Covid Day of Reflection?

By Graham Bedford on

Image by Alpha India

I forget how I was made aware of this special day, but when I heard it, I immediately felt quite ill.  Is the gas lighting never going to stop?

I would like to think I had forgotten about that period of madness, and that this brought it all back.  But sadly, one gets reminders most days, whether it is walking past some youngster in the street or a fellow coffin dodger in the supermarket, wearing masks.  You are instantly made aware of how successful the greatest psych-op in human history really was. Often the wearer in a supermarket looks quite frail and elderly, and I sympathise with the fear they must have.  The youngsters on the streets with masks on, are invariably obese and they would not consider that their sedentary lifestyle will do for them, well before any fake respiratory disease.


I follow certain people on Telegram that also bring Covid up continually, so I am unlikely to ever forget it and move on. I remain positioned between two camps: The Dr Mike Yeadon/David Icke side of believing there never was such a thing as Covid.  And the Clare Craig/RFK Jr view that there was such a thing, and that it was created by gain of function with US money in a lab.

I really should believe the latter, as all four of us that sat around a pub table watching the France v England 6-Nations rugby game in March 2022 went down with something a few days later.  I believe I had it worse than anyone else and took to my bed for a couple of days.  The first time in my life, that I had done that. So, I had something, but whether it was Covid, I really don’t know.

Much to my shame, I took a test.  I was staying at a friend’s house when I heard the other three rugby watchers were ill.  My friend had the kits and tested me and his elderly mum who lived with him.  I came up negative, went home and became ill, she came up positive and was fine.


Telegram has graphs showing the years that Covid theoretically existed, showing there was a huge reduction in the cases of influenza. Which appeared to have been eradicated or was influenza simply rebranded? I don’t know if those graphs were genuine, but as I now cannot find them, I lean towards them being genuine! My understanding is that if you have the flu, that you believe you are dying.  I was not that bad, I was just feak and weeble.  Two days of good caring by my wife and I was soon up and about.

Wind the clock back to summer 2020 and we had embarked on a journey to Latvia by car.  We had a stop over in Germany, and it was just bizarre going to the reception of the hotel there and being asked to wear a mask, as did everyone entering/leaving the restaurant in that hotel. But those people wearing them, took them off to sit and eat! I felt I was witnessing madness.  The next day I was asked to wear one to pay for fuel in a service station. This was all before masks became de rigueur in the UK.

We also stopped overnight in Warsaw and witnessed people demonstrating about Poland’s government responses.  These were obviously very strange times. 

We were doing a lot of work at my wife’s property in Latvia. And I was attempting to be kept sane by listening to TalkRADIO, as it was back then.  I have Mike Graham to thank for calling out some of the madness.  I listened a lot to that station, at the start of the psych-op in 2019. People were calling in to state that their elderly relative had just passed away in a care home, and that they were unable to visit them for the last few months.  Yet their death certificates showed Covid as the cause of death, when those relatives had witnessed their parent’s onset towards death, before visits were stopped and felt that their deaths were not from anything other than age related causes. These moments of reality were interspersed by constant adverts like: “can you look an A&E doctor in the eye…..”  There was lots of abuse shouted at that radio.

Our return journey home in autumn 2020 had to be swift as we heard country borders across Europe were being closed.  We had to sign a disclaimer on the one hotel we stayed at on the Polish/German border that we were travelling for business.

Slight digression: We drove the 1,500 miles back to Norfolk in two stages, with 10-minute stops for fuel, coffee and toilet breaks for us and the dogs.   Try doing that in an EV!

Everyone has their favourite mask wearing anecdotes, mine are: One woman out at the shoreline on Cromer to Overstrand deserted beach, the tide was so far out, we could only just make her out, walking where there were no others and with lots of fresh air.  Blue mask on!

Two women riding tall horses together, both wearing masks.  That image could only had looked odder if the horses had also wore them!

I met an old work colleague, who once had a responsible position (likely already brain washed!)     We had arranged to go for breakfast at a Brewers Fayre.  He pulled up in the car park as I had just got out of my car.  I joined him at his car. He donned a mask on getting out of the car, we walked together to the restaurant door, and he then took it off for the rest of the period together!  Now that is the power of constant propaganda: One loses the ability to think straight.

What he did was exactly what Angela Merkel was filmed doing, but they were from the opposite ends of the psychological warfare spectrum.  She got out of her limo in a huge courtyard, donned her mask, wore it as she marched with no accompaniment to the building and took it off before entering, which I suspect was not a Brewers Fayre.


Then there is the 2021 G7 meeting held by Boris Johnson in Cornwall.  The official Group photos of the NINE “leaders” all stood 2M apart.  The official photographers depart, then its left for others to record that they are all up close and personal for the fly-over of the Red Arrows.

If you like me always query why Von de Leyen always rucks up at these events, here is Wiki:

Participants included leaders of the G7 member states plus representatives of the European Union. The president of the European Commission has been a permanent participant at all meetings since 1981. The president of the European Council has been the EU's co-representative since the 36th G8 summit hosted by Canada in 2010.

So, two undemocratically elected spongers from the EU are always part of the furniture.  To save you Googling who the EU Council President was, in 2021 it was Charles Michel. It is now António Costa.  Ms Leyen remains as President. 

I think I have laboured the point about masking and 2M ‘social distancing’ But for me these are indicators of the sinister element to this psych op.  It is worth pointing out that the blue masks are used by surgeons to stop spittle entering a wound or them getting blood spatter in their oral and nasal passages:

At the end of that period of madness, I could not think of anyone I knew that had died from it (sorry: died within 28 days of a positive test) Yet I and a few people of similar persuasions to me know of plenty of people that died before their time, since the vaccinations and booster rollouts started. Yet, their relatives would never concede that their death may had been caused by jabs. 


The denial is almost engrained.  At what point will people wake up?

Taking over from Graham, I (TA) would say that if it is left to the British Establishment, it will be never. But thanks to a few heroes like Dr John Campbell, Dr Malhotra, Carl Heneghan and those who signed the Great Barrington Declaration, we can piece together much of the horror perpetrated upon us, despite the deception of the shamelessly rigged Inquiry the Establishment has set up to cover their dishonest, disreputable and devious derrieres. 

Professor Jay Bhattacharya, ruthlessly dismissed as a fantasist and conspiracy theorist, is about to be confirmed as director of the National Institutes of Health, the most senior health official in the US.  Bhattacharya, and Professor Sunetra Gupta of Oxford University, were instrumental in creating the Great Barrington Declaration and courageously argued that lockdown was unnecessary and downright evil, and that the sensible response was to protect the vulnerable and leave the rest of us carried on as normal, to built-up herd immunity. 

Google and Facebook, acting on orders from the Biden regime, censored them into near oblivion. The truth is emerging in the US but continues to be buried here – despite the indisputable fact that Great Barrington was correct. The British Establishment continues to lie and hide the truth, despite the adverse effect their policies had on children’s development, on mental health, hospitals waiting lists and the £450 billion printed to pay for insane policies.

Let us be clear;  the British Covid Inquiry is a hideously expensive fraud, likely to cost over £200 million, much of it on lawyers. The actors in this fraud, ‘Lady’ Hallett and Hugo Keith KC are obviously intent on buttressing lies and protecting the politicians and civil servants who were responsible for one of the worst atrocities ever carried out on the British people. 

Any sign of talk counter to the narrative is quicky shut down. For example, there is much evidence that mask wearing was almost pointless, but when epidemiologist Peter Horby attempted to point this out, Hallett shut him down, saying “If there’s a possible benefit what’s the downside?” Hallett has also declared that her Inquiry will not look into the safety or otherwise of mRNA jabs – a question of life and death for many. The Uriah Heapish Hugo Keith KC declared that Covid vaccines were “entirely effective” and the vaccine rollout an “undoubted success”.  The death toll continues to rise.

We need a reckoning, not a sickening version of applauding the cowardly and useless NHS, in a Day of Reflection, but the punishing of the guilty men and women who perpetrated this obscenity on us.  

So, who are they, the guilty men and women? Well, in no particular order I would include Nicola Sturgeon, who used the artificial crisis for her own political ends, Boris Johnson, Gove, Sunak and Matt Hancock who also played politics and ignored democratic procedures to impose almost totalitarian rule on the British people, Starmer & Gang who wanted more, the members of the neo-Marxist quango Sage, like Jeremy Farrar, subsequently made chief scientist at the World Health Organisation, Prof. Neil Ferguson, the serial failure at computer modelling, who predicted over 500,000 deaths, Jonathan Van-Tam, head of the Vaccine Task Force, since lucratively employed by vaccine manufacturer Moderna, Chris Whitty, Patrick Vallance and all the State apparatchiks of the Counter Disinformation Unit, the Rapid Response Unit, the 77th Brigade, SPI-B and the Nudge Unit who acted with breathtaking mendacity and grossly unethical malpractice to brainwash the public into subservience. 

In fact, all the organs of the Establishment and British State are guilty, from BBC, Ofcom and the general MSM.

Never forgive and never forget. 


Conspiracy theory or conspiracy fact? Let us know what you think in the comments below.