruise missiles, making other technologies obsolete.”  Dr. Nick Begich.  

If HAARP can perform all these electromagnetic feats, then I firmly believe that it is more than possible that HAARP in conjunction with chemtrails could easily be used (among other nefarious possibilities) to manipulate the individual and collective mind-sets of the human race. 

Dr. Begich explains that HAARP uses a frequency range that is the same as the human brain. By sending specific frequencies, the populace can be made to feel different emotions and manipulations: fear, ecstasy…influencing elections… etc.  

The military-industrial complex undoubtedly has some of this mind control equipment in their Black Ops arsenal.  The website (no longer active) also states: “The military’s Pandora’s Box The mental-disruption possibilities for HAARP are the most disturbing.  More than 40 pages ... with dozens of footnotes, chronicle the work of Harvard professors, military planners and scientists as they plan and test this use of the electromagnetic technology.  For example, one of the papers describing this use was from the International Red Cross in Geneva.  It even gave the frequency ranges where these effects could occur — the same ranges over which HAARP is capable of broadcasting.” 

The following statement was made more than twenty-five years ago in a book by Zbigniew Brzezinski (the mentor and puppet-master of Barack Obama) which he wrote whilst still a professor at Columbia University. “Political strategists are tempted to exploit research on the brain and human behaviour. Geophysicist Gordon J.F. MacDonald, a specialist in problems of warfare, says accurately timed, artificially excited electronic strokes could lead to a pattern of oscillations that produce relatively high-power levels over certain regions of the earth … in this way one could develop a system that would seriously impair the brain performance of very large populations in selected regions over an extended period.  … no matter how deeply disturbing the thought of using the environment to manipulate behaviour for national advantages, the technology permitting such use will very probably develop within the next few decades.” 

Also, “Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behaviour and keeping society under close surveillance and control. Technical and scientific momentum would then feed on the situation it exploits,” Brzezinski predicted, in the same source. “If one questions why THEY would initiate this ‘mass murder’ – across the entire planet and still expect to survive it should be noted that in the past 20 years these Illuminati elitists have built huge underground facilities throughout the world.  The fact is that they have developed massive underground facilities to avoid the Holocaust that they are creating.  The fact is they have literally launched an all-out attack on the Earth’s Atmosphere. 

These Malthusian Minded Maniacs have the Minds of Monsters.  No one who is not either Satanic or insane would order millions of tons of deadly toxins containing aerosol compounds composed of Aluminium Oxide, Strontium, Barium, and Sulphur Hexafluoride to be dumped upon the population of the world.  Just look to the skies. This is not a Conspiracy Theory – This is Frightening – This is a Fact.” (not searchable on Google but is on DuckDuckGo) The abundant circumstantial and actual evidence here points firmly to the fact that we are being manipulated against our knowledge or will, in an attempt to control us all.  We are being electronically influenced to focus inwardly and in consequence of this, turn a blind eye to what is going on in the world today right under our noses. 

 The ‘elephant in the room’ is the construction of the Elite’s ‘New World Order’ which is designed to suppress and subjugate us all, before we even realise what is happening. This is but one more small piece in the overall jigsaw puzzle that leads me to conclude that the human race is under severe attack by a Satanically motivated cabal and our freedoms of thought and movement are being eroded as quickly as is possible.  Unless we stand up very soon and say: ‘no more’, our time will soon have run out and our last opportunity to counter this threat will be gone forever.

Hamer, John. The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality (p. 529 – p. 532). Rossendale Books. Kindle


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