I was going to write a piece comparing the way the media treated the revelations about the children who were abused by Muslim grooming gangs and they way they are treating the Al Fayed revelations; and then we had the Labour Party conference and everything changed.
In a way, the two are linked as TTK was head of the DDP when the complaints about Al Fayed were first reported. As he was with Saville, the wider grooming gangs scandal and the post office scandal. I’m sure other things will eventually come to light that he can claim he did not know about, or failed to prosecute, but I don’t think he’s that bothered to be honest. I believe the assault of young girls by Muslim men it is still going on in quite a lot of places, but the media have moved on, and anyway, it’s only deplorable white scum so why should they be bothered.
If anything tells you about Starmer’s true nature it is events like these, along with some of the truly gob smacking things he came out with at the Labour conference, that will either punish us or bankrupt us or both in some cases.
He has made it abundantly clear in so many ways that he prefers the citizens of almost any other country in the world, to those of the one he governs and surrounds himself with people who feel exactly the same. I think we’re still above Russia and Israel in the most hated stakes, but only just.
If we accept this premise, then why on earth did he want the job so much? Well, if you are going to be a world mover and shaker, you have to be governing a country, or own a billion dollar corporation to get a seat at the top table and boy did Starmer badly want that seat.
He is not only a Davos man, but a Davos man on steroids! Never have I wanted so much to go back in time and force his parents to use a condom.
Of course his “brutal honesty” would have been so much more helpful before the election and could have saved many poor souls who were fooled into voting for Labour.
But why? Why would this man want to do such dreadful things to the country he comes from and his fellow citizens; all so he can focus on the problems of other countries by giving them the money we generate to run this country?
I have to admit that I was a bit puzzled myself until a link to the “Pact For The Future” came across my desk the other day. This was formally adopted by the UN general assembly on the 22nd September this year, which is a matter of days ago and yet has not been reported or discussed in the mainstream as far as I’m aware.
When I say adopted, I mean without a vote and by assuming consensus in the face of no dissent being registered.
After reading this very interesting document, I am convinced that the huge push to get Starmer into power was because he would be the most likely and most eager person to take this grand plan forward. Likewise, the people he is surrounding himself with also want this plan to succeed.
Covertly, countries will become regions that will gradually be brought under control of a world government, using the structure of the UN as a starting point framework. Although the document still describes individual countries in its text, the overall plan is to have global agreements on how countries are governed, law is enforced, the internet is used and healthcare is regulated as a first step; overseen by the UN as an agency of change.
In the end, the aim is for everyone to be aware of their ethnicity, but in a stateless way as a “citizen of the world” and individual governments to slowly become unnecessary and a thing of the past.
Interesting to note that although Russia agreed by not dissenting to the first draft, when the final draft came out, it wanted to table very specific amendments and has since drawn back until this can be resolved.
It is also interesting to note that the overseers of this brave new world are to be people who are expert in their field and comprise of a mix of all ethnicities from what used to be called countries.
China of course is all for it. Being one of the rising powers, what’s not to like?
How this mix will be decided is another matter. The document reads like a post democracy vision to me, so I expect all that sort of thing will happen above my pay grade.
But back to Starmer. It explains why he gets so tetchy about being questioned about people’s concerns and why he feels empowered to say that Sue Grey’s pay is not for public discussion, even though it is the public who are paying for it. Again, statements like “no rules were broken”, and “the conservatives were worse” are put out to close down the conversation, not explore exactly what went on. Interim changes to the rules are to be rushed through when needed so it is impossible for them to be wrong.
Starmer’s head is now several miles above anyone else; he has the global impact to assess and cannot afford to waste time on little local difficulties. It also explains why he behaved so forcefully when the riots about the illegal boat people broke out.
Another interesting thing in the conference was the idea that unions should form a strong presence in all employment. They will make great little stormtroopers ensuring that people always work within the agreed global rules.
I am seriously starting to doubt if Reform can do anything like what’s needed in the time they have and whether they realise how very serious this has suddenly become.
I can completely understand why Starmer is in so much of a hurry, his task is to get the UK “one world ready” for the next phase of the rollout, before he gets kicked out, unless of course he can come up with a way to “pause democracy for the stability of the country”.
No wonder his tame Asian millionaire/billionaire? can’t do enough for him. The chance of riding someone’s coat tails all the way to the top of the world must be too good to turn down. No doubt when Two Tier has delivered on his promise, the machine he helped to create will roll over him despite the promises and he will be known as the man who finally destroyed his country for no good reason.
The places at a potential world top table were given out years ago and I doubt they include anyone from this country.
All I can say is God help us all.
Xandra H