In late 2022 I was having articles published in TCW and one of them was about the Channel migrant crisis. Following a comment on it, I entered into correspondence with another reader leading to an exchange of information which provided the trigger for what became ‘Our Current Political Mess’. In Part Two of that four-part series, I referred a few times to Common Law.
I’m not sure when I first became aware of Common Law; I remember that decades ago, unmarried couples were often referred to as ‘common law’ husbands and wives with little understanding of what exactly that meant except that they hadn’t formally ‘tied the knot’ in a church or a registry office. Perhaps they had just pledged themselves to each other in front of a couple of witnesses while standing waist-deep in a stream or some such ritual. I don’t know. I certainly don’t recall the term ever being used at any point during my secondary and tertiary education in Scotland.
In addition, a couple of things have always perplexed me about the law. The first is why is it that going to law to resolve any dispute is so damned expensive? Surely the law is meant to serve us and if there is any real justice in the world, anyone should be able to launch or defend a lawsuit without risking being cleaned out and left homeless as Katie Hopkins was. This makes the law as we know it something that only the very rich and the large corporations can resort to unless you qualify for legal aid. This cannot be right.
The second is the oft-heard saying “ignorance of the law is no defence” which is something I have always found challenging to say the least. How can anyone possibly be aware of exactly what the law says in any given set of circumstances when you consider the vast size of the Statute Book produced by our legislators in Parliament, the multitude of local byelaws, or the catalogue of decisions made by judges in previous cases which now serve as the law. Judges’ decisions may well be based on Common Law, as they are claimed to be, which is what marks out a Common law jurisdiction from the rest. However, that doesn’t make them readily accessible to the concerned man or woman who may need to rely on them.
I listened to several podcasts on Common Law, all delivered by law tutors or professors, describing the build-up of case law as judges made decisions in court. These decisions became precedents and eventually a body of law was created that other judges would refer to in the cases they heard themselves; they would be used to guide them towards their own decisions. They would stand in law unless over-ruled by a higher court.
I had also heard the late Sir Roger Scruton describe more than once how English Common Law was arrived at so I went to roger-scruton.com to see if there was anything there that the Great Man had said which would shine a light for me. I found two articles, The Fundamental Principle of Common Law and The Law of The Land - The Temple Church Sermon. A third one looked promising too, The Magna Carta and Its Importance in Common Law Jurisdiction but unfortunately there is nothing there despite the entry being eight years old. This passage from the Temple Church Sermon stood out:
“I don’t need to remind the lawyers here of the ruling principle of the common law, the principle of stare decisis, which tells us that particular decisions should stand unaltered, and precedents followed, unless and until over-ruled by a higher court. To discover whether a precedent applies, a judge must ascertain its ratio decidendi – the reason for the decision. This may not have been explicitly stated by the original court, but merely implied in the reasoning of the judge.”
However, this left me unsatisfied because it was the clear that the law remained in the hands of the lawyers; only they would have had the training and therefore the knowledge of the multitude of cases that could or would be cited in court to arrive at a decision binding on both sides of a lawsuit. If Common Law is to be of any use to the common man or woman, there must be another answer.
Anyway, during my reading and on-line digging around in constitutional matters I came across the website of Will Keyte, commonlawconstitution.org and I was intrigued. I didn’t know that Magna Carta 1215 had been rewritten in 1216, 1217, 1225 and 1297 with each rewrite trying to remove some of the articles that the King didn’t like, particularly Article 61. I hadn’t heard of Jury Nullification either. Or understood that there is a difference between a ‘Trial by Jury’ and a ‘Jury Trial’. I had thought they were one and the same thing.
Finding out about Common Law went on to my ‘To Do’ list. What was it? Where did it come from? Could it be of any use or is it just one of those things that people rely on who don’t want to get involved with what the rest of us would regard as ‘normal life’.
This became a part of my diving down rabbit hole after rabbit hole and listening to podcast after podcast to build up an understanding of what was really happening around us, particularly with regards to the fake climate crisis, the fake pandemic, as we now know it was, and the truth about the war in Ukraine.
It didn’t take me long to come across Dr Tess Lawrie and her organisation’s website EbMCsquared. EbMC Squared is a non-profit, community interest company (CIC) dedicated to advancing health and well-being for the benefit of humankind. Dr Lawrie founded it to find a better way of dealing with medical crises in the wake of the orchestrated World-wide false health emergency of 2020-2023. I found there a section called Sovereign Natural Empowerment which featured an online course of the same name put together by one Karen-Ruth Skölmli.
Could this be what I was looking for? I dived in.
The course was intended to be a one-day on-line course which would be completely free. It is divided into three sections: Part One - The Truth; Part Two - The Deception; Part Three - The Remedy.
Karen-Ruth Skölmli worked for EbMC Squared as a legal advisor. I say worked because she lost her battle with cancer at the start of 2024. Her untimely death is a great loss, not just to the people who knew and worked with her, but to us all because she put her material across in a very gentle, yet calm, clear manner and she was a delight to listen to. She had spent several years involved with law, so she was in an ideal position to talk about the Common Law, real Common Law, which has not been taught in law schools since the early 1970s.
Here is a summary of what I learned, illustrated with screen shots of slides from the course.
There is a hierarchy of jurisdiction and law. A jurisdiction is the authority to apply law, rules and regulations and to make judgements in a particular territory. Below is a slide of the Hierarchy of Jurisdiction.

This is the true order of law of which the Powers That Be have kept us in ignorance. Lower tiers in the hierarchy are created by the higher tiers. The creation cannot have jurisdiction over the creator so a lower tier cannot have authority over a higher tier - unless the higher tier consents. Our ignorance of this fundamental truth has allowed those without jurisdiction to have authority over us.
Right at the top we see Natural Law, the highest law, the law from our Creator. Natural Law is relentless, enduring, immutable and indifferent to the acts of man. It is about how we exist, why we exist and how we survive. It is about matters that just ‘are’, what’s ‘right’ and what’s ‘wrong’. A law degree is not required to understand it.
Natural Law is the law of nature and what is ‘lawful’ is determined by Natural Law. Something which runs counter to Natural Law is ‘unlawful’.
‘Legal’ is the creation of government and it may or may not be in accord with Natural Law. Natural Law is the source of our health, happiness, well-being and our very existence. It is what gives a Sovereign Man or Woman his or her Inalienable Rights.
Inalienable Rights (pronounced ina-leen-able) are rights that you cannot give away and that no-one can take away. They are the right to life, liberty, property, speech, travel and much else flowing from these. To aid understanding, the ‘lien’ in ‘inalienable’ is explained here. We have inalienable rights simply by virtue of existing. Straightaway you can see that no human being has the power or authority to lawfully deprive you of them so what was done to us all during the fake pandemic of 2020-2023 was unlawful.
It might be useful at this point to define Sovereign

Each man or woman is born Sovereign, and their body is their own land, their own territory. Thus, individual men and women have Sovereign jurisdiction over themselves and can make their own rules, regulations and laws and apply them to themselves and anyone else who steps into their jurisdictions. They can make their own judgements and apply them to others in their jurisdictions.
Each must cause no harm, no loss and no injury to anyone else and know that their own rights end where the rights of another begin. Each man or women will commit no wrong and anything that is not wrong is their right. No one can take a man or woman’s rights away without their consent. Here it is important to speak up if you think your rights will be infringed because - Quis Tacet Consentire Videtur - who remains silent is assumed to consent.
To summarise so far:

It is important to know that no-one has jurisdiction over you unless you break the law. In order to break the law, there must be a victim and there must have been malice aforethought - Mens Rea. You will have stepped out of your Sovereignty if you break the law. If there is no victim, there is no crime.
Now we come to the Common Law of the Land. Common Law of the Land derives from Natural Law and gives us the Rule of Law. No man or woman is above the law, and we are all equal before it.
Common Law of the Land is made up of our written constitution, case law (stare decisis - judge-made law) and is upheld by true democracy.
Common Law of the Land may be changed as long as it aligns with Natural Law.
Law of the Land, the lawful, stands above all commercial law which is also known as the Law of the Sea or Admiralty Law. This is man-made to facilitate trade and commerce and is legislation. It is legal and it may also be lawful, but it may not be.
We need now to consider the position of the Monarch and Police Constables.

This slide is obviously out of date. Substitute King Charles III for Queen Elizabeth II and man for woman.
Now we come to the Government, and this is a most important slide because Government comes below the Monarch and Police Constables which are themselves below Sovereign people in the hierarchy of jurisdiction.

Underneath Government are Public Servants and Police Officers. Legislation - Acts and Statutes - are government corporate policy and only those who work for government are beholden to government policy. Police Officers and other officials are tasked with enforcing government policy on citizens.
When they enforce government policy on a Sovereign man or woman they knowingly or unknowingly commit a misconduct in public office which can carry a maximum sentence of life imprisonment. They may also commit a fraud which carries a maximum of 10 years’ imprisonment.
With reference to the task of Police Officers and other officials to enforce government policy, it is most important NOT to concede to being a citizen. Here’s why:

Through registering births with public servants, we create our citizen selves. This is a position we step into whenever we step out of our Sovereignty and this act gives public servants authority over us. This is the basis of the Deception, and it has many categories: Person, Citizen, Driver, Keeper, Taxpayer, Voter, Resident, Householder, Tenant. etc. These are all ‘Dead Legal Fictions’ created by government and when we consent to be addressed as one or other of these we step out of our Sovereignty and place ourselves beneath police officers and other officials. It is unavoidable if we wish to conduct some aspects of our lives, for example, driving a car for which you need a registration number, a driving licence and an insurance policy and you need to drive it on a road provided by the government. All are directly or indirectly in the gift of government and what the government gives, the government can take away.
If we are to assert our sovereignty it comes with responsibility. To be a sovereign human being and make your own laws and decisions for yourself, denying all others authority and power over you, you must take full responsibility for yourself and all your actions.

You cannot let others tell you what to do; you must gather information, think and decide for yourself. There may be some people who are not comfortable with this in which case they will never be truly sovereign. We saw this during the fake pandemic of 2020 -2023; there were vast numbers of people who, having been victims of psychological manipulation, were perfectly happy to have government and its employees tell them what to do.
Sovereign Natural Empowerment course modules can still be viewed on the EbMC Squared website. You may have trouble depending on your browser (I did) in which case use another such as Firefox or DuckDuckGo. Alternatively you can go to odysee.com where you will find it if you search or go to northdevonuk.co.uk.
You’ll see a short introduction video then some modules. Unfortunately, only Part One - The Truth is complete. It is further broken down into six videos: The Hierarchy of Jurisdiction/Law; Inalienable Rights; Lawful versus Legal; True Democracy; the True Constitution (UK); True Common Law.
Part Two - The Deception has only one episode which covers the Introduction to the Deception and the Birth Certificate fraud. The C’estui Que Vie Act (1666) which followed the Great Plague and the Great Fire of London when we were all declared “Lost at Sea” is not explained. She planned to do that in a subsequent episode, but fate must have intervened.
Part Three - The Remedy, likewise, has just one main episode which covers dealing with the police and getting arrested. It is very much worth listening to. Unfortunately, how to handle Penalty Charge Notices, private Parking Charge Notices and speeding fines is not covered.
With PCNs and speeding fines, the local authority and police are denying the man or woman being fined due process of law. They are acting as judge, jury and executioner which runs counter to Magna Carta 1215 Article 39 which established freeman’s right to due process of law in a Trial by Jury of his peers.
There is a supplementary episode on how to deal with the imposition of mask-wearing rules.
In Part One - True Democracy, Ruth recommends the book Democracy Defined by Kenn D’Oudney

She also recommends to those who would like to understand more about Natural Law this video of a one-day seminar with Mark Passio. It’s nearly nine hours long! You could do what I did and take it chunks of an hour or so. I note that one person who left a comment under the video has viewed it in its entirety nine times! Alternatively, you may find someone has uploaded it already broken down into digestible episodes.
This has been a brief introduction to Common Law which does no more than open the door on the truths which have been hidden from us by the establishment. There will be more to follow.
To hear more from the late Ruth Skölmli herself, you could do no better than watch and listen to her interview with Richard Vobes in 2023.
She was also a rather good water colour artist:

Karen-Ruth Skölmli passed away on the 27th of January 2024. There is a heart-felt tribute to her from Dr Tess Lawrie here.
Requiescat In Pace.