Dear Bishop,
For a long time, I have wondered why it is that the Church, across denominations, the Anglicans also, is so accommodating of Islam. Several Popes have variously kissed the Koran and prayed facing Mecca - thus endorsing Mohammed to be a genuine prophet. Some Anglican clergy also pray Islamic prayers. Anglicans have welcomed imams into their cathedrals to preach from the Koran. I find it hard to understand why they would do so. The explanation, as improbable as it may be, seems to be that they do believe Mohammed to be a genuine prophet. I had an email exchange with an Anglican clergyman, and he more or less admitted this to be so.
Jesus taught us how to recognise a false prophet: by their fruits you will know them. The fruits of Islam are murder, misery and hatred. Not loving kindness. Would Jesus have kissed the scripture of a false prophet, or prayed in accordance with his instructions? It seems highly unlikely.
Inviting the Koran to be preached within Church buildings is de facto an acknowledgement that Mohammed is a genuine prophet. It is not just the Anglicans who have made this error (Glasgow, Gloucester, and Wells cathedrals), the Catholic church also - St. Patrick's Church in Ballyhaunis, County Mayo in April 2020, for example.
Why kiss the Koran? Why pay homage to a book that commands the murder of Christians? (Koran 9:5)
In the case of the Roman Catholic Church, I think that I finally have found an answer to my own question. The error is from six decades ago. See the attached book "Enablers of Islam: The Church".
Islam is very clearly evil - just read chapter 9 of the Koran and you will quickly see for yourself that this is so. By being accommodating of Islam, the Church is promoting and enabling evil. It is time now that the Church must be open and honest about Islam. Appeasement and the accompanying deceit associated with appeasement is not what Jesus would do. He was outspoken when he witnessed wrongdoing. Today the Church is clearly doing wrong, by its appeasement of evil Islam.
The Church bears a heavy responsibility for the Islamisation of the West. Yes, politicians do too, but they would probably not have been so enabling of it if the Church had raised the alarm and resisted, some six decades ago. It is very nearly, but not quite, too late to reverse the Islamisation of the West. A calculation of demographic projection indicates the "point of no return" towards Islamisation for the UK is around 2035 to 2040. Beyond that date, reversal will be practically impossible. The Church is absolutely key to reversing this situation. If the UK is lost then the Republic of Ireland will not be far behind.
Islam completely denies Christ. Those Christians who invite the Koran to be preached within Church buildings, or who kiss the Koran, or pray deliberately towards Mecca, are therefore denying Christ. Christ will deny them too.
My wish is that the Church will be honest about Islam. But first it must recognise its own error, repent, and then act decisively to reverse its error.
With kind regards,
Clive Matelas