There IS a Climate Crisis – Post Scriptum Iain shares his sources

By Iain Hunter on


In writing the three parts to ‘There IS a Climate Crisis’ there is a great deal that I had to leave out to produce a potted history which would be vaguely coherent in as few words as possible. A large amount of cherry-picking was therefore inevitable. I mentioned in Part 1 how I came to be sceptical initially, then suspicious, before embarking on some detailed reading and research which led me to the conclusion that, on this issue, the peoples of the Western democracies, if not the entire world, were ‘being played’ on a grand scale. This climate business is a fraud and a scam. Not a hoax exactly because that, to my mind, could imply a certain amount of inherent humour. There is nothing funny about the outcomes of the climate fraud which are staring us in the face if we are not able to end it.

But please don’t take my word for it. Do your own reading and research, if you have a mind to. To help you on your way below is a list of the climate ‘realist’ scientists, the books, websites, video podcasts and articles which I have read, watched or listened to while cutting my way through all the corrupted science, propaganda and bovine ordure over the last decade or so to reach the truth.

The recent fake pandemic and the launch of the Great Reset made it clear that the climate fraud is a part of an overall strategy conceived by a tiny minority of people with vast wealth and a will to control the entire World. We are kept on edge by climate scares, ‘pandemics’, rising energy costs, wars, debt crises, currency weakness, food crises, you name it. So, to start the list, here is perhaps the most important book of all:

Controlling the Game

Rockefeller – Controlling the Game by Dr Jacob Nordangård.

The first edition sold out, but it is available on Kindle.

Here’s a list of notable climate realist or climate sceptical scientists and analyst/commentators.

I haven’t provided links, but you’ll have no trouble finding them.

Dr Tim Ball

Prof Roy Spencer

Dr (Lord) Matt Ridley

Prof. Bob Carter (deceased)

Dr Patrick Moore (Greenpeace founder)

Dr Willie Soon

Prof. Richard Lindzen

Prof. Judith Curry

Prof. Will Happer

Dr Patrick Moore

Dr Peter Ridd

Dr John Constable

Dr John Clauser (Nobel Laureate)

Prof. Vincent Courtillot

Prof. Laurence Gould

Prof. Ole Humlum

Prof. Gautam Kalghatgi

Prof. Terence Kealey

Prof. Ross McKitrick

Prof. Robert Mendelsohn

Prof. Garth Paltridge

Prof. Ian Plimer

Prof. Gwythian Prins

Prof. Paul Reiter

Prof. Nir Shaviv

Prof. Henrik Svensmark

Prof. Anastasios Tsonis

Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt

Prof. Bjorn Lomberg

Dr David Whitehouse

Sir Alan Rudge

Lord Christopher Monkton

M. Christian Gerondeau

William Kininmonth

Books(all available on Kindle)

The Real Global Warming Disaster – Christopher Booker

Global Warming A Case Study in Groupthink – Christopher Booker

Watermelons – James Delingpole (new edition expected soon)

The Truth About Energy, Global Warming and Climate Change – Dr Jerome R Corsi

Climate: All is Well, All Will Be Well – Jeremy Neiboer

Fake Invisible Catastrophes and Threats of Doom – Dr Patrick Moore

Climate Change: The Facts 2017 – essays by realists/sceptics edited by Jennifer Marohasy

Climate of The Past, Present and Future, A Scientific Debate – Javier Vinos (quite a dense scientific textbook)

Inconvenient Facts, The Science Al Gore Doesn’t Want You to Know – Gregory Wrightstone (Also available as an iPad App)

Unsettled: What Climate Science Tells Us, What It Doesn’t, and Why It Matters – Steven E Koonin

There are scores of pamphlets available such as the ‘Sceptic’s Handbook’ and ‘Is Global Warming True?’


There are many websites which I have consulted; these, I think, are probably the best.

Climate Change Dispatch

Clintel Org








Solar GSM

Climate Science Journal

The recent film ‘Climate: The Movie The Cold Truth’ directed by Martin Durkin and produced by Tom Nelson is, of course, essential viewing. Many of the scientists mentioned above feature in it.

Tom Nelson has been investigating climate change for many years. Having initially been a believer in anthropogenic climate change (AGW), the more he learned the more sceptical he became. Two or three years ago he started a podcast series in which he interviews the leading critics of the AGW hypothesis. So far, he has published more than 200 podcasts on YouTube which are a mix of discussion, lecture and scientific presentation. Many of the scientists on the list above appear in them as does Dr Jacob Nordangård talking about the Rockefeller interests. They represent several hundred hours of viewing, and they are an absolute gold mine of climate information, a real research resource. Mindful that he may at any moment be removed from YouTube, Nelson is building the resources on his Substack.

I include the following books by Patrick M Wood and his website because it is essential to have an understanding that Technocracy is what the climate fraud is all about. Technocracy is World Government by another name, UN Agenda 21/2030 the blueprint for how it will be achieved – if we let them.

Technocracy Rising

Technocracy: The Hard Road to World Order

The website is where you find out, for example, that the Rockefeller foundations have financed between them nearly 1,000 climate change institutions, foundations and activist groups.