Biden Goes Was Joe Biden the Worst President in US History?

By Tom Armstrong on

Following the announcement that Joe Biden has pulled out of the race for the next term at the White House, Donald Trump called him "the worst president in the history of the United States by far " and went on to say that "There has never been a president who has done such damage to our country. From energy independence to letting in millions and millions of illegal immigrants."

ai gramps
No grandpa, you are confused, you are not the president of the US.

Certainly, Biden has a fair claim to the title of Worst President, among many contenders including, in my view, some of the most revered: Abraham Lincoln, Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

Biden has presided over a disastrous decline in America's prestige around the world. The arrogant and profligate use of economic sanctions is driving many countries out of the dollar-based trading system that is the source of much of its influence. Its intervention in so many foreign countries has created many enemies. This is not exclusive to the Biden era of course, but on top of that there is the insistence that other countries must conform to the American Establishment’s insane woke globalist dogma.

The Biden administration’s foreign policy has been largely disastrous. Running from Afghanistan with its tail between its legs and leaving behind millions of dollars’ worth of arms and a Taliban government astonished the world, dismayed those of us who consider ourselves America’s friends and greatly encouraged those who do not.

The US’s treatment of China as a pariah to be ruined economically has backfired, and the deliberate provocation of Russia into attacking Ukraine has resulted in the world being just a step, or a mistake, away from a catastrophic world war as well as the near destruction of Ukraine and the death of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians, who now live in a dictatorship. You might not agree, and it is simplistic I grant, but there is enough truth in it to roundly condemn Biden and his administration.

And then there is the US’s destruction of the Nordstream pipeline, now swept under the carpet by the MSM, but not forgotten by the world at large. Many have asked, how can the US treat its allies that way. Who can trust them?

And the total failure to even try diplomacy and negotiated settlements with Russia, China and Iran have unsettled many around the world, who now see the US as a major threat to world peace.

Domestically, Biden has presided over the near collapse of its southern border, where states like Texas are in open conflict with federal agencies over the invasion by millions of unvetted illegal migrants, many from countries openly hostile to the US. The poor have got poorer, and inflation has made that worse. Large numbers of Americans fear civil war.

And then there is the stench of corruption about Biden and his immediate family. A full analysis would take far too long, but many think that Biden has been not only the worst president in US history, but also the most corrupt.

So, while Biden has pulled out of the 2024 election race, he stands in fair position for the title of worst president. But it is also reasonable to ask whether he really was the president, in fact rather than just name. There are still questions about whether he really did win the last election of course. Certainly, there was a high level of electoral fraud, that much is beyond dispute in my view. Whether it was enough to sway the election remains uncertain. Perhaps we will never know the truth.

But leaving that aside, was he ever really in charge? Of course, all presidents have limits on their power. They need to form alliances, have donors to keep happy and require advice on a vast range of subjects. But there always seemed to be something more with Biden. Obviously, the man has deteriorated mentally and physically while in office, but even when first elected he was not all there, and he never was especially bright. Cunning and grasping maybe, but never very bright. By the time he was elected all the frailties on display during the recent debate with Trump that has led to his fall were already visible. How many times during Biden’s term in office did he say one thing only for his staff to correct it later, leaving many to ask who, really, is in charge at the White House?

A recent episode was Biden’s chief of staff Ron Klain delivering a behind-the-scenes message to Democratic allies, hours after a disastrous news conference, when Biden had failed to mention a major, possibly election-winning policy, another Build Back Better bill that, this time, would fund care for children and the elderly. Klain insisted it would go ahead, his comments widely regarded as another indication of a group of powerful individuals setting the agenda … even if the president doesn’t know about it.

That group includes Anita Dunn, Biden's senior advisor and her husband Bob Bauer, Biden's personal attorney, as well as Ron Klain. A senior administration official has related how Biden "doesn't take advice from anyone other than those few top aides, and it becomes a perfect storm because he just gets more and more isolated from their efforts to control it." The same source added that the group feeds him information and advice that they want him to hear and blocks out anything they oppose. They also block access to anyone not in tune with their way of thinking.

A senior administration official has accused Biden of being unpleasant to be around when he's being briefed, so his immediate group will ‘curate’ information for briefings in a way that will ‘not set him off’.

The result of this is not only a president who is out of touch with reality, but also an administration locked into an unchallengeable mind-set that is incapable of self-correction or change when things don’t go as planned. The war in Ukraine being a prime example.