Social Engineering for Mind Control

By John Hamer on

AI mind

“‘Till at last the child’s mind is these suggestions, and the sum of the suggestions is the child’s mind. And not the child’s mind only. The adult’s mind too—all his life long. The mind that judges and desires and decides—made up of these suggestions. But all of these suggestions are our suggestions!’ The director almost shouted in his triumph. ‘Suggestions from the state.’”—Aldous Huxley, Brave New World.

The ‘Diversity’ Lie

All of the politically correct talk of diversity in recent years is nothing but hot air—meaningless drivel that makes full use of Orwellian language (which always means the opposite of what is stated). The last thing our rulers want for humanity is true diversity. Billions of unique, freethinking, self-motivated individuals are far from desirable for the ruling Elite, as such individuals are not easily controllable. To psychopaths bent on world domination, diversity and individuality pose grave threats to their positions of power, which must be neutralized by any and every means at their disposal.

Therefore, all talks of, or any attempts at, celebrating and encouraging diversity are sure to have the opposite effect, since the actual effect of mixing races together in one big happy politically correct stew, ultimately will result in a new mongrel, homogenous race. In order for real ethnic and racial diversity to exist, people must be allowed to retain their own racial groups and cultures without forced migrations and mixing. The end result of political diversity goals being met is the utter and complete lack of racial and ethnic diversity, which is the actual intended effect, and that is, to turn us all into a fully homogenous remote-controlled, robotic slave-race.

“Laugh, when you go to a party, and you can’t tell the boys from the girls...” Davey Jones, The Monkees, “Laugh” (1967)

Every totalitarian, communistic regime in history has taken measures to homogenize its people as central to its plans for controlling them. Often drab, colourless uniforms are issued, or uniform-like civilian clothing proscribed; clothing that also tends to hide differences in the male and female anatomies further homogenizing via destruction of gender identifiers—something we are seeing encouraged and promoted in popular media and by prominent educators, doctors and politicians, but by more radical means than unisex clothing and hair styles. Today prepubescent children are taking permanently damaging puberty-blocking drugs, and as teens, undergoing genital-mutilating surgeries. Not only are these kids being permitted to take dangerous drugs and undergo high-risk, body-altering surgeries, they are being encouraged to do so and even at times under court order while given adult status as young as 12 years old—leaving parents helpless to stop them. (Twelve is also the new magic age of child empowerment for decisions pertaining to taking unapproved experimental ‘Covid-19 vaccine’ drugs, with many local authorities now allowing for children twelve and older to receive the jab without parental consent.) Such is the power of the State over the family unit in today’s ‘free-world’ nations.

Transgender youth are promoted as ‘cool’ to the point it is becoming unpopular to not question one’s gender identity or at the least, ‘fluidly,’ loosely define it. It is no coincidence that these social changes are coming about coinciding with mask mandates and sweeping loss of freedoms during this ‘health crisis.’ Confusion is a powerful weapon and confusion about fundamental identity issues aids to erode community and, of course, human identity itself.

We are being asked every time we access bank accounts and other personal, password-protected information online whether or not we are human or robot. And we are now asked in society whether we are female, male, a combo, or ‘other’—all while being forced to hide our faces behind masks. Eroding individual identity is a key component of mind control, for, as the psyche is wiped clean of previous allegiances it can be remade into an image better suited to the new power structure.

In traditional, totalitarian, communist nations the people also learn patriotic marches and songs to ‘unify’ them in one common cause. Work and social schedules are strictly regimented and monitored. Neighbours learn to ‘protect’ themselves and their communities by reporting other neighbours for behaviours deemed threatening to the group. Behaviours and activities previously seen as innocent and harmless; ones chosen by individuals for individual pursuits serving to express their own interests and free will rather than pursuits dictated to them by the few for the ‘benefit’ of and ‘service’ to the whole. These random acts of freedom are viewed with suspicion and fear, and those perpetrating them are labelled as dissenters, terrorists, or even (when the threat of non-proscribed, non-conformist behaviours is so deemed) as murderers or perpetrators of treason or sedition.

During the Cold War between the ‘West’ and the Soviet Union, it was drilled into the American public’s collective psyche to look upon the people of the USSR, trapped behind the “iron curtain,” as pitiable prisoners, terrorized by their red, communist leaders. Communism, on the surface, a seemingly benign ideology meant to abolish inequalities, poverty and war; in practice, has consistently resulted in total loss of liberties, privacy, pursuit of happiness, and individual fulfilment for those forced under its dictates.

Life seemed drab and joyless for the Soviet people. Rather than living in abundance they experienced constant scarcity, forever enduring food shortages, rationing, unemployment, or dictated joyless employment bent on creating masses of automatons. The people did not have the freedom to travel outside their country’s borders even to see relatives on the other side of a wall erected through the middle of their own city (as in the case of the Berlin wall, which finally came down in the late 1980s and loved ones were reunited after almost three decades of separation).

Soviets did not have the freedom to protest, to speak their own thoughts, to display any form of dissent and dissenters were turned into authorities by neighbours, and even in many cases, sadly, by family members as well. These people disappeared to horrendous gulags (work camps in Siberia), were tortured, imprisoned, or murdered—all for the benefit of the people. So, they were told.

Fast-forward to today’s ‘free’ countries under ‘lockdown.’ Suddenly borders are sealed, we the people are not allowed to travel (unless deemed “essential”), leave our countries, and in some cases and for some durations, our states, or even our cities, towns, neighbourhoods or homes. At the time of this writing (February 2022) many country’s borders are still tightly closed, if not fully, to specific other countries and/or require ‘vaccination’ for entry. (One wonders, did the Soviet people, when trapped behind their ‘iron curtain’ ever guess the prison sentence would last more than four decades or did their leaders promise them it was a ‘temporary measure’ for their own ‘security’ only, as we are being told today?) We are also told what to wear (masks, gloves), what work we can do and how we can go about doing it. We are told what is acceptable social behaviour, and what is not. We are only allowed to work (if deemed “essential”) and not allowed to play or engage in recreational pursuits, unless given the “all clear” by our rulers and even then, these pursuits can only be engaged with specific caveats.

We are told what is “essential” not just in work and travel but also in what we buy and eat and where we buy and eat from. We are told what is “essential” social contact and what even is “essential” speech and thought as teams of response units are assembled to deal with the ‘problem’ of free speech. And Facebook and Google-owned YouTube are doing their part to ‘help’ stop the spread of all forms of dissenting speech (what they ironically call fake news as mentioned previously). Because free speech and thought are now ‘dangerous,’ and free, normal human behaviour and activities are also ‘dangerous.’

Neighbours during lockdowns have been snitching on other neighbours for doing things as simple and innocent as walking a dog, riding a bike, leaving their homes more than once in a day, sitting on a park bench without an obvious essential task to perform—or for not wearing a mask or gloves or arranging for a daughter to have a play date with a neighbour.

A video of police arriving at a woman’s home in Wisconsin was released to a news station and aired on Fox News in early spring in 2020. In the video two police officers arrive outside a woman’s home (not wearing masks or gloves but standing the required six feet or more distance away) and aggressively, verbally attack her for plans to allow her daughter to go play at a neighbour friend’s house. Apparently, another neighbour had gotten wind of this plan and called the police. Let us repeat that in case it has not fully registered—in the United States of America, in the year 2020, a neighbour calls the police to let them know that her neighbour is planning to let her child out of her home to travel a few yards away to another home to visit with just one other child in order that the children might play together. The police not only are called, but they actually respond. They come to the woman’s home and verbally abuse and threaten her. They sarcastically ask if she knows they are on “stay-at-home” orders. She replies that she is aware. They tell her they heard of her plans for her daughter’s play date and that she must not let her daughter “go play at other people’s homes.” When she refused to give her middle initial and last name, one officer says she has “got it” (anyway) and says that is making a note that this woman was “uncooperative.” This is just one incidence out of many other very similar stories.

This is how our police’s valuable time was and, in many instances, still is being used—to enforce home detentions for innocent citizens during lockdowns. Because nowadays almost everything is a crime. Every natural human activity is a criminal offense. All because of the potential for transmission of an unproven, phantom, ‘contagious’ virus, every citizen, nearly the world over is now the State’s enemy number one. Being human is now officially a crime.

Copied with kind permission of the authors: Rowan, Shannon ; Hamer, John.

hamer book

Welcome to the Masquerade: Prelude to the Coming Reset(p. 214 - 217) Written in Feb 2022.