Islam is the greatest threat that the UK is facing. Here is a summary of my attempts to halt and reverse this threat.
My awakening
The attack on the USA of 9/11 2001 was my initial awakening to the threat from Islam. However, I was going through some significant personal difficulties, and had no spare capacity to look into the causes in detail. But I realised then that it was something to do with Islam.
The London bombings of 7/7/2005 did wake me up. I was living near London, and it felt very close. I never had trusted Tony Blair, and so when he came out with the usual claptrap, that it was nothing to do with Islam, and Islam is a peaceful religion, and that the Koran is beautiful and he keeps a copy on his bedside table, I realised that I had to investigate Islam for myself. I set myself the task to read the entire Koran. Which I did in a solid week of reading, noting down problematic verses as I went. It grew to a long list! Of course, I knew nothing of abrogation at that time, I just read it from the first page to the last. It became obvious to me that Blair was deliberately deceiving the public, in order to shield Islam from the criticism it deserves.
Initial activism
I did start a blog not long after the London bombings, "Sola Virtus" to share my findings with others, and to make contact with other concerned people. The blog is long defunct, the final entry was in 2010, but it is still there http://sola-virtus.blogspot.com/ Many of the links are now broken. The blog only had a few thousand visitors, and so I realised how hard it is to get the message across.
However I did start writing books on Islam then. And had numerous paperback copies printed, and I sent them to various prominent people, including to some MPs. None replied of course, but at least they had been told the truth about Islam. They cannot claim at a later date that nobody told them. My aim was simply to awaken people to the awful reality of Islam.
Later activism
I had to focus upon my own priorities, and so there was a gap in my activism. I did join UKIP, and then left in 2015, when Nigel Farage reversed the Halal policy of UKIP from anti to pro-Halal. This was a red line for me, and I left. However I kept in contact with local branch members, and was very active delivering leaflets in the run up to the EU referendum. I temporarily put Islam concerns to one side, to focus on leaving the EU.
Demographics is destiny
Having helped to win the EU referendum, I was then able to focus back onto Islam. To quantify the scale of the problem I did a spreadsheet calculation. Some years earlier I had produced quite a complicated spreadsheet, which included birth rate, mortality rate, immigration, and emigration. And done so for each sub-category of people, to come to an overall figure of when there would likely be a Muslim majority in the UK.
But around the year 2017 I realised that trying to answer that question was pointless: by the time there is a Muslim majority, it will be far too late to reverse it. A much more useful question to answer is: What year is the point of no return? I simplified the calculation, and based it upon official census data. The answer: around 2040. Possibly earlier, depending on scenario. The initial part of the calculation was to determine: at what percentage is the point of no return? If you collate all the countries in the world (ignoring very small ones), and include their % Muslim population, then sort them by the percentage figure, you can produce an interesting S shaped graph. There are many countries with low % Muslim population, and many with a high %, but very few in the transition between low and high %. Between 20% and 60% there are hardly any countries.
And we can see why: life becomes intolerable for non-Muslims. They escape if they can, or are converted for a quiet life if they cannot escape. Lebanon was once majority Christian, within living memory, and now look at it. Nigeria is going that way too. And before very long it will be the turn of the UK. We have very little time now remaining to save the UK. France, Germany, Sweden, Netherlands, Ireland etc. are all on that trajectory too. The UK has a proud history of opposing totalitarianism, so if a stand is to be made anywhere, it seems appropriate that the UK is the focus of the reversal of Islam. I do take inspiration from King Alfred the Great. He suffered many setbacks, but persevered when other kings surrendered. In the end he was able to turn it around. And Churchill too: despite the odds, he was not an appeaser.
The point of no return is around 20% Muslim population. Beyond that, the graph line curves up sharply. A compound growth calculation for the UK, using census data, indicates this percentage will be reached around the year 2040. It is hard to be precise, it could be a few years sooner or a few later. The census data is likely to be inaccurate, so it could well be 2035. Whatever the precise date may be, it will happen, well within the lifetime of your children or grand-children - unless it is halted urgently. They will curse your inaction, if you do nothing to avert this tragedy.
Recent activism.
I have written a number of books on Islam. Starting in 2017. I was asked to write a short story about how I envisaged the UK in the year 2050. The short story has the title "Hellish 2050". It envisaged a UK with an Islamic government, yet retaining nuclear weapons. The expected service life of the successor to Trident nuclear weapons will be well beyond the date when there will be a Muslim majority (calculated to be around 2060 to 2070). But Islam will be well in control by then, before they are in a majority. I estimate an Islamic government of the UK at around the year 2050. And who would the weapons be used against? The "lesser Satan" - Israel, and the "greater Satan" - the USA. The short story became a book, and then a website of the same name. The books can be obtained here.
A paperback copy of "Concise Islam" was sent to nearly every MP - not Sinn Fein MPs, and not Muslim MPs. MPs cannot now claim that they were not told the truth about Islam. They very certainly have been. By coincidence, the final batch of books was posted on the morning that Sir David Amess was murdered. A jihadi murdered him on 15th October 2021. Interestingly, following his murder, we did not get the usual claptrap that it was "nothing to do with peaceful Islam", as was the case after the murder of Fusilier Lee Rigby, and Manchester Arena bombing, etc. etc.. I do wonder whether his colleagues had taken note of "Concise Islam". A copy had been sent in batches to every Conservative MP several weeks earlier. Then in batches to MPs of other parties.
My latest books are "Enablers of Islam: The Church" and "Enablers of Islam: Politicians and Voters". I am having technical difficulties updating the website, so these books are not there. All the books can be ordered directly from here.
If you would like the free ebook PDFs, please send me an email. The books are deliberately not copyright restricted, so share the PDFs as widely as you can.
What can you do to help?
I do recommend that you order multiple copies of "Concise Islam". It is slim enough to be posted as a standard letter. Send a copy to those who should know about Islam. Give a copy to your MP, preferably in person, so that you can see if they try to fob you off with excuses for Islam. In person, you can counter their nonsense arguments.
Also order copies of the two latest books. Give one to your local vicar. Again best done in person, to avoid being fobbed off. The Church really is key to turning this around, and must be our focus, whether we individually are religious or not. The current leaders of the Anglican and Roman Catholic churches are counterproductive in tackling Islam. Thus the initiative must come from lower levels within the Church hierarchy. And give books also to your MP or local councillors, etc. And copies to friends and relatives.
There is still an important role for printed books. Websites and social media channels can disappear instantly, but physical books can last for hundreds of years. And be passed from person to person, without being monitored by governments.
Time is very rapidly running out if we are to save the UK from Islamisation. I have done my bit, but I cannot do the whole task alone. Everyone please do help.

Clive Matelas