Gowing up much was taken for granted. Man were men and women were women, and that was it. Britain was the best country in the world, we had a functioning democracy and regardless of whether you voted Tory or Labour, it was generally agreed that both wanted the best for the country in their different ways.
The police were neither popular nor trusted in the Northeast industrial working class I was born into, but in the end it was assumed that they were there to put villains away, where they would be punished. Foreigners didn’t figure much, but if the people had been asked anytime up to 1990 if we wanted them here, the answer would have been ‘No thanks!’.
We weren’t asked, but they came. Millions of them. And everything changed as a consequence. The assumptions I grew up with no longer apply, largely because of the ideology that brought them here without our approval, the same ideology that denigrates Britain, taxed our industries into oblivion, persecuted those that oppose it and, well, we all know what the net zero pushing woke globalist monstrosity has done to the country.
This madness is everywhere. At first, I thought it was just me, but then I saw the Establishment shenanigans after the Brexit Referendum, the lies over mass immigration, all the diversity crap and then covid, the killer vaccines, hate crime laws, the protection of killers and terrorists by the State, the evil net zero bullshit, and I knew. It’s them. And them includes a lot of lawyers, who all seem to do very well out of it and the lucrative human rights industry it has spawned.
Every day something that nobody would have believed possible just a few years ago occurs, and evidence of Establishment madness and mendacity comes thick and fast. There’s so much lunacy in the air Bedlam was a picture of sanity in comparison.
In batshit bonkers Britain (as the admirable Katie Hopkins would say), taxpayer’s and the country’s interests come last, illegal immigrants, approved minorities and foreigners come first. The utter political and financial corruption of the judiciary is now legendary, and together with the police very much public enemy No.2, after the politicians.
By corruption I don’t mean that judges are slipped brown envelopes. No, it’s worse than that. Establishment figures who can be relied upon to judge and police in the name of woke Globalism become highly paid judges and senior cops, and together with the legion of far-left human rights lawyers, wax fat off taxpayer largesse and the legal aid that is freely available to illegal immigrants. In my view, that’s corruption of the highest order.
Examples? A judge ruling that an Albanian criminal can stay in Britain because his son will not eat foreign chicken nuggets. The Albanian came here illegally, under a false name, lied about being born in the former Yugoslavia, had his asylum claim rejected, but got UK citizenship in 2007 anyway. Caught with the proceeds of his crimes in the form of £250,000, in cash, he was jailed for two years. How much has this unwanted criminal, who should have been deported in 2001, cost us?
And Judge Robert Pawson finding that jailing a “very dangerous” Syrian who sexually assaulted a 19-year-old girl, could breach his human rights as he allegedly suffers from PTSD. Sex pest Syrian was released on bail.
A Ghanaian tourist, who came to Britain on holiday, was granted the right to stay under ‘marriage rules’, though she did not attend her own wedding. She claimed that her “proxy” marriage to German, Fatao Sualihu qualified her to remain in the UK. After bringing her two children here she divorced her ‘German’ as soon as the ‘marriage’ met the three-year term of the EU settlement scheme. Despite there being many ‘irregularities’ in her paperwork, Judge Joseph Neville, said that she had discharged the “burden of proof”.
Then there was the Pakistani paedophile who escaped deportation because it would 'harm his children', and that of a Sudanese illegal immigrant declared to be a child by judges Sarah Pinder and the notorious Hugo Norton-Taylor, despite having a “receding hairline”, been “shaving for a while” with “thick facial hair”, a broad chest, forehead wrinkles and crow’s feet. A full age assessment concluded that he was at least 23. The council responsible for his care was ordered to pay over £30,000 towards his legal costs.
Lefty human rights lawyer Judge Norton-Taylor, son of a former Guardian journalist who campaigns against Israel, might have opened the floodgates for 1.6 million Palestinians to come here, an event almost certain to result in increased levels of violence, by granting a Palestinian family the right to live in Britain under a scheme designed for Ukrainian refugees.
Lefty human rights lawyer Kneel Starmer, worried about the rise of Reform, described the decision as wrong, but as the vehicle for these arrogant, malicious insults to the British people is ECHR human rights law, which Starmer says is untouchable, we know that he will do nothing to stop it.
The British judiciary is in the hands of a malevolent group of individuals all too keen on implementing Globalist dogma, and we call on Reform to broadcast these absurdities load and clear, naming and shaming the judges and lawyers involved, and to make it clear that they will put the swiftest of ends to this obscene, parasitical sucking of taxpayer’s blood, Trump fashion, on day one of their gaining power.
And it will take a political revolution, as Starmer demonstrated by appointing his mate, another left-wing human rights lawyer, as Attorney General. Richard Hermer might not last long, as he has been accused of breaching the Ministerial Code and having conflicts of interest, but that he was ever appointed is indicative of Starmer’s real views. Hermer, who a Labour peer called an “arrogant, progressive fool”, has refused to declare his financial interests and has refused to say if he had recused himself from Government decisions involving former clients like Gerry Adams and Afghans accusing British soldiers of war crimes.
Hermer, also reported as advising that immigration cases not be fought “if there’s a chance you could lose on ECHR grounds”, has represented terrorists who plotted 9/11 and acted for an al-Qaeda chief linked to the 7/7 London bombings. He symbolises what passes for the soul of the leftist Globalist class, the Labour government and what they think of Britain.
Appointing a man who so obviously hates Britain, and who has worked to give vast amount of our money to foreigners, to the highest legal office is indicative of the contempt with which the Establishment has for the British people. Hermer has called the British Empire 'deeply racist' and has prepared a legal case for slavery reparations for Caribbean nations to bring against the UK. A delegation of officials is coming in April to seek up to £18 trillion in ‘compensation’. How can a British government advised by Hermer refute this absurd claim?
Robert Jenrick said that Hermer is “Corbyn in a barrister’s wig. He’s pro-boycotting Israel, supports reparations, celebrates Just Stop Oil eco-zealots and is anti-border controls. His far-Left political views are a risk to our country’s security. He should be nowhere near the Government” and is “using the law to advance his far-Left political obsessions.”
Far-leftist the Attorney General may be, but he’s not shy about enriching himself. He was ordered to reduce his “no win no fee bonus” after being part of the biggest cost claim in British legal history. He and the human rights firm he worked with charged £105 million for their work on a suit involving the dumping of waste off the Ivory Coast in 2006. The original bill from the firm of lawyers who instructed Hermer was reduced from £104.7 million to £83 million. Still, not bad eh?
(Thousands of the claimants lost their payouts after funds were ‘misappropriated’ from an account in the Ivory Coast. The human rights law firm involved was later sued and found to have been negligent.)
How has all this happened? How did our democracy get replaced with a tyranny of parasitical human rights lawyers, trolling the public with their incendiary rulings, ever pushing ECHR laws to new extremes? I can only conclude that it is deliberate, designed to mock the law-abiding majority and signal that far-left Globalist lawyers rule, and we’d better accept it, or else.
We cannot afford this. We cannot afford it on social, moral, democratic or financial grounds. This gang of parasites and vandals and their idiotic ideas are harming ordinary people and our nation, making us pay a catastrophic price in higher crime and taxes. There needs to be a democratic revolution to restore democracy and destroy the Globalist edifice and the institutions created to maintain its power; European human rights, ICC/ICJ judges, international bureaucrats, the OBR and the permanent and unreformable bureaucracy of the civil service.
We need a Trumpite Elon Musk to take a chainsaw, Javier Mieli-style, to the bloated government Blob. Farage needs to demonstrate that he will execute a Trump-style plan to destroy the Blob on Day One. But first of all, Reform must campaign vigorously and tireless for mandatory trial by jury for all immigration and asylum claims, and all charges that could result in a fine of more than £1,000. That and the total cessation of legal aid for non-British citizens.