“A ‘high-level pandemic exercise,’ called Event 201, was organized on October 18, 2019. It simulated a coronavirus pandemic and was organized by the Gates Foundation, World Economic Forum and Johns Hopkins University. Just some months later the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a world-wide pandemic due to an emergence of a so-called ‘novel coronavirus.’ This has resulted in a tremendous increase of fear of ‘aggressive external pathogens,’ authoritarian lockdowns of many societies and high-speed development of new generation ‘vaccines’ by the Big Pharma companies. Has this been a natural chain of unfortunate events or are there facts and data, which have been hidden from the sight of many?”—Marcus Schultze, May 27, 2021
In 2018, Ted Turner, member of the Committee of 300, confirmed that the entire world is now in the Elite’s ‘crosshairs.’ “The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth-rate of humans due to sterilization and abortion; but must be met in the present by reduction of numbers presently existing on the planet. The reduction must be done by whatever means necessary.”
In reality there is no human ‘overpopulation’ problem since the Earth has a carrying capacity of at least 100 billion, and possibly even 1 trillion. The real cause of all the problems erroneously assigned to ‘overpopulation’ is deliberate mismanagement of resources and total abuse of the planet and its delicate ecosystems by the satanic Elite’s multi-national corporations, and not by the general population.
The ‘scientists’ leading the clamour for total lockdowns, predicted in March 2020 that tens of millions worldwide would die as a result of the deadly pathogen, known as Covid-19, the ‘novel’ coronavirus. They based those estimates wholly on computer modelling. But at the same time that they were basing those estimates on said computer modelling, they were simultaneously acknowledging that computer modelling is inaccurate and errs on the side of sheer ‘hype.’
And this hype is well demonstrated by the massive failure of RAND Corporation to accurately forecast a true cost-benefit analysis for the United States healthcare systems in changing over from paper to electronic medical records (EMR). In 2005 RAND conducted a number of computer simulations that gave them the confidence to unabashedly declare that the US could save “more than $81 billion annually and improve quality of care” and that it should therefore act immediately to “promote health information technology.” The RAND report spurred an investment spending frenzy into EMR systems with President Obama, soon after being sworn into office in 2009, allocating $30 billion in government funding for implementation of these same systems.
However, by the start of Obama’s second term in 2013, RAND issued a new report that admitted, “Although the use of health IT has increased, quality and efficiency of patient care are only marginally better. Research on the effectiveness of health IT has yielded mixed results. Worse yet, annual aggregate expenditures on health care in the United States have grown from approximately $2 trillion in 2005 to roughly $2.8 trillion today.”
Instead of saving the US healthcare system several billions annually the switch to EMR increased healthcare costs while also creating other problems related to interoperability issues between differing EMR systems and the addition of computer screens in doctor offices compounding doctors’ workload and serving as a new barrier between doctor and patient resulting in severely diminished quality of care, especially as doctors increasingly rely on inherently flawed computer software prompts in diagnosing and treating patients.
How did such an epic fail as demonstrated in the RAND computer simulations happen? It might have had something to do with the little fact that Cerner Corporation was one of the five major sponsors of the simulations to begin with. Cerner is a medical software company. While the switch to digital healthcare records ultimately cost the healthcare system money without providing much in the way of benefit, Cerner’s own revenues tripled from $1 billion to $3 billion between 2005 and 2013. Other sponsors of the RAND study, like General Electric and Hewlett Packard, also reaped impressive financial rewards thanks to the large-scale implementation of EMR after the release of the widely publicized report.
When financially motivated corporate and political interests fund computer simulations, they have an expectation for a particular outcome of those simulations—one that will benefit them, the sponsors.
As tech researcher and author Nicholas Carr wrote about the RAND report in particular and computer simulations in general in his book, The Glass Cage, “…the projections of ‘computer simulation models’ should always be viewed with skepticism. Simulations are also simplifications: They replicate the real world only imperfectly, and their outputs often reflect the biases of their creators. More important, the report and its aftermath reveal how deeply the substitution myth is entrenched in the way society perceives and evaluates automation.”
As a parallel today we saw forecasts based on computer modelling conducted by Imperial College, London, overshooting deaths from Covid-19 by a staggering 525% in the US alone. These studies were funded in large part by the Bill & Melinda Gates foundation, an organisation also heavily invested in Covid-19 vaccines. And it was clear from the outset that the perpetrators of the Great Coronavirus Masquerade of 2020-2022, already knew well in advance that computer modelling is highly unreliable, and yet used the modelling-based predictions as excuse to lockdown nearly the entire world and impose martial-law type restrictions on its people…
“I’ve never seen a model of the diseases I’ve dealt with where the worst-case actually came out,” said Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a member of the Coronavirus ‘task force,’ during a CNN interview in March 2020. “They always overshoot.”
Once again, for those of us unfamiliar with globalist-speak, Fauci’s message was that “computer models are flawed and inaccurate and always overestimate the problem.”
But from these faulty, deliberately overinflated computer figures came all the constitutionally questionable actions by governments the world over anyway—from ordering the closing of businesses to illegally quarantining and house-arresting citizens, to pitiful and economically painful income redistribution schemes via so-called ‘stimulus fund’ legislation. In other words, the commencement of our ‘old friend’ the Great Reset.™
And this virus was different, we were told. This virus was far more contagious than anything ever before seen or studied, we were told. And when the faked case counts fell—as they did from time to time—and the ridiculous computer modelled numbers were proven to be blatantly wrong, well, this was due to the social distancing, lockdowns and facemask wearing that were imposed upon us all, we were told. Are we not fortunate indeed to have such benevolent governments and medical institutions looking out for our best interests?
None of it made sense at the beginning of this utter farce, it and still doesn’t. And it certainly does not justify the total shredding of our civil rights and the draconian restrictions of our freedoms. But of course, these measures served another more sinister purpose and that was to emotionally blackmail us into taking their fake vaccines in order to prepare our bodies for the next phase of their devilish agenda.
However, some of the more enlightened in the medical community are now starting to point out the glaring omissions of logic and fact that have plagued this overhyped, overreaching coronavirus crackdown that has dragged on far, far too long. And maybe this will begin to have an effect on the unseeing majority who are still sleeping and believing everything the globalist demons are telling us through their exclusively owned and tightly controlled media? We shall see.
It is beyond belief that some in the medical industry do not simply put two and two together and question why, when writing up their death reports, they are being pressured to include Covid-19, despite the existence of several other possible comorbidities. Why would that be? Can they not use some of their alleged higher intelligence than we mere mortals and conclude that it is to, perhaps, increase the numbers, and make the situation look much, much worse than it actually is?
An outraged senior nurse at the University Medical Center in Ljubljana, Slovenia resigned and turned whistle-blower. She said unequivocally that the COVID vaccines were split into three groups with roughly 33% (aligning nicely with a favourite Freemason number) of the total in each.
The first group was a placebo, intended for the puppet politicians, corporate leaders, other co-conspirators, and for those whom the power-Elite deem to be ‘not yet disposable.’
The second group was intended for genocide or ‘population control’ of the severely aged, of the elderly and of those whom the power-Elite deem to be ‘undesirable’ or ‘disposable.’
The third group was intended for modification or control of the recipient (or whatever other real purpose may be behind the Covid-19 vaccine administration, such as the future possibility of merging humans with technology referred-to as, ‘transhumanism’).
Whether this is 100% true of course, is really up for question, but to your authors, this does not seem to be totally out of the question and would certainly go some way to meeting what we would believe to be the ongoing agenda.
The parliamentary under-secretary of state for Vaccines and Public Health, Nadhim Zahawi MP, gave the following answer to the UK Parliament in London in 2021…
“I am grateful for the honourable member's question on the vaccine trial participants. They will have their vaccine pass in the UK, and of course we are working with other countries to ensure that that is recognised. But, as far as the UK is concerned, they will be considered as fully vaccinated whether they have had the placebo or the vaccine.”
This absolutely confirms without fear of contradiction, the notion that some people are being given placebos, no doubt so that the government can monitor EXACTLY how deadly the vaccines are, but without necessarily causing mass genocide! (As that might be a little too obvious, and thus too easily expose their depopulation agenda.) And this also may vindicate the Slovenian nurse’s statement (above).
As we know, in 2020, most of the world succumbed to wholly engendered, emotional virus-hysteria on an enormous, unprecedented scale. Rational analysis and critical questions were avoided—and conventional medicine, and of course, the wholly corrupted, compliant media has sold its insidious pandemic narrative to the masses, all at the behest of the WEF, the WHO, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and various other subservient globalist organisations. There is very little real science involved, but instead we witness an utterly indecent haste to explain everything that is happening in a way that does not question the viral paradigm, does not question the meaningfulness of test results, and that heavily promotes the use of inappropriate and untested antiviral drugs and mRNA gene therapy—aka vaccines.
It is evident that one of the biggest impacts to many societies has been the dramatic increase of fear—fear of contagion, fear of ‘harmful’ pathogens, which manifest in a fear of contacting and being close to other people, fear of touching surfaces, even fear of nature and wild animals—and of course, fear of death.
The extreme germaphobia now infecting much of the world is an irrational fear based on ignorance and vile propaganda of the most pervasive kind. The anxiety and stress caused by said germaphobia lowers resistance to ‘disease’ and renders people more susceptible to illness, both physical and mental, including the very infections, which they have been induced to fear so irrationally.
In fact, our physical bodies are filled with trillions of microbes—in every human organism there are trillions of bacteria. It has been the natural state of our physical organisms for millions of years and those pathogens are working for us, not against us, if we follow the fundamental ‘laws of life’ and respect nature and our environment.
Even if we mostly fail to follow the laws of life, the etheric envelope is still there to help and serve us. We are not meant to suffer more than necessary according to said laws of life, as through diseases we are also taught lessons in how to take care of our bodies in a proper manner and treat those gifts for that specific incarnation with respect.
In the vast majority of people, fear has a consequence that severely damages heath and undermines wellbeing, as the resultant dramatic increase in stress puts our bodies into a high alert, fight-or-flight response, thereby depleting our adrenals, depleting our vital nutrients, and increasing anxiety, discontent and frustration. This is an accepted view—even among conventional doctors, yet they still follow the pattern of promoting fearful behaviour and a vague hope in a ‘magic-bullet’ vaccine instead of addressing stress and fear and giving preference to natural cures over synthetic ones.
According to Dr. Tom Cowan, research has shown that toxic exposures, including exposure to fear and stress, increases exosome (genetic material erroneously referred to as virus particles) and also antibody (mutant cell) production. This should come as no surprise to any honest observer of sickness and health since many have noted that stressed, worried, fearful people get sick more readily and often, so it makes sense that one would find increased detoxification processes occurring in their tissues—and the presence of these pieces of RNA, DNA and antibodies does not prove and has never proved disease causation.
Moreover, fear weakens people and makes them emotionally more susceptible to mass influences, insinuations, and explicit propaganda—increasing their overall vulnerability to mind control. Societies are not being strangled by the virus so much as by the spider web of fear, which is all around us (in particular emanating from the Internet or World Wide WEB) and is constricting us and draining the life blood of people and society.
Decades ago, William Sargant, a psychiatrist with the British, globalist-run Tavistock Institute, exposed the threat of mind control through use of fear…
“Various types of belief can be implanted in people after brain function has been deliberately disturbed by accidentally or deliberately induced fear, anger or excitement. Of the results caused by such disturbances the most common one is temporarily impaired judgment and heightened suggestibility. Its various group manifestations are sometimes classed under the heading of ‘herd instinct,’ and appear most spectacularly in wartime, during severe epidemics, and all similar periods of common danger, which increase anxiety and so individual and mass suggestibility… We would be advised not to underestimate the effect on the collective psyche in terms of fear and a desire for the authorities to ‘protect people’ from that fear.”
Of course, fear lays the basis for and facilitates the adoption of draconian measures in societies, which aim at diminishing our freedoms (freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom from harassment by the government etc.) still further and hampers the desire for consciousness development. It remains to be seen as to what will occur in the immediate aftermath of the present plandemic, but it does not take a genius to work out that there is likely to be…
• More global electronic surveillance.
• Less freedom of speech and less real academic opinion on the Internet.
• More mandatory and direct medical interference in people’s lives and the introduction of ‘digital IDs’ connected with that.
• More powers to government to introduce extraordinary measures in the case of ‘public threat’.
• More urge for globally unified and standardized responses in ‘protecting’ societies and people.
• More search restrictions on the Internet through algorithm manipulations by search-engine providers meaning that it will be more difficult for people to research the truth.
We can all help resist these intended measures by gathering relevant information, filtering it with our common sense and sharing our conclusions and concern with those who are ready to absorb ‘new’ information. This will counteract fear, which is based primarily on ignorance. And we can also be ready for the aftermath and possible scenarios and serve as conduits of hope, positive attitudes, and natural solutions. Also, as we have a broad awareness of what the future holds for humanity, we can act as ‘informers’ for those who are less knowledgeable about the geopolitical situation.
There is no doubt that this ‘Covid-19’ insanity will go down as one of the political world’s biggest, most shamefully overblown, overhyped, overly and irrationally inflated and outright deceptively flawed responses to a health scare, albeit a non-existent one (although admittedly there IS a health crisis, but it has been ongoing for some time and gathering pace thanks to the intensified degradation of our environment via mounting 3G to 5G exposures and chemical and genetic-manipulation assaults on food, water and air quality), in human history. It was carried-out largely on the words of senior medical professionals, and influencers of governments worldwide, acting on the orders of—and no doubt in the substantial pay of—a sick, twisted, demonic globalist cabal whose motives were and still are the eventual, brutal subjugation of the entire population of the world by whatever means at their disposal.
Indeed, almost the entirety of humanity has been subjected over the last few years to a regime of extreme fear-porn, which has had the effect of traumatizing whole populations into simpering compliance with outright tyranny. The entire concept, although truly satanic and evil in nature, has been brilliantly planned and conceived to achieve maximum effect on the psyche of the human race as a whole, hopefully (as far as they are concerned), rendering it hugely compliant to any tyrannical decrees and diktats that the globalists care to inflict upon us in future. Job done.
However, the real facts of the matter are that Covid-19 is utterly and monstrously fake—a scam— it does not exist. All so-called viruses—as we believe we know them—do not exist. Rather these phantom microbes conveniently serve as scapegoats for true causes of disease. We have been deceived for more than a century and a half about the true nature of disease and sickness for no other reason than to profit the large corporations and conglomerates who ALWAYS put money before human health and welfare, despite their exhortations to the contrary. These charlatans who purport to care about humanity and its wellbeing have profited to the tune of multiple trillions of dollars, over the decades and centuries and there is no doubt that all the Covid-19 fakery has also further boosted their coffers massively over the past two years.
But of course, money is only a happy side effect of the real purpose—the eventual subjugation of all of humanity into a robotic, remotely mind-controlled slave race to serve their every need, leaving they and their families to live lives of splendid abundance and undreamed of luxury, totally free from ever having to worry about the prospects of those whom they regard as the ‘peasants,’ seeing through their transparent games and subsequently revolting against—and dispossessing them.
The possibility of an uprising by the masses, after all, is their biggest fear. It always has been. And so down the centuries and millennia they have struggled and strived constantly to find various creative ways to keep we, those aforesaid peasants manageable in numbers, subdued and in-check, and themselves in their precarious positions of power. In the past, both distant and more recent, these methods have included such elements as wars, massacres, genocides, and a whole catalogue of nefarious deceptions in the form of the introduction of so-called ‘democracy’ in order to create the illusion of choice and a misdirection as to who is actually in charge, outright propaganda, false-flag operations and huge, mass psychological manipulations of the human psyche (aka mind control). But unfortunately, they know full well that none of these methods work permanently—nor do they guarantee the infallibility of their precarious position.
So what better way to ensure their security forever, than actually physically ‘modifying’ the vast majority of the human race to their own design—those that they firmly believe to be nothing more than their slaves, to do with as they will—and moulding it into a form whereby they are guaranteed to be safe forever from any possibility of their power being usurped?
This, of course, is the entirety of the overall plan in a nutshell. They realize that it is not possible to achieve this ultimate goal overnight, or even in the short to medium term, but what we are seeing and living through right now are the very beginnings of this plan.
Firstly they needed to manipulate we, the people, into a position whereby they can keep us in check easily and this they have achieved through instigating extreme fear and the restricting of national and international travel—especially for those of us who have refused to comply with their draconian vaccine mandates. And secondly, the next step down this road to utter tyranny will be the imposition of digital IDs in the guise of ‘vaccine passports’ (despite their current, hollow exhortations to the contrary) and which has been wholly facilitated by the creation of a fake ‘deadly pandemic,’ of course! This will then be followed by ‘digital tattoos’ and/or bodily implants, which will eventually become brain implants. And if the vaccine passports do not work to bring about this long planned-for digital ID chipping, it will be pushed on us as the only ‘real’ valid form of identification for any type of financial transaction or means of travel, as this is the true end goal—the ‘branding’ of we members of the ‘herd’ as the only means whereby we are permitted to ‘work’ (aka serve our Elite masters) or provide ourselves with the basic means for survival.
However, thirdly, and definitely more sinisterly, these proposed brain implants will ultimately have the ability to manipulate and control, not only our actual physical movements, but also our every thought and idea—and even dictate to us what is ‘reality’ by the so-called ‘augmentation’ of our current reality and through holographic imaging and virtual-reality platforms. This once again, is the absolute full-spectrum dominance that they ultimately crave, and if they were ever to achieve this intended goal then the human race will cease to exist as we know it—forever—and ‘live’ (if it can be called living) instead as avatars, hooked up to a new matrix through our minds, while our part-machine bodies power this matrix as mere batteries. We will be completely ‘transhumanised’ with no possible way of ever returning to the natural beauty of humanity and our natural world as it was intended to be, by our creator.
We are not perfect beings, far from it, we are flawed and capable of performing acts of cruelty and mindless violence at times (although usually only under the influence of some kind of sinister manipulation), but we, your authors, do believe that in general, humanity is a positive and truly beneficial presence in creation—the psychopathic demons perpetrating this evil excepted of course.
However, the huge, burning questions we will leave you with at the end of this huge (and—we do understand—often severely daunting in places) volume of information contained in the preceding pages, are these…
• Will this fraudulent nonsense ever end—or are we doomed to spend the rest of our lives living from day to day, never knowing what the future holds and unable to plan our lives more than a day ahead at a time, always living in fear of further, totally unjustified lockdowns and draconian restrictions on our movements?
• Has this entire ‘exercise in fear’ set the precedent now for endless other trumped-up excuses for the withdrawal of civil rights and basic human freedoms?
• When will the tipping point; the 100th monkey syndrome come to fruition, as it surely must?
• Will the next phase of this madness see ‘climate change’ lockdowns as many in our movement are predicting and as the insane quest to promulgate Agenda 21/2030 proceeds unchecked?
• And last but certainly not least, will these tyrants ever be brought to justice—and what should their fates be once they are exposed for the vile, insane criminals they truly are?
One thing for sure is that this shameful episode in human history is far from over. But do not despair just yet, dear reader. It will only take one of the hundreds of high-profile private criminal prosecutions, currently set in motion all around the world against these demons, to succeed—and the whole sordid house of cards will come crashing down around their heads.
And when a tipping point is eventually reached, either by the above prosecutions bearing fruit or simply organically as more and more people ‘wake up’ to the fact that we are being deceived on a huge, industrial scale as never before, then there will be no hiding places for the Schwabs, the Gates’ and the Faucis of this world and their compliant, bought and paid for sock-puppets in ‘high places.’
We are many and they are few. We ARE the 99% and we WILL triumph over them. The very future of our children and grandchildren, and indeed, the entirety of humanity, depends upon it.
Reproduced with kind permission from the author: John Hamer
From his book: 'Welcome to the Masquerade' co-written with Shannon Rowan.
The book was completed in late 2021.
John Hamer Official Bitchute channel: https://tinyurl.com/mrxbyewj
Collated and presented by Graham Bedford.