Dear King Charles,
Your Highness, since my last letter to you, I must admit that I have been reprimanded by a few that still consider themselves as your subjects ( yes, there are a still a few out there) that I should address you as Your Majesty, but since that is a really title that denotes divinity and since I reserve that title for my LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, I will not do you the disservice indeed, injustice, of conferring divine qualities to you, and well quite frankly given your silence on the issues that really matter most to the people of this United Kingdom, my salutation is as generous as it is going to get.
Like the rest of us You are just a mere man, but one who has been given the tremendous privilege of appointment by lineage to be a king of a great nation and an historic people. And from a historical perspective the role of the king of these Isles was to lead the people with wisdom and justice, to guard as something most precious our national identity, and to defend our borders without compromise even to the point of self-sacrifice. Certainly at times you appear to give lip service to the Faith You were appointed to defend - Christianity, however in practice you seem to completely disregard the role that Christianity has played in our history, and that has made our nation such a sought after destination for people migrating from dystopian ideologies from other parts of this world, and as such, as a British citizen who is concerned that our nation does not turn into the same dystopian societies from which these people are coming from without any expectation that they embrace British values, and as one, who like many, is looking for courageous leadership at this time, I tend my resignation from the unbinding responsibility of being Your Subject.
Ultimately, I cannot make out what it is that you actually want to be the king of. What it is that you actually stand for? Do have a conviction about anything? Perhaps you see yourself as the King of WEF or the King of Davos, or the King of the Globalist Elites, perhaps you are a king of reeds, one that gets blown to and fro by every wind of political doctrine, or perhaps you want to be the grand mufti of European Islam, or the Grand Master of the world wide masonic order.
You certainly are not a genuine Defender of The Faith, Christianity, the one faith that has brought Britain through its 1400 history and that has helped shape this nation into a beacon of tolerance and democracy the world over. Perhaps you are now just the Defender of every woke diversity agenda, or the Defender of the globalist ideal, the very ideal that wants to strip us of our borders, rob of us our national identity and undermine our sovereignty, or maybe you are in fact a Defender of the communist manifesto that this present government is imposing on an unwilling nation.
Or maybe the best title is the King of Silence, certainly when it comes to issues that really matter to those that are supposed to give you fealty and homage. For instance, you have been conspicuously silent on the issue of this government’s attempt to steal our farmers land through a back door Inheritance tax. Will William be paying that tax when you depart this earth? Just a question. And how is the refurbishment of Buckingham Palace going? Indeed, the amount being spent to refurbish this Palace is probably equal to the amount that the government hopes to recover from the Inheritance tax on our farmers during this term. So, while your place of residence in London is being refurbished at the taxpayers’ expense for the sake of maintaining the elite in the luxury that they are accustomed to, many hardworking farmers and their families, who often work 14-16 hours a day and who produce 60% of our nation’s food supply, risk having their lively hoods ripped away from them.
AND why is it that over the years that you have made many a comment about securing harmonious well planned urban spaces, but that you have never made a single comment about securing our borders, the very reason as to why our society is experiencing anything but harmony. What is it that a king is meant to do? Or is it perhaps that there is not a drop of Anglo Saxon and even every little Norman blood in your veins anyway, so it really doesn’t matter to you if this beautiful nation gets swallowed up by ideologies that have no respect for democracy and freedom. Do you intend that your heirs will be crowned the Caliphs of Britain and its Commonwealth? Again, just a question, but an apt question since you will be knighting a certain Sadiq Khan, who is, let’s face it, the default Sultan of London, and well we can hardly say that London is a safer, cleaner, or more tolerant place since this man took office. What are knighthoods given for these days, public service or the Islamification of whole communities? Again, just a question, nothing more.
However, as for myself, I no longer acknowledge myself as your Subject but, I am still a loyal citizen of Great Britain, and so I, like many in this land who genuinely love this nation, and since it is quite apparent that you will not lift a finger to help maintain our democracy and our freedoms, we the people will endeavour do it for you and should we succeed we may even let you keep a small palace or two where you can continue your pathetic reign as the King of Silence.
And maybe, just maybe, there is coming a time when we the British people may get used to saying …
Long live the Republic!
David;s Youtube channel is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y70Rk1acDMg