Why would they be spraying harmful chemicals from planes onto an unsuspecting population, on a huge scale, worldwide at what must be an astronomical cost? What could the motivation possibly be? There are several possible reasons. Maybe they are all partly true or maybe there is just one reason alone. No one is 100% sure, but here are some possibilities: Initially it was thought that the real reason for Chemtrails was the de-population agenda because of the bio-chemical and metal content found in the substances and the link to the stated Elite agenda of population reduction. Over the years however, it has become apparent that it has not had a large effect in reducing population sizes.
Although it probably has had some negative impact on health and more than likely has been the cause of deaths, especially in the already sick or elderly, it is probably not actually genocidal. There have certainly been reports of hospitals experiencing a large intake of patients with lung issues after exposure to chemtrails, but this was usually in the early days. However, this does not appear to be the primary function of chemtrails.
Another use for chemtrails has been suggested as weather control. This may or may not be wholly or partly true. There is some evidence to suggest that this may be happening in conjunction with the HAARP project and whilst this theory has some possibilities, I believe that if true, it is a secondary objective only. There has also been much disinformation spread on the Internet as with all these issues, regarding the ‘real reason’ for chemtrails. Another supposed theory is that it is done to counter the effects of ‘so-called’ global warming, but I think this one is easy to dismiss. Firstly, global warming is a complete fabrication in any case and the Elite know this only too well.
Indeed, it is they that invented the myth, for other reasons which we cover in more detail in the relevant section of the book. However, the most important negative here is that chemtrails have been around since the mid-nineties and the nonsensical pseudo-science of global warming did not actually come to prominence until around ten years later.
The Hollywood movie ‘Toxic Skies’ (2006) that purports to be a dramatised exposé of the chemtrail conspiracy is easily dismissed as another example of disinformation.
Disinformation is a very successful tool used by the Elite, whereby so-called conspiracy theories are exposed as nonsense by distorting the real facts by the presenting of a false paradigm. Any future discussions about the subject can then be side-tracked or dismissed easily as a conspiracy by referral to the false premise, despite the fact that it can easily be proven untrue.
In the film, the conspiracy is revealed as being perpetrated by a lone, rogue element in the pharmaceutical industry whose primary motivation is money in the form of sales of the cure of the ailments caused by the chemtrails. But as in all good fiction, he is finally stopped by the ‘good guys’ at the end of the movie and we all get to live happily ever after.
However, could the real reason behind chemtrails be related in some way to living people, not de-population, weather control or genocide?
In the observing of people's behaviour over the past several years, some researchers, myself included, feel that it is now very apparent that there is a general ‘dumbing-down’, of people taking place. This is achieved mainly through education, planned distractions such as 24/7 mass entertainment, blanket sports coverage and the preponderance of ‘popular’ music and computer games (see appropriate chapters for more detail). But could there be another, more subtle method of bringing about changes to the way we think and the working of our minds? It is now even more of a struggle with certain sections of the populace, to invoke an interest in anything other than the latest football scores or which celebrity is in a relationship with which other, let alone about even such simple, yet more pertinent issues as improving one’s diet or political awareness. Could it be that we are deliberately being programmed not to think coherently about what is really happening in the world?
Here is a section of dialogue from the film, They Live (1988) which is particularly relevant to what I believe is happening today: “...our impulses are being redirected. We are living in an artificially induced state of consciousness that resembles sleep… ...the movement was begun eight months ago by a small group of scientists who discovered, quite by accident, these signals are being sent through television... ...the poor and the underclass are growing. Racial justice and human rights are non-existent. They have created a repressive society, and we are their unwitting accomplices... ...their intention to rule rests with the annihilation of consciousness. We have been lulled into a trance. They have made us indifferent, to ourselves, to others and we are focused only on our own gain. ...please understand, they are safe as long as they are not discovered. That is their primary method of survival. Keep us asleep, keep us selfish, keep us sedated... ...they are dismantling the sleeping middle class. More and more people are becoming poor. We are their cattle. We are being bred for slavery. The revolution... ...we cannot break their signal; our transmitter is not powerful enough. The signal must be shut off at the source.”
One common element that seems to be present in all analyses of chemtrails is barium. In Phoenix, Arizona, USA, a group of people had their hair spectrographically analysed as part of the investigation into the effects of chemtrails and their hair was found to contain dangerously high levels of barium. If barium is present at those levels in our hair, then it must also be present at similar levels in our bodies too. What could this mean and what is its significance? Mind control is not something from a cheap science fiction ‘B movie’. It goes on all the time, surreptitiously. From Project MK Ultra to simple subliminal advertising techniques to persuasive propaganda, we have all been subjected to a form of mind control no matter how minor, at one time or other in our lives.
Addendum from Graham Bedford: There are numerous videos that show breaks in chemtrails (as per the photograph shown in Part 1) trails coming off only one aircraft wing, trails from wings, not the engines etc. Here are a few links in Rumble to them:

Hamer, John. The Falsification of History: Our Distorted Reality.