Open letter to Conservative MPs: Grooming gangs are Islamic
This is a matter of national importance, not a constituency matter. I am writing to you with information to help you with some difficult decisions, I am not asking for help for myself.
The UK is facing an unprecedented crisis, as detailed in the attached document. Please feel free to share this with your colleagues. It is not copyright restricted nor confidential.
Dear Conservative MP,
The UK is facing numerous challenges. One such is grooming gangs, and the ineffectualness of public authorities to deal with them. Robert Jenrick MP has, quite rightly, called for a far more robust approach.
One common misconception is that these are "Asian" gangs, which is a slur on perfectly law-abiding Hindu, Sikh and Christian Asians. It is important to be very accurate in our use of language. It is factually more correct to call them "Muslim grooming gangs".
In Bristol the gangs are mainly Somali Muslims not Asian Muslims. The common denominator is Islam, not ethnicity. The teenage daughter of a friend of mine was a victim of a Muslim grooming gang in Bristol. Very courageously, she gave evidence to the court and the gang members were convicted. The mental trauma and psychological harm will be with her, long after physical injuries have healed. There are around 20,000 such victims per year. It has to be stopped entirely.
Politicians have created this situation, and politicians thus have the primary responsibility to halt and reverse it. For far too long, from PM Tony Blair onwards, politicians have shielded Islam itself from criticism: after every jihad terrorism attack, claiming it is nothing to do with a supposedly peaceful Islam. Such a fictitious version of Islam is only believed in for political reasons, and has no basis in Islamic scripture.
Please read the attached book "Enablers of Islam: Politicians and Voters". In particular, see the chapters "Grooming Gangs And Sex Slavery" And "Rape Gangs Are Indeed Islamic".
We do need to examine Islamic scripture, in order to understand the motivation of the gang members. All of the victims are non-Muslim girls. Predominantly white working class but some Hindu and Sikh girls too. We do owe it to these girls, that we take the time to properly understand the root cause that is creating this situation. Continuing to deliberately misunderstand, continuing to call them "Asian gangs" rather than "Muslim gangs", is a significant disservice to these girls. And by mis-attributing the root of the problem, the problem can never be solved. The root, Islam itself, has to be openly, honestly, and accurately addressed. It is vitally important to pin the blame of grooming gangs onto Islam itself, or it will never be solved. If you examine Islamic scripture you will see why it is happening: Mohammed, the prophet of Islam kept sex slaves, and encouraged his followers to do so too. The grooming gang victims have been enslaved by various means, including by violent coercion and threats. Islamic scriptures promote violence and threats against non-Muslims: we have to start honestly discussing this root cause.
The book "Enablers of Islam: Politicians and Voters" is deliberately not copyright restricted. Please share it with your colleagues. It, and numerous other titles are available as paperback editions too.
Kind regards,
Clive Matelas clivematelas@gmail.com
PS: Please persuade your Scottish Conservative colleagues to urgently un-adopt the APPG definition of "Islamophobia". This definition is seriously problematic, see the "ISLAMOPHOBIA" chapter in the attached ebook.