Agincourt, The Spanish Armada, Trafalgar, Waterloo, Crimea, The Somme, The Lowlands, Dunkirk, The battle of Britain, Sicily, Italy, D Day, Normandy, The Bulge, Berlin.
These are just some of the campaigns that our forefathers have fought on the blood-soaked fields of Europe. Indeed, we the indigenous British people of these fair isles know how to wage war when called upon: it is in our blood, we know how to face down tyranny and evil, and when called to fight against dictators, we have never been found wanting.
Pity the fool that wakes up the Anglo Saxon/Dane/ and Celt from his or her desire for a peaceful life in exchange for the sound of the trumpet, and indeed pity the fool who abuses and violates the extended tolerance that the patriot of this nation extends to all.
And now you want to harness that war faring bloodline Mr Starmer, well, here is your problem – people fight for a vision and a national identity - but our political class has spent the last thirty years destroying our national identity and casting a Britain Is Bad vision.
So here Mr Starmer is a lesson on British military history 101 - Britain’s
conscripted soldiers don’t primarily fight because they hate what is in front of them, they fight first and foremost because they love what is behind them, those that they left behind… in order to protect.
But You and your entourage, have made it a virtual crime to express our love and devotion to our nation, our history, and our legacy, and now you want us to fight for a vision that you self-seeking parasites have cast… that is wet, woke and weak.
Well, Mr Starmer, there is not a chance in Hades that that…will happen.
The indigenous British patriots who love their nation have been slandered as FAR RIGHT, as racists and as fascists for flying the St George Cross or the Union Jack.
They have even been arrested for flying the Union Jack in Londonistan. So, please tell us Mr Starmer, what flag would you like us to be fighting under now, the rainbow flag or the pally hate flag, or maybe, the take the knee flag. or some other visionless diversity agenda flag? I am sure that any of those colours will strike fear into the hearts of any perceived enemy, maybe we should all wear ceremonial pink instead of red.
You see Mr Starmer, you the political class, has spent the last spent thirty years not only denigrating the history and the legacy of our forefathers and mothers, but over the last thirty years you have also spent your entire energies undermining our families, telling our children that they can ignore their human biology and identify as anything that they want, including as cats, dogs or lamas. Our political class has allowed foreign predators, snakes and wolves into our nation that have raped and murdered our children and have turned our ancestral homes into foreign crime infested dystopian nightmares.
And now you think that the indigenous people of this, our beautiful nation, an historic people, that our political class has ignored, abused, threatened, imprisoned, and silenced, is going to follow you… to fight in your war… against an illusion of a threat to Britain… when you have spent the last thirty years despising our history, our legacy and insulting our flag, well then, as Harry Saxon would say, “You’re having a laugh you bunch of fartless donkeys, it ain’t going to happen.”
But, rest assured, if necessary we will fight, (metaphorically) just not for you, we will fight… to defend our families, our friends, our nation, because, well, as the old saying goes, an Englishman’s home is his castle.
Link to David's Youtube Channel.
The Beginnings - Rudyard Kipling
It was not part of their blood, It came to them very late With long arrears to make good, When the English began to hate. They were not easily moved, They were icy-willing to wait Till every count should be proved, Ere the English began to hate. Their voices were even and low, Their eyes were level and straight. There was neither sign nor show, When the English began to hate. It was not preached to the crowd, It was not taught by the State. No man spoke it aloud, When the English began to hate. It was not suddenly bred, It will not swiftly abate, Through the chill years ahead, When Time shall count from the date That the English began to hate.