Just over a year ago I wrote On Solar Radiation which was based on Tom Nelson’s podcast with Professor Valentina Zharkova and her team’s work at Northumbria University, which has also been published and amended in freespeechbacklash.com. Professor Zharkova’s work is available to read on her website Solar GSM. She has recently done a repeat podcast with Tom Nelson in which she provides the proof that, exactly as she predicted, the Modern Grand Solar Minimum (MGSM) is under way.
We are currently in Solar Cycle 25 which is expected to end as the Sun moves into Solar Cycle 26 in 2031. The average duration of a Solar Cycle is 11 years so Professor Zharkova predicts Cycle 26 will last until 2042. However, Solar Cycles vary in duration from 9 years to nearly 14 years, so Cycle 26 could start as early as 2029. Alternatively, Cycle 25 could continue until 2033 which might mean a succeeding equally long cycle lasting until 2046.
Whether Solar Cycle 26 is long or short is neither here nor there. The main point the Professor makes is that it is the trough of the MGSM and it is going to be cold during those 11 years or so - a mini ice age, in fact. Many of the rivers of Europe will freeze in winter, including the Thames, and the Dutch can get their skates on again. But don’t take my word for it, listen to what Professor Zharkova herself has to say. Her English is generally good although her pronunciation can be difficult at times but, as the old cliché goes, it’s a damn sight better than my Ukrainian. She gives a university level presentation in this podcast involving a lot of solar science and mathematics; if you can’t follow it all, as I couldn’t, if it gets too heavy, just go straight to 59 minutes where she commences her summary of what is coming our way.
In short, Professor Zharkova says that we are experiencing a long-term global warming but that it has little to do with CO2. It’s the Sun, stupid - and the Milankovitch and Halstatt Cycles. The upcoming mini-ice age will be a brief downturn in an overall warming trend that will last until about the year 2600 due to the Halsatt or Bray cycle which is reducing the Earth to Sun distance. Then it’s going to start getting colder again as the cycle starts to increase the Earth/Sun distance and the Milanovitch Cycles begin to have the greater influence.
The UN IPCC, of course, ignores her work because it doesn’t fit in with the political narrative (quelle surprise), the aim of which is to create a One World authoritarian government, based on the United Nations and the World Economic Forum, with total surveillance and using climate change as the excuse. In matters such as this, the UK’s Climate Change Committee and therefore the UK government, especially the current Marxist regime, laps up whatever the UN IPCC says. No account is taken, therefore, of Professor Zharkova’s warnings in the current UK regime’s policy. It should be.
What are the ramifications of a 9-to-13-year mini ice age? First up are concerns about our energy supplies. However, just as important, if not more so, is the food supply. This has to be seen against the current backdrop of an increasing UK population due to uncontrolled migration and a regime which is determined to take land out of food production to cover it in solar farms, which will be useless in the MGSM winters, wind ‘farms’, which will be equally useless in anti-cyclonic conditions, or to have farmers diversify away from food production, or simply to ‘re-wild’ it.
To add to this, the mini-ice-age will significantly shorten the growing season so crops will be planted late and winter wheat will be gone. The same will be true in the great wheat growing regions of North America and Europe. Harsh conditions will lead to the loss of large numbers of livestock breeds which are mal adapted to the conditions. I’m old enough to remember the hard winter of 1962-63 during which food supplies had to be air-dropped to remote settlements. While it was fun, I was too young to understand fully the hardships it brought about. There are going to be food shortages and these will be on top of the shortages already being engineered by the bad actors who stalk the corridors in the UN, the WEF and the boardrooms of the major international corporations.
Now one can see the sheer stupidity of the Miliband energy policy in sharp relief. Wind and solar will not replace the output of the lost gas and coal and the nuclear sector is far too small. The transport about the country of petrol, diesel and LPG supplies to anywhere remote to a pipeline from the refineries or ports is going to be a problem in the coming deep winters. Power cuts are inevitable. Nor will we be able to rely on energy imports as we do at the moment. The countries from which we currently buy it at exorbitant prices will, in all likelihood, have energy supply problems of their own. If the weather is cold enough for long enough, water mains may freeze.
But there’s another way of looking at this. Given that Solargsm.com is there for all who are interested to see, the UN and the current UK regime DO know what is coming but they are not planning to do anything about it in advance. We know that very many of the denizens of the UN and the WEF have a Malthusian bent and that they have already used the faked public health crisis of 2020-2023 to cull numbers of the weak and elderly. It is not beyond the bounds of probability that they are planning to let the worst happen in order to see off many of us again. Nothing else will kill for them quite like wars, cold and hunger. It leaves them with plausible deniability.
So, is Miliband stupid, is he criminally negligent or is it just sheer malevolence? You choose.
What can we do about it on an individual basis? We can start by making sure our homes are as well insulated as possible. We mustn’t rely on electricity as our sole source of energy for heating and cooking. Those who haven’t got smart meters installed must continue to refuse them - they are instruments of control; those who have got them could research having them removed and a traditional meter re-installed. I believe it can be done although it won’t be cheap. We can look into acquiring a domestic diesel generator to power our homes when the grid fails us. Get log burners in. If there’s no electricity, your boiler won’t work either. On boilers, get a new one installed if you haven’t already done so and don’t even THINK about a heat pump system. Those who have solid fuel AGAs or Raeburns will be well placed. Buy suitable cold weather clothing and footwear long before there’s a run on it.
On the food side, we are poorly placed in the 21st century. Few people know how to grow their own food and even fewer have garden plots big enough to have an adequately sized kitchen garden. With a shorter growing season we should be pessimistic about yields. We have lost the art of pickling suitable produce and besides, modern houses don’t have traditional pantries or cellars in which food was once stored. Many older houses, which did have them have had these spaces repurposed. They would have to be put back to their original use. Those who have the spaces can fill them with tins and jars for emergency use.
If you live in the country and you don’t shoot, think about learning. Get a shotgun certificate and a gun. Maybe even take it a stage further and get a firearms certificate and a stalking rifle to take deer although I know that will be very difficult given current legislation. Get over squeamishness and learn how to kill, clean and skin game. We may have to consider some freshwater fishes that we don’t currently eat as a source of protein. Carp, pike, perch, grayling and barbel, for example. Above all, people will have to come together, co-operate and be prepared to help others who can’t help themselves. We might even have to be prepared to take others into our homes in extreme circumstances. If anyone else has ideas, feel free to add them in the comments.
We’ve got six years.